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A Series of Eerie - Part Three

The Long and Winding Road

By Olivia J EdensPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

"Don't be afraid," I remember my mother saying to me, "it all melts eventually."

I wish things could be that simple. When I was younger I was afraid of the icicles that would gather outside our front door. I would hesitate to walk outside until my mother explained to me as long as I was careful, I'd always be safe. That became how I handled everything in life, with great caution. I never jumped into anything.

Standing in our driveway with Officer Wynn, and Ethan staring at me with a darkness in his eyes I'd never seen before...I felt like I made a huge mistake. Maybe I assumed the worst and if I was right or wrong, I'd feel in danger either way.

Ethan walked up to me and Officer Wynn stood by me, explaining, "I'm responding to a noise complaint."

He introduced himself to me as if we hadn't met before, which I deeply appriciated.

Ethan was clearly irritated. He explained coldly, "I got a call from work. I need to go in and check out an issue they're having with the cash registers. Take a look around Officer, we've got nothing to hide."

He took the bags and put them in his car and drove off without saying bye to me. We parked our cars slightly to the side so he was able to leave without us hindering him.

"He has to have the evidence in those bags." I said to officer Wynn

"We can get a warrant to look through his workplace if we need to."

I opened the outdoor storage area and Officer Wynn looked around. I didn't know how to feel - part of me wanted him to find something so I didn't feel completely insane. I told him about the woman with the dark hair I thought I saw, but he seemed slightly interested in...but simply nodded which made me feel like he had developed his own doubts.

Then he found it, one single strand of long dark hair. He put it in an evidence bag. He combed through the inside of the house, but the only thing he found odd was the bags in the freezer. He took a sample from one, just to make sure it was from an animal and not a person.

"Do you feel safe here? Maybe you should stay with a friend or relative while we wait to see what the results are."

I felt so connected to Ethan, I couldn't imagine leaving without saying goodbye despite seeing that's exactly what he did just a couple of hours earlier. I felt sick thinking what if that was the last time I saw him? Then I felt disappointed in myself, desiring a possible murderer.

"Is there any way an officer can just drive by later? This is my home, I don't want to leave." I looked out at the snow falling and felt like I'd either be trapped by terrible weather or my feelings that linked me with Ethan for better or worse.

"I strongly advise you to find somewhere else to go, at least for the night. I'll try to drive by later." He sounded frusterated, then he got a call and had to leave.

I moved away from most of my friends and family when Ethan and I bought this house. If I wanted to go to my Mother's house it would take an hour and a half in the darkness and the snow. This was out of my comfort zone but I decided I had to do it. I packed a bag, not knowing how long I'd have to stay there for and texted my mom to let her know I was on the way.

I had to fib and tell her it was because our power was out, not wanting to get into further details until I was there in person.

The way to her house was pretty secluded, with cars few and far between. The snow gently fell, the roads were sometimes winding, with only tall pine trees surrounding me. I tried to take slow, calming breaths. I hated driving at night, especially in snow or rain. I saw Ethan was trying to call me and it made me feel sick with nerves. I was already halfway to my mom's house.

The snow started to come down heavier and heavier until I felt like I was driving into nothingness. I was going to pull over at the next place I saw.

Suddenly I was startled by a man on the road. I turned to avoid hitting him and nearly ran into a tree. Fortunately and surprisingly I was able to pull into a vacant gas station. The man approached my car, now I felt afraid that he was going to try attacking me but as he approached closer and removed his hood, I realized this was someone I already knew.


About the Creator

Olivia J Edens

Published Author, experience in writing fiction, coming of age, product descriptions, copywriting, and proofreading.

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