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A Review of Netflix's 1899"

"Unraveling the Mystery and Sci-Fi Elements of the Slow-Paced Horror-Mystery Show"

By dhanush giriPublished about a year ago 4 min read

"1899: A slow-paced, perplexing sci-fi series that will test your patience" The latest offering from the highly acclaimed creators of the German hit Dark, Jantje Friese and Baran bo Odar, is a horror-mystery set aboard the steamship Cerberus. The series follows the journey of a diverse group of passengers as they cross the Atlantic and encounter strange occurrences on their voyage. Set 13 years before the infamous Titanic disaster, the Cerberus is named after the many-headed dog that guarded Hades, and the eerie similarities to the Titanic don't stop there. The ocean remains eerily still, a distress signal is detected from another lost ship, and the characters can sense death lurking in the air. The ensemble cast, performed in multiple languages, includes Emily Beecham as the mysterious doctor, Maura Franklin, and José Pimentão as the Spanish priest, Ramiro, both with their own mysterious pasts. The captain, Eyk Larsen, played by Andreas Pietschmann, is haunted by visions from his own mysterious past. While each actor brings natural screen presence, the lack of individuality among the ensemble creates a narrow range of emotions, with confusion and anger dominating. In the first six episodes of the eight-episode season, 1899 throws a lot of sci-fi ideas at the wall, including time and space travel, secret portals, and creepy children. However, the pace of the show is more confusing than the sci-fi itself, with episodes ranging from slow to grueling, and often dragging towards the next plot point. The characters provide little insight into the events, and the villains speak in abstract, alluding to their motives rather than explaining them. The constant vagueness of the show becomes tedious and detracts from the power of the tragedies that occur. In conclusion, 1899 is a slow-paced, perplexing sci-fi series that will test your patience. The endless abstract dialogue, lack of character individuality, and slow pacing make it a challenging watch, despite its promising premise.

Despite its many flaws, "1899" is not without its merits. The show's creators have once again crafted an intricate web of intrigue, with a number of twists and turns that will keep audiences engaged. The series also features a number of standout performances, with the lead actors delivering powerful and convincing performances that help to ground the show's more fantastical elements.

At the same time, the show's slow pacing and opaque storytelling can make it difficult to fully engage with the characters and the world they inhabit. This can be especially frustrating given the fact that the show's central mystery is so intriguing and has so much potential.

Despite these missteps, "1899" remains a worthwhile watch for fans of the sci-fi and horror genres. The show's intricate world-building and memorable characters will keep audiences engaged, even as the show's slow pace and obtuse storytelling prove to be an obstacle. Ultimately, this is a show that will reward those who are willing to put in the time and effort to fully engage with its complex and often frustrating universe.

"1899" is a flawed but intriguing show that will appeal to fans of the sci-fi and horror genres. While its slow pace and opaque storytelling can be off-putting, the show's intricate world-building and standout performances help to make it a worthwhile watch. Whether you're a die-hard fan of the creators' previous work or simply looking for something new and different to watch, "1899" is definitely worth a look.

The visuals are stunning, the ship is majestic, and the special effects are expertly crafted, but despite the beauty, there is a heavy feeling of dread that permeates every scene. The eerie score only adds to the sense of foreboding, but it can't make up for the slow-moving plot and the lack of character development. The dialogue is sparse and lacks depth, leaving the actors with little to work with. The performances are decent, but with such little substance to the characters, it's hard to form any kind of connection with them.

In the end, the show's biggest weakness is its lack of momentum. The story plods along, never really picking up speed, and it's difficult to keep engaged when there is so little happening. It's a shame, as there is real potential in the concept and the talented cast, but the show is simply too slow and too vague to make a lasting impact. The final moments of the six available episodes hint at a potential payoff, but it remains to be seen whether that payoff will be worth the wait.

In conclusion, 1899 is a visually stunning and well-acted show, but it fails to live up to its potential due to a slow-moving plot and vague, underdeveloped characters. The show's oppressive tone and obtuse nature will not be to everyone's taste, but fans of slow-burn sci-fi mysteries may find something to enjoy. However, the show's lack of momentum may prove to be too much for most audiences, and the payoff may not be worth the time investment. Despite its potential, 1899 is ultimately a disappointingly dull and convoluted sci-fi experience.

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