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A Bloody Trail

A series of fictional horror

By CATHERINEPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
A Bloody Trail
Photo by Ján Jakub Naništa on Unsplash

Once, in a small town nestled between rolling hills, there stood an old and eerie house on Rickson street. It had been abandoned for years, with its windows boarded up and its once grand facade worn down by time. Many believed that the house was haunted, but for the Thompson family, it was the only affordable option for their new home.

John and Sarah Thompson, along with their three children, Emily, Michael, and Lily, were excited to start fresh in this quaint town. They had moved from the bustling city, hoping to find peace and tranquility in this quiet neighborhood. However, as they stepped into their new abode, a chill ran down their spines. The air was heavy with a mysterious energy that seemed to hang around every corner.

Despite the unnerving ambiance, the Thompsons began settling into their new home. They unpacked boxes, arranged furniture, and tried their best to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Yet, strange things started happening almost immediately. Objects would mysteriously move from one place to another, strange noises echoed through the halls, and the family began to catch glimpses of shadowy figures lurking in the corners of their eyes.

Emily, the youngest of the Thompson children, had always been particularly sensitive to the supernatural. She often spoke of invisible friends and had an uncanny ability to sense things beyond what others could perceive. One night, as the family slept soundly, they were awakened by Emily's haunting cries. Rushing to her room, they found her standing at the foot of her bed, her eyes vacant and unresponsive. Their hearts skipped a beat.

The Thompsons watched in horror as Emily began to walk slowly towards the front door, her body moving as if guided by an unseen force. Terrified and confused, John and Sarah desperately tried to wake their daughter from this sleepwalking-like trance, but their efforts were in vain. Emily's small frame trembled as she reached the threshold of the front door, and suddenly, she collapsed to the floor.

When the family rushed to Emily's side, they discovered a deep gash on her leg, bleeding profusely. Panic set in as they realized something had attacked their daughter. Michael quickly dialed for an ambulance, while Sarah tended to Emily's wound, applying pressure to stem the flow of blood.

As they worked to save Emily, John noticed a strange pattern emerging. Drops of blood formed a trail leading away from their house and down the street. With a mix of concern and determination, the family decided to follow the dark crimson path, hoping it would lead them to answers.

Guided by the eerie trail, the Thompsons ventured through the dimly lit streets, their hearts pounding with both fear and anticipation. The streets were so silent, the silent panting of their breaths could be heard from miles away. The blood trail wound its way through alleyways, past forgotten parks, and eventually led them to an ancient cemetery on the outskirts of town. The headstones stood like sentinels, whispering secrets of the past, as the family stepped cautiously inside.

Deep within the cemetery, beneath a gnarled tree, they discovered a forgotten grave marked with the name "Isabella Morgan." The air grew thick with a chilling presence, and suddenly, a figure materialized before them. It was the spirit of Isabella Morgan, a young girl who had tragically lost her life in that very house many years ago.

Isabella's ghostly form hovered above the ground, her eyes filled with sorrow. She spoke in a whispery voice, explaining how she had been trapped in the house all these years, seeking vengeance for the suffering she had endured. Isabella had become consumed by anger and resentment, unable to find peace until someone acknowledged her pain.

At that moment, Emily's possessed body began to convulse, and Isabella's spirit merged with her. Emily's eyes regained their spark, but they were dead. Eternally.

(75% credit to ...

@EstaBella W for helping and guiding me through this article of fiction! )


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