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7 Surprising Benefits of Watching Horror Movies

How fear can be beneficial.

By Kris HillPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
7 Surprising Benefits of Watching Horror Movies
Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash

Horror fans are a loyal yet sometimes misunderstood bunch. Some people struggle with wondering why anyone would be a fan of such dark and sometimes gory entertainment. In fact, it’s no secret that most film critics snub horror movies and the genre often works overtime to gain any kind of mainstream acclaim. This prejudgment can bleed over from the genre to its fans.

However, there are many reasons to become a fan of the genre and some of these reasons come with important, scientifically documented benefits.

Below are 7 surprising reasons you may want to add more horror movies to your entertainment schedule.

1. The horror genre can help you prepare for a real-life catastrophe. In fact, in 2011 the CDC used a zombie apocalypse scenario to help educate people about how to prepare for disasters in real life. The CDC’s zombie apocalypse blog instructs people about the supplies they need to gather, emergency contacts, and evacuation routes. That same year they also released a digital graphic novel of a zombie outbreak scenario that has the CDC urging the characters to isolate from the sick while the virus is being researched and used to help make a new vaccine.

2. Horror fans fared better during the COVID-19 pandemic. A 2020 research study concluded that horror fans managed better during the emotionally traumatic coronavirus pandemic than their non-horror-loving counterparts. They were less stressed, anticipated needs better and showed more resilience. Horror fans of the genres with “prepper” themes (apocalypse fiction, alien invasions, and zombie apocalypse) not only showed more resilience but were also more likely to be better prepared for the struggles of the pandemic.

3. The horror genre can teach us morals and common sense. How many of us realized, after going through the COVID-19 pandemic, that there are some people we are leaving off our zombie apocalypse team? Maybe it was their selfishness, lack of common sense or overblown ego that made their companionship too risky. Horror movies often have these types of foolish characters in them. When watching a horror movie we often scream at the TV when we’re presented with a stupid character that does something to get everyone hurt. We now know, without a doubt, that there are a lot of people like that in our world. Horror movies let us practice identifying these character traits so that we can avoid those people when the going gets tough for real.

4. Horror movies can help mitigate anxiety and relieve stress. Psychologists have noted that scary movies can help us face specific fears and phobias as well as trauma. When we watch a scary movie our bodies and brains react as if the threat is real, causing our sympathetic nervous system to kick into overdrive. Our heart rate increases, our pupils dilate and blood rushes to our muscles to prepare us to either fight or flee the danger. Not only do we internalize the scenes that cause us stress, but we also do the same with the scenes where the heroes win and defeat the monster or masked murderer. By the end of the movie our tension is resolved, and we feel like we have conquered and survived a harrowing situation. We get to emerge the victor.

5. Horror movies can significantly boost your immune system. Researchers from Coventry University took blood samples from volunteers before, during and after watching scary movies and the results are in. Although the effects may be temporary, we benefit from the surge of adrenaline not only as a thrill but from the rush of white blood cells that accompany that adrenaline. An increase in white blood cells may help reduce our chance of getting sick. It can also give us a quick energy boost, which will help get through those jump scares!

6. Horror movies help us explore our dark side. How many of us wished we could be Nancy from The Craft, getting revenge on a cheating boyfriend? Or perhaps you’ve imagined yourself as Negan from The Walking Dead, gleefully swinging a baseball bat during a zombie apocalypse at anyone who stands in the way of your survival? Exploring our dark side and releasing frustrations through these types of characters isn’t just acceptable, it’s healthy. Connecting with and understanding these types of darker characters can help us accept and mitigate our own darker impulses we may have in real life. After all, we are only human and we are all susceptible to and responsible for our reactions to our more difficult impulses such as fear, anger and hate. Living vicariously through these darker characters can help us tamper down and release some of our uglier emotions.

7. Horror movies burn calories. So go ahead and reach for that chocolate bar. An average-length horror movie burns as many calories as a 30-minute walk. You’ll be anywhere from 100 to 200 calories lighter after you’re done jumping and cringing your way through the latest slasher film or monster movie. Movies with scarier plots and higher tension tend to burn more calories than milder ones.

It’s clear that the benefits of watching horror movies far outweigh the jeers from the genre’s detractors. And while maybe it’s a bit too farfetched to proclaim that you’ll be noticeably skinnier, healthier, less stressed and more prepared for disasters if you watch horror movies; the results still point to valuable benefits that have been well documented in scientific studies. The further good news is that the horror genre accommodates a wide range of tastes. From creature features, alien abductions, folk horror, psychological horror, fast paced thrillers, slow burners, no gore and splatter fests. There really is something for everyone.

Perhaps we’ve all been too hard on the horror community. They were on to something all along with their love of all things that go bump in the night. But the best part of all this good news is that it looks like they’ve saved us a seat in front of the screen.

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About the Creator

Kris Hill

Here on Vocal you can find me sharing articles about everything I love which includes pets, horror, health, poetry and other odds and ends.

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