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5 most terrifying urban legends from Africa

Terrifying African Urban Legends

By PPPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Urban legends are an integral part of African culture, with many stories passed down through generations. These tales often reflect the fears and anxieties of the people, and can be both fascinating and terrifying. They often serve as a reminder of the unseen forces that are said to govern the world around us, and the power of the unknown. In Africa, these legends are deeply ingrained in the cultural consciousness and are passed down from generation to generation. In this article, we will explore the top 5 most terrifying urban legends from Africa, delving into their origins, meanings, and the impact they have had on the people who tell them.

1. "The Ngangas" - These are evil spirits from Angola, said to be the ghosts of people who have died a violent or unjust death. The Ngangas are believed to have the power to possess the living, and are said to be particularly active during the night. They are said to be vengeful spirits that seek to punish those who were responsible for their death. The Ngangas are often associated with witchcraft and are said to be invoked by those who wish to harm or curse their enemies. They are also said to be able to take on different forms, such as animals or even objects, making them difficult to detect.

2. "The Zimwi" - This is a demon from Tanzania, said to be a powerful and malevolent spirit that can cause all sorts of trouble for those who cross its path. According to legend, the Zimwi is said to be particularly active during the night, and is said to be able to take on many different forms, including that of a lion or a snake. It is said to be a powerful and malevolent force that can cause illness, death, and destruction. The Zimwi is often associated with witchcraft, and is said to be invoked by those who wish to harm or curse their enemies.

3. "The Kindoki" - This is a demon from Congo, said to be a powerful and malevolent spirit that can cause all sorts of trouble for those who cross its path. According to legend, the Kindoki is said to be particularly active during the night, and is said to be able to take on many different forms, including that of a lion or a snake. It is said to be a powerful and malevolent force that can cause illness, death, and destruction. The Kindoki is often associated with witchcraft, and is said to be invoked by those who wish to harm or curse their enemies.

4. "The Kigango" - This is a demon from Kenya, said to be a powerful and malevolent spirit that can cause all sorts of trouble for those who cross its path. According to legend, the Kigango is said to be particularly active during the night, and is said to be able to take on many different forms, including that of a lion or a snake. It is said to be a powerful and malevolent force that can cause illness, death, and destruction. The Kigango is often associated with witchcraft, and is said to be invoked by those who wish to harm or curse their enemies.

5. "The Bush Baby" - This legend from Ghana tells of a creature called the Bush Baby, which is said to be a small, monkey-like creature that can only be seen at night. It is said to have large eyes that can hypnotize anyone who looks into them. According to legend, the Bush Baby can steal children from their beds at night, and will only return them if a ritual is performed.

These are just a few examples of the many urban legends that exist in Africa. Each one is unique and terrifying in its own way, reflecting the fears and anxieties of the people who tell them. Whether you believe in these legends or not, they are an important part of African culture and offer a glimpse into the minds and hearts of the people who have created them.

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About the Creator


Psychology, Horror, fiction, education, poet, and about many crazy topics; I love to create content.

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