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You Might Have Missed These Interesting Moments In The 'Arrow' Season 6 Premiere

Here are the three most intriguing things you probably missed in the season six premiere of 'Arrow.'

By Allie Z.Published 6 years ago 3 min read
'Arrow' [Credit: The CW]

Arrow has become known for hiding all kinds of juicy clues and nods in its episodes and sometimes they aren't easily identified at first glance. The past five seasons of Arrow have proven that almost everything has a purpose, no matter how miniscule it may seem at first. If anything, the Season 6 premiere earlier this week proved that pattern was still going strong.

While the #Arrow season premiere was fairly straightforward when it came to the plot, the smaller tidbits hidden in the background might've been harder to pick up on. However, we've spotted three very interesting clues that may seem innocuous at first, but could serve as clues about what to expect when it comes to plot and character development in Season 6. In light of that fact, here are the three most intriguing things you probably missed in the season premiere.

Team Arrow gets new suits.

With the exception of Green Arrow himself, the rest of Team Arrow has been given new suits. Dinah has finally embraced her Black Canary persona with a full on costume that calls back to Laurel Lance's leather look, and she’s even sporting a super similar mask. Curtis has a more prominent variation of his Mister Terrific suit on, along with a highly advanced T-Sphere to accompany him. Diggle doesn't appear to have made any cosmetic changes to his suit, but his helmet is slightly more advanced than previous versions. Renee on the other hand, has undergone a complete makeover.

'Arrow' [Credit: The CW]

Rene's new suit looks very different from the original Wild Dog outfit he showed up in. Instead of just a hockey mask and a jersey, he now has an armor-plated suit and helmet to go with the suit. It's a good thing, too, because this new upgrade wound up saving Rene's life twice during the premiere: he was shot in the chest by a rifle at close range and he fell from a substantial height. Had it not been for the new suit, Rene probably would‘ve died right there on the spot. Luckily, that wasn't the case and he made it out alive.

William's backpack has Flash insignia on it.

A small nod to The Flash was placed very subtly in the background of the premiere episode, by brandishing William's backpack with lightning bolt insignia.

During one of the scenes where Oliver is supposed to pick up William from school, Oliver's son walks by him with a backpack on. The presence of the Flash insignia was likely just a fun nod, but it may hint at the kind of superheroes William looks up to. Barry Allen a.k.a. the Flash has become a big star in Central City, so the idea of him being looked at as a superstar or role model isn't all that preposterous to consider.

'Arrow' [Credit: The CW]

Captain Pike is back.

After Black Siren began to cause havoc in Star City, Team Arrow was preoccupied with stopping her and team of mercenaries. The episode eventually came around to Oliver making a public announcement at City Hall, giving the people of Star City information on the dangers plaguing the city. This particular scene overshadowed everything else because even the audience was kept in the dark on the plot as it was unfolding.

'Arrow' [Credit: The CW]

What fans failed to notice was how the long-absent Captain Pike stood beside Mayor Queen as he made his announcement to the city. Pike's presence of interest here because the last time we saw him, he was in a coma. Knowing that, Pike making his return in Season 6 must have a particular reason behind it. He wouldn't just be brought back onto Arrow without a purpose. Therefore it's reasonable to assume that he has a pivotal role to play in the current season; what that purpose is exactly has yet to be determined. Whatever it is, he could be in the position to back up Oliver as he defends him of the accusations now held against him for being the Green Arrow, or Pike could be a part of the mob who wants Oliver out of office now that his secret identity has been revealed. Either way, Pike will definitely factor into the mysterious plot unfolding now that he has officially returned to the show.

Arrow airs Thursdays on The CW.


About the Creator

Allie Z.

I cover most entertainment related topics and am venturing into journalism.

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