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Web Series

The online web series industry is absolutely booming with more and more web series being created every day. There are currently well over one thousand web series on the internet, so it can be extremely difficult to find the best ones to enjoy.

By Md Fahad AlamPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

Web series are a type of Internet television. The term "web series" is usually used in reference to scripted or fictional series. Reality or documentaries are not considered web series.

A single instance of a program is called an episode, although the latter term is also used to refer to a broadcast program that isn't necessarily divided into regular instalments. Below are some of the blogs about movies and videos resolution:

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A web series can be distributed directly by the creator or through dedicated streaming services like Blip, YouTube and Vimeo. Additionally, content creators can distribute their web series through video hosting sites, like Break and Metacafe, where they can monetize it with ads.

The term "web series" is a little bit of a misnomer. It originally referred to a show that aired on the Internet rather than on television, but now it means any scripted show with episodes shorter than 20 minutes.

Some web series are created by small production companies or even as hobby projects. Others are produced by large media companies and can reach millions of viewers.

The most successful web series, like "The Guild," "H+, "Video Game High School," and "Felicia Day," all feature professional actors, directors and producers. Some of them have even been picked up by television networks and shown in their original form or as the basis for new shows.

When Did Web series Start

Web series are the newest and hottest thing to hit the entertainment scene, but when did web series start? Despite their recent surge in popularity, web series have been around for a lot longer than you might think.

Web series first appeared as early as 1998, with the appearance of a series called The Spot. This show was produced by HBO and ran from 1998 to 2000.

It featured short episodes, usually between two and five minutes in length, which were accessible through HBO's website. Each episode centred on a different character or group of characters in New York City.

1998 is also considered to be the year when the earliest web shows were broadcast on a regular basis. These shows covered everything from sports to comedy, but most notably included soap operas, which were designed to look like imitations of TV soap operas.

The main difference between these web soaps and their network counterparts was that they were less expensive.

However, they achieved higher ratings than expected and attracted large audiences of fans who tuned in every week to watch them in real-time - something that would not have been possible without the Internet.

How Web series are Made

The magic of web series is that they’re made with love, creativity and imagination. It's a labour of love and the result is amazing. Nowadays, people watch web series because they want to feel something and find characters they can relate with.

However, there are many elements that go into creating a web series. From the script to the cast and crew, it takes a lot of people to make a web series.

The Script - Every story starts with an idea or a script. A writer imagines stories through words and the story has to engage them enough to make a web series out of it.

The writers think about how their story can reach audiences in new ways. Then they send their scripts out to be read by people or production companies who can produce them into a web series.

The Cast - Once the script is approved, it’s time for auditions which is when performers bring the script to life by showing off their acting skills and passion for the project.

Casting directors review each actor’s audition and decide if that actor fits the role based on how well they do in front of the camera and how well they fit for their character’s personality.

How Web series Make Money

The business model for web series isn't much different than that of television, it's just no one is making any money from it at the moment.

For now, the best way to make money from a web series is to use it as no more than a business card or ad for other work. Some web shows are fun little pet projects done by filmmakers on the side, who need to make a living doing commercials and traditional TV or film work.

Other shows are made by writers and actors who use them as calling cards for bigger projects.

The exceptions are shows like Felicia Day's The Guild, which has been sponsored by Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace and Sprint Nextel. In these cases, the show is effectively embedded advertising.

Why Web series are Blooming

The number of web series is increasing day by day. The reason behind is the reach and availability of the internet. Web series are finding a way to reach the audience who prefer watching content on their smartphone or laptop and that's why they are being made on various platforms.

The audience today is very much aware of what they want to watch and how they want to watch it. They don't want to be bound by a TV set, they want the ability to watch their favourite show at any time they want to.

They also prefer watching short format content over long format content which can be watched in one go. This is the reason why more and more creators are opting for web series instead of making films.

Web series are very cost-effective as compared to films, it doesn't require big directors, actors or a huge amount of money to make it. It just requires good content and a decent production value with a good actor to attract viewers.

And if you have both these things then you can easily create your own web series without spending too much money and make it a success if you know how to market it well enough.

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About the Creator

Md Fahad Alam

When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.

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