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Watching 'Kakegurui' Season 2 Episode 2

Spoilers ahead.

By BoblobV2Published 5 years ago 3 min read

The madness continues in the second episode of season two. We are not truly under way in the gambling match between Yumeko and the Idol. Things go as they do in the anime, however the live action show manages to put in a couple of curve balls that I was not expecting. One of which was the head of student paper, who was introduced in the previous episode who seems to be having a much larger part in the show than I previously expected, and at the very end when a whole new faction was introduced into the narrative. These add a bit of unpredictability to the narrative so that it does not feel as if I am simply watching a live action, shot for shot, remake of the anime.

This episode felt as if it was a twenty five minute long music video more than anything else, as much of it was the events that are happening on stage, which does involve the characters singing. Beyond that, while the characters are on stage singing for the audience, now more than ever, feels as if the entirety of the show has actually been shot on a stage somewhere as the feel of the show changes dramatically between the shots that are inside when compared to the shots that are outside. Regardless, it all feels quite clean and pristine, which actually works for me in this instance.

I had up till this point completely forgotten about the sequences where the characters would literally stop time, and go off on a villainous monologue in the most anime way you could possibly imagine with effects that a university student could pull off. Except for the eyes change colour, somehow they managed to nail that effect. The fact that there was an actual sparkle in the eye nearly made me spit out the tea that I was enjoying while I was watching the show, and while these things would be a massive turn off for a lot of people, these ridiculous moments really make the show worth watching for me. I only hope that the show manages to carry on further so that they manage to get to the reveal of Rei done. Just so I can see how they will tackle that moment. Though knowing the track record of the show, I am certain that the moment would be glorious.

What the show does so much better for me is how Suzui is being played by Mahiro Taksugi. Every time he comes on screen, he is chewing up the scenery with how over the top he is, and so in turn, he makes the show all the more enjoyable. There is a lot more life to this Suzui, so much so that the anime version feels as exciting as a bag of wet paper. As a result of Mary not having much to do during this segment of the narrative she is there, and Minami Hamabe, who plays Yumeko seems to be having the time of her life playing this character.

What is quite disappointing is the fact that Kirari is already gone, having lasted a grand total of two episodes where she actually had a line to say and was shown to us. Then again, this was also a part of the anime as well, (I keep referring to the anime as that is the medium I experienced the story, not in manga form). The more I see the anime, the more I become curious as to how they manage to pull off a certain plot twist that comes up between Kirari, and the student council vice president, as the vice president's hair is a completely different colour to the original. Then again, knowing Kakegurui they might get it done in the most outlandish way possible. There is also a change in hair colour that occurs in a character just like how it changed for Kaneki in Tokyo Ghoul.

Let it be clear, this is not what I would call a good show, if anything this is a guilty pleasure of mine, however with that being said, at no point am I bored, and not wondering how they would pull off what was done in the anime, and match it in the live action show as it has done for me so far.

On to episode three.


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Writing about anime, and anything else I find interesting.

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