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Visual SEO Strategies Proven to Boost Your Google Rank

SEO Strategies to Boost Your Google Rank

By Lori GillenPublished about a year ago 6 min read
Visual SEO Strategies Proven to Boost Your Google Rank
Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash

Long gone are the days when a chunk of text with overstuffed keywords was allowed to rank high in Google. SEO has evolved, although SEO strategies are still not that simple.

Now, visual SEO strategies are becoming popular. SEO agencies that leverage infographics, Data visualization, SEO videos, SEO image optimization, and other visual SEO content are doing better than ever.

What Is Visual Content?

Visual SEO content is any SEO content that appeals to the user’s visual senses:

Infographics and Data Visualizations

These are the most popular form of visual content. An infographic is a graphical representation of information or data, such as statistics or maps. Data visualizations created with a data visualization tool refer to the use of visual representations of abstract data and help to understand raw data for better decision-making. Some of the most insightful & widely known Data Visualization charts/graphs are the Pareto chart (for better analysis), the Likert Scale (for survey analysis), the Data flow diagram (to understand data flow), and the comparison chart (for A/B testing).

  • Videos

The use of videos has exploded in SEO. SEO professionals know that users love videos and rank websites higher that have good videos. However, SEO experts know how to make even better videos with the right keywords in the right SEO tags to boost SEO rankings.

  • Images

Image Ranking is a crucial part of visual Search Engine Optimization.SEO experts know how to embed helpful keywords within the images’ metadata to rank high when searching for specific topics or ideas.

  • GIFs/Memes

Memes are popular with virtually all age groups. They are also linked to higher SEO rankings because they make users want to click on the link in search results, even if they do not know what data or information is contained within them.

Why You Should Incorporate Visual Content In Your SEO Strategy

People have a more positive emotional reaction to visual information than to text. About 50% of our brain is devoted to visual processing. This means that users’ brains process visual data much faster and better than text. To boost user behavior, SEO professionals must take advantage of visual SEO.

Visual content is the easiest type of SEO content for a reader to digest. Users do not have to read through long blocks of text to get the information they need from visual SEO content. Your conversion rate will increase when you start using infographics and video marketing in your SEO strategy.

Visual SEO content is highly shareable. People love to share visual information via the web and social media. After all, humans are fiercely social creatures and can’t get enough of sharing data and information.

Memes, infographics, Data Visualizations, and images are far easier for users to bookmark than text-based pages. Users can easily save images and blog posts containing infographics to Pinterest, for example. This means that the chances of users returning to your site are much higher once they bookmark a page containing an infographic or a video.

All types of visual content have a high probability of going viral on social media. Since people love sharing this type of content with others, the chances of someone sharing your visual content are high. This means that more people will see your page and visit it.

Visual SEO Strategies That Can Boost Your Google Ranking

There are several types of visual SEO strategies that you can use to impact your rankings. Here are the most popular visual SEO strategies that will help you stand out from the rest of the crowd:

1. Understand Your Audience

Before composing a post, make sure you know the audience to which it will be directed. The type of visual content your audience usually consumes, what they like and dislike about the topic, and how they prefer to receive information need consideration before you create or disseminate any type of visual content.

2. Create Infographics For Every Post You Write

This is one of the most popular visual SEO strategies out there. Simply create an infographic to accompany every blog post you write. This strategy works exceptionally well when you create infographics based on the title of the blog post you are writing. Utilize data visualization techniques in marketing to help your audience understand your content.

3. Create A ‘Visual’ Version Of Your Archives Page

You should create an archive page that only contains images and visualizations rather than a text-based archive page. SEO content is highly shareable on social media outlets like Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, and Facebook.

4. Incentivize The Sharing Of Your Visual Content

Add sharing buttons to your site, and make sure that they are highly visible. You can do this by placing them at the top of each post or creating a pop-up window that appears every time someone reaches the end of your blog post. This way, you will see increased social media shares, and more people will visit your site.

5. Make It Easy For Visitors To Share Your Visual Content

Allow visitors to share images on their social media accounts by clicking or tapping on their devices.

6. Focus On Creating Images with A Storyline

If you want to create compelling images, you will want to keep the storyline of your post in mind while you compose them. If one image does not contain a complete storyline on its own, consider creating more than one image for each post. Doing so will make your site look highly professional.

7. Tell A Story Through Your Images

When composing an image to accompany a blog post, think about the story you want your audience to see. How can you show it? If you cannot find a way to depict that storyline through one image alone, then compose several and string them together into a virtual slideshow using an app such as Slideshows for Instagram.

8. Use Video To Boost Engagement

Videos are essential visual SEO Content Engagement strategies for any website and are also significant to stand out from the competition. They can increase engagement and drive more social shares than an equivalent number of images would. Videos also tend to receive much higher rankings in Google Image searches.

9. Make Your Images As Long As Possible

Longer images have a better chance of appearing higher in a Google search. If you can, make your image so long that it cannot be displayed on a single screen without scrolling down; this will help you rank much higher than shorter images would.

10. Add High-Quality Visuals To The Most Popular Posts On Your Site

If any posts on your site have gotten a lot of traffic, make sure to add high-quality visuals to them. One way you can do this is by creating infographics for these popular posts. Doing so will help ensure that they continue driving traffic to your site long into the future.


Using visual SEO strategies can help you stand out from your competition in a very effective way. The most important thing to remember is that these strategies are designed to help you get more traffic in a concise amount of time, and they can give your site a significant boost when it comes to organic search engine rankings.

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About the Creator

Lori Gillen

Lori Gillen is a Blogger/Content Creator who is specialized in the field of Digital Marketing & Data Analysis with 5 years of experience. Currently working at ChartExpo as a Senior Content Creator.

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