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The Liberation of Gaht’riya: A Star Wars Story

This original example of fan fiction is not sanctioned by George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, or anyone else I could think of.

By Caleb RobrahnPublished 3 years ago 17 min read

Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule.

Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead.

Loyalty is life, for without one's clan one has no purpose.

Death is life, one should die as they have lived.

-The canons of honor (Mandalorian warrior tenets)

This is the story of Caiz Kryze and the Liberation of Gaht’riya. It celebrates all Mandalorians who fell liberating Gaht’riya.

Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule.

That the city of Gaht’riya needed to be taken was one of the first things voiced at the council of war. Those loyal Mandalorians who escaped from the city demanded that immediate action take place. They brought news that would attract even the most reluctant of Mandalorians: the biggest collection of Beskar ever.

The Beskar was in the form of armor the Empire had stripped from dissident Mandalorians after denying them an honorable death, executing them as traitors to the Empire in a public spectacle. Thus, this was not just for priceless metal, but for vengeance.

The commander of the Gaht’riya garrison was a traitorous Mandalorian named Vrats Eldar, who would rather give the Beskar to the Empire or destroy it than keep the heritage of Mandalore alive with the legendary Mandalorian iron. This was the situation facing Mand'alor Bo-Katan Kryze in 1 BBY.

0542 Hours:

Bo-Katan strode into the room. Jalae Rook, the leader of those from Gaht’riya, immediately demanded action.

“How much longer shall we wait while the Empire prepares to move the armor off world? Let me take my platoon and we can storm the city!” Jalae declared.

“You’ve only been here for a half-hour,” Fenn Rau replied, “and besides, that’s a death wish. What would posses you to charge into the teeth of a full company? All that would accomplish is the destruction of your unit.”

“We cannot spare anyone. The only troops not assigned for the assault on Sundari are yours, and that is because you have only just arrived.” Bo-Katan pointed out.

Mand’alor, there is one person...”Countess Wren suggested.

“Who?” the Mand'alor and Jalae asked at the same time.

Alor'uus Caiz Kryze,” she responded, “he did grow up in Gaht’riya, and can probably formulate a plan, however, he’s a bit eccentric and somewhat of a loose cannon.”

“How, eccentric, exactly?” Fenn Rau started to inquire, but Jalae rudely cut him off.

“Oh no. No, no, no, no.” she protested, “He’s the one that rappelled off the 500 meter cliff by Gaht’riya every morning. When he finally left the city he built a catapult, turned it south, launched himself, and was never heard from again.”

“Be that as it may,” Bo-Katan answered, “we should get him in here and find out if he actually can figure something out.”

“That won’t be necessary Mand'alor,” a Ge'ver'alor interjected, “for a while now he’s been running around camp claiming Jalae Rook refused a Tuang blood duel after calling him a hut'uun. He just arrived at this tent and demands entry. He also claims he won’t go without facing Rook.”

What!?” everyone in the room yelled.

“Get out! Now!” Bo-Katan yelled to Jalae, “You call yourself a Mandalorian? Hah! If you do not accept the challenge you are no Mandalorian but a hut'uun! Whoever wins this duel will command the assault on Gaht’riya. The other shall die. Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule. Until then, get out of my sight!” she said with finality, throwing Jalae out of the tent.

0551 Hours:

“Jalae Rook, did you really think that I would forget that insult? I have a long memory, you hut'uun!" Caiz shouted furiously.

“Then let’s begin you shabuir!” Jalae declared.

“My name is Caiz Kryze, you called me a hut'uun, prepare to die!” and with that Caiz propelled a bes'bev into her upper left arm, pinning her to the ground.

Jalae roared in anger and shot a jet of flame from one of her vambraces, missing Caiz and setting a tent on fire.

During the confusion Jalae attempted to use her jet pack to flee, but as she turned her back Caiz managed to whip out one of his pistols and landed a hit on her fuel tank, causing it (and her) to explode.

0557 Hours:

“Well, I think we have a new commander,” Fenn Rau announced as he walked back into the command tent, “now who would like to tell him the news?”

Ge'ver'alor, go get Al'verde Caiz Kryze,” Bo-Katan ordered.

“No need Mand'alor,” Caiz interjected, “thanks for the promotion, though. By the way, how in Mandalore did I get it? Last I checked I was “only” here about a blood duel.”

“You are commanding an assault on Gaht’riya,” Countess Wren told him, “your platoon is over there. You will be on your own. Oya!”

“Sounds great! Wait, what?” Caiz started to ask.

“Have fun storming Gaht’riya!” the Countess said as she was hurried outside.

“Do you think he’ll make it back alive?” Fenn Rau asked in a hushed tone.

“It would take a miracle.” Bo-Katan replied.

Oya!” they all shouted.

Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead.

0600 Hours:

Ok… then Caiz thought as he walked towards his new platoon’s tent.

At the entrance to the tent he was greeted by a Ruus'alore, who challenged him: “Who are you and what are you doing here?” He sounded like an old Clone Trooper.

“Your new Al'verde, Caiz Kryze.” he answered, “Perhaps you heard the commotion from a few minutes ago? Well, that was me and your old Al'verde Jalae Rook. We had an old score and when I heard she had come into camp I decided to end it.”

“And just how does that make you our new Al'verde?” the Ruus'alore inquired.

“Erm… that’s a good question, but that’s what the Mand'alor said, and, according to Countess Wren, I’m to command an assault on Gaht’riya. What’s your name?”

“Hoss Hayc. I’m a former clone trooper. How are we going to get into Gaht’riya, though? They’ve got the place locked down, after all. Are there more troops helping us?”

“Well, not exactly...” Caiz responded, “let’s get inside the tent and see what assets we have.”

When they walked in there was nobody there, “Where is everyone?” Caiz asked, incredulous, “I thought we had a whole platoon!”

“Well they’re either out doing something or else trying to get some sleep in their tents.” Hoss answered him.

“Can you raise them on their comm-links?”

“I could, but what would be the use? I mean, you don’t have a plan already. Right?”

“You just leave that to me Hoss. Give 'em about 8 hours to sleep then wake them all up. Now, what assets do we have?”

“31 Balutar-class swoops, six of those armed, 39 Mandalorians, 29 equipped with jet-packs, an assorted collection of personal weapons, including several rocket launchers, and a tank.”

“A tank? Where’d you get that? No, never mind, don’t tell me. Is it an RX-200 Falchion-class assault tank, per chance?”

“Yep, and it’s a really beaut’ too. Republic-era. They don’t make ‘em like that anymore. How’d you know what type it was?”

“Well that “real beaut’” erm, kind of... blew up.”

“What!? How!?”

“That’s another good question.” Earlier that day a couple of rather drunk Mandalorians had accidentally dropped a thermal detonator into the tank (before being dressed down by their commanding officer, who hadn't seen the act). By a strange coincidence the detonator exploded right in the middle of Caiz Kryze and Jalae Rook’s duel. “But, anyway, what do the defenses look like around Gaht’riya?”

“Well Sir, as you know, Gaht’riya is a small, domed city located almost on top of the geographic north pole. To the east, just 100 meters away, is a 500 meter cliff. A couple hundred meters north is the geographic north pole and about 30 meters from that is another cliff, this one only about half as big as the previous one above, leading down to a large ledge. To the west and to the south it’s mostly a straight shot, though it’s somewhat of a downward slope going west.”

“As for its defenses, on the east side the Empire has automatic anti-air guns that are mostly set to target jet-pack forces, though some are meant to shoot down fighters. They have a minimum of anti-infantry defenses on that side, but it's close to the barracks located in the city. They also have the landing pad there. They’ve dug trenches in a salient shape all around the city, the back being the east cliff face covered by the anti-air guns. All Stormtroopers not manning the defenses, save for some communications and logistics personnel, are configured to be used as armored cavalry, principally using AT-DPs and TX-225 Occupiers. We surmise that their purpose would be to pursue any attacks by speeders. In addition to 200 Stormtroopers, Vrats Eldar also has three fanatically loyal Imperial Super Commandos devoted to guarding him with their lives.”

“When are they planning on shipping out the Beskar?”

“Well, the shuttle lands at 0425 hours. It should take them about 20 minutes to load it up.”

“Alright then. One more question. Do any of the troops know how to fly a fighter?”

“Maybe three do,” Hoss answered, “but one of them is a Ruus'alore named Lleto Rook. He was Jalae Rook’s cousin. Do you want me to relieve him of duty?”

“No,” Caiz replied, “He’ll know that Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead. If he doesn't do his job in the battle we're all at risk. Afterwards he may, indeed, try to kill me, but during battle he’ll do his part.”

“Now, get some rest. I need to take care of some various details then I’ll do the same. Assemble the men at 1400 hours. The plan will be explained then.”

Loyalty is life, for without one's clan one has no purpose.

1401 Hours:

“Okay!” Caiz shouted, “Settle down! I am Caiz Kryze, your new Al'verde! You’re all probably wondering what on Mandalore happened to Jalae Rook!” he paused for a moment, “I killed her in a Tuang blood duel!”

There was a lot of chatter coming from the platoon. Someone yelled “What gives you the right to be our Al'verde?!”

Loyalty is life, for without one's clan one has no purpose. Is the Mand'alor's word good enough for you?!” Caiz responded, after which things became much quieter.

“We have been tasked with liberating Gaht’riya!"

"’Kay, first I need Ruus'alore Hoss Hayc to come up here!”

“So, what do you want me for Al'verde?” Hoss inquired.

“Hoss, I need you to pick the five best speeder pilots here,” Caiz told him, “then I’ll explain what we’re doing in the command tent.”

“Got it. Cugr, Ziz Vizsla, Ziz Saxon, Xataym, and Kiria, follow me!” Hoss yelled walking into the tent.

“The rest of you stay here and await further instructions!” Caiz ordered before, subsequently, walking into the tent with the others.

“So, the first thing that you all need to know is that your group and mine are both going to ride on Balutar-class swoops. You’ll have the six armed ones, and ride to the objective, namely, our hometown of Gaht’riya.”

“However, before we reach Gaht’riya, we’re going to split up. My group will go below the cliffs and scale them, but your unit will charge toward their defenses. Now, don’t worry, as soon as you come under fire you will retreat. You'll also have a little something extra that Ruus'alore Hayc came up with. Your objective is to draw the armor and as much of the infantry as you can away from the city and keep them occupied. You will start your attack at 0400 hours and we will scale the cliffs at 0430. At 0445 the rest of the troops will land, and shortly thereafter a fighter will destroy the units you’ve drawn away from the city. Sound good?”

Cugr asked, “What will we do after the Stormtroopers are destroyed?”

“Head back to the city immediately.”

“What if there’s a valuable target available?” Ziz Saxon inquired.

“Take it only if it’s necessary to make them believe that you’re fighting a rearguard action after a probing raid. Your mission is not so much to incur damage, but to distract them long enough for the rest of the plan to succeed. Get it?”

“Got it.” Hoss Hayc answered.

“Good. Now go outside and get ready, we’ll join you shortly.”

He went back outside, “Alright, now I need Ruus'alore Lleto Rook and anyone else who can fly a star-ship!”

Three Mandalorians walked up, “I’m here sir,” Lleto Rook put in, though in a rather sullen tone.

“And who are you two?” Caiz asked, ignoring Lleto.

“Choc and Urbrir Wren,” Choc returned.

“We’re twins,” Urbrir added.

“You certainly are,” Caiz acknowledged, “would you three follow me into the command tent, please?”

“Absolutely not.” Choc said, grinning as he ambled in to the tent.

“Meet Ver'alor Addunx.” Caiz introduced them.

“Charmed, I’m sure.” Addunx smiled warmly (though you couldn’t see it under his helmet).

Caiz announced, “we're going to liberate Gaht’riya. This is what you’re going to do. He quickly related the previously mentioned details. “Now, that fighter will be yours or, more specifically, Ver'alor Addunx’s. His ship is a Kom'rk-class fighter which he has assured me can readily deal with the Empire’s AT-DPs and TX-225 Occupiers. You will be carrying 24 soldiers equipped with jet-packs. They are to be landed at 0445 hours precisely. Just open the door and kick ‘em out. No need to land. You will brief the soldiers when we go outside. Any questions?”

“When do we take off?” asked Addunx.

“I don’t care, you all know the distance so take off whenever you feel you need to. I will add though, that it is critically important for you not to be seen overhead until the appointed time. Any other questions?” he paused, “’Kay, then follow me outside.”

“All soldiers with jet-packs follow Ruus'alore Lleto Rook and company!” he ordered as he walked out of the command tent.

Al'verde Caiz Kryze surveyed the remaining motley crew of six, “Right, now here’s what we’re gonna do...” He related the plan, “Any questions will be answered on the way! For those newcomers, remember that a day on Mandalore is a mere 19 hours so we will arrive around 0400 hours! Sunrise is at 0512 hours and sunset is at 1603 hours! To the speeders!”

Death is life, one should die as they have lived.

0358 Hours:

“We’re ready Al'verde,” a Mandalorian named Veskesh whispered to Caiz.

“Good,” Caiz whispered as he thought: It’s been so long since I’ve been here. Maybe after the war I can come back, build a house… he trailed off. The attack was about to begin. He needed to command his troops. They might die in this battle and here he was thinking about after the war!

“Remember everyone,” he said softly, “when we get up there absolute silence is imperative. Plant the charges and get clear. We have to deal with those anti-air guns before the others arrive.”

“I-is it too late to say that I’m scared of heights sir?” a soldier named Gascux inquired.

“Yep, now is definitely to late Gascux.” another warrior butted in.

“Cut it out you two.” Caiz Kryze ordered, “They’ll be starting their attack soon.”


“And that’ll be them now.”

0401 Hours:

“Yahhhhhhhhhhhh!” yelled Ruus'alore Hoss Hayc as they charged the enemy. He had added a little surprise to their attack: holograms. Instead of six speeders, there now appeared to be 20, three of which were "destroyed" in the first charge.

“Fall back! Fall back!” he called to deceive the enemy. The Empire's armor and some infantry came out to pursue the attackers. And now we lead them on a merry chase!

0427 Hours:

“Okay guys, launch your cables and climb quietly.” Caiz ordered.

“Aye, Aye, skipper.” a Mandalorian called Xoc replied.

The climb was a bit difficult, but at least everyone got to the top undetected Caiz thought… and that’s when someone dropped an explode-on-contact detonator. Boom!

Dropping any pretense of stealth, Caiz grabbed a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon from the ground. Why would someone leave it there he wondered, while simultaneously firing at the Stormtroopers. “Set the charges and blow ‘em up, I’ll cover you!” he yelled.

The charges were duly set and blown, but the troops were getting picked off. Ojinil and Rostha had already fallen and Jac was wounded. Where are my reinforcements he wondered angrily.


We’re here thought Ruus'alore Lleto Rook.

“Okay boys, prepare to be dropped off, and remember, ring the shuttle and prevent it from leaving with the Beskar.” announced Ver'alor Addunx over the intercom as he opened the bay doors.

“Happy landings y’all!” Urbrir yelled as they rocketed down to the surface.

At first it seemed as though they would land without resistance, however, at that moment, the demagolka Vrats Eldar marched out to see what in Mandalore’s name was going on.

“Fire on those troops above you!” he ordered to his bodyguard, who promptly launched fragmentation missiles at the fliers. The result was devastating. A quarter of the reinforcements were hit and fell to the ground, never to rise again.

The remaining Mandalorians landed and soon joined the battle. In fierce hand-to-hand combat the remaining Mandalorians emerged victorious. A baker’s dozen of Mandalorians remained unharmed, with all the Stormtroopers either captured or dead. Two of Vrats Eldar’s own bodyguards had perished, but he and another Super Commando flew into the air. He held a detonation device in his hand. It was connected to the shuttle with the Beskar in it!

Thinking quickly, Al'verde Caiz Kryze did something incredibly courageous. “Vrats Eldar! I invoke the code of Mandalore to seek justice through single combat!”

“So be it!” the demagolka Vrats Eldar responded to the challenge, as he tossed the detonator to his bodyguard.

Caiz was horribly over-matched, but his only thought was maybe I can gain enough time for them to defuse the explosives. To this end he instructed Veskesh to board the shuttle and defuse the bombs, which she immediately did.

“Prepare to die you hut'uun!” Caiz exclaimed.

“Rrrr! You laandur Alor'uus!” Vrats roared, “Do you see this beskad?! With it I have killed many and with it I will now kill you! Yahhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Vrats flew at Caiz, who wildly fired his rotary cannon at his opponent. Caiz side-stepped and Vrats' momentum carried him forward. Vrats then activated his Personal Combat Shield and deflected Caiz’s blaster bolts, getting close enough to slice off his head.

Al'verde Caiz Kryze' last words were “Attack!”

And attack his troops did. By the time Ruus'alore Hoss Hayc got there, the demagolka Vrats Eldar had been torn apart and thrown over the cliff by vengeful Mandalorians.

Upon seeing this Hoss remarked, fittingly, “Death is life, one should die as they have lived.”

The bodyguard had been dealt with by a well aimed shot from a sniper. Veskesh was able to defuse the explosives in the shuttle, which was fortunate because, upon further examination, the charges would have blown open the east side of the city and collapsed the cliff if successfully detonated.

On board the ship, scores of armor sets were found. Shoulder pauldrons, helmets, breastplates; worth millions to anybody, but priceless to the Mandalorians. The stories told by them stretched back centuries. In addition to that bounty, nearly 10 Metric Quintals of Beskar ingots were recovered from the shuttle's hold. These items would allow repairs to be made by Mandalorian armorers and give Mandalore the edge in any new conflict against the Empire.


The Present

The courageous actions of Al'verde Caiz Kryze, nay, all the Mandalorians active in saving the Beskar and liberating the city of Gaht’riya have not been forgotten. They are remembered by a yearly festival day in their honor in Gaht'riya and have an obelisk dedicated to them bearing this inscription:

This memorial is dedicated to Al'verde Caiz Kryze and all Mandalorians who died liberating Gaht’riya. May their memory live forever in the hearts of all faithful Mandalorians.

Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule.

Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead.

Loyalty is life, for without one's clan one has no purpose.

Death is life, one should die as they have lived.

fan fiction

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