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The Future of Copywriting in an AI-world

Will robots steal writers' jobs?

By Kamryn HinesPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

I recently decided to start writing again. As an outlet for my own creative expression, writing has always been a way in which I enjoy being persuasive. Whether for marketing purposes or just creative expression- it gets conversations going, and I love that.

Speaking of coversations though- if you go on Youtube these days, AI is one of the popular topics people are discussing. If you go to the movie theater this Friday night, you'll see commercials and movies like "Creator" on the big screen depicting worlds where what it means to be human is either challenged or enhanced by robots- depending on your perspective.

ChatGPT can produce a page of 1,000 words in a few seconds. Something that professional copywriters are being paid hundreds of dollars to do, or more.

As a writer trying to revive her writing in a worlds where AI is growing, I've got to be honest, I'm justifiably worried about how this might impact our profession.

Though, one thing does give me hope. In looking at the macro-scale evolution of society, where automation and optimization is taking over our way communicating and the metaphorical room is getting louder and louder as everyone seems to be shouting- honest, authentic, seemingly quieter conversations are becoming more and more rare.

What I mean by that, well- I think you already know what I mean. It's that a certain essence of humanness, of real-life, real-thoughts, real-human perspective that is lacking more in our world. If everyone is shouting all of the most persuasive technical marketing lingo and no one is sharing from their real lived experience, we are going to crave just that.

So, back to my original point, what does a career as a copywriter, or any kind of writer look like in a world with AI? Many will argue that we will become obselete because our skills will be bypassed and we will wind up being forced into another industry. I argue that skilled writers of all kinds are needed now more than ever. We will soon see the true artform of crafting not only a search engine optimized 1,000 word essay or product review, but a search engine optimized 1,000 word essay that also is alive with an authentic voice behind the page (or screen.) I argue that the truly great writers will become the masters of AI generated written content to understand how to gleen the benefits of having a robot do the brunt work of things like SEO while artfully incorporating and preservering the human element. If I were a writer, and I am, I would be learning the ins and outs of how to use things like ChatGPT to enhance my written product for my clients. And well, I am. With this perspective, I'm motivated and even excited for the future.

Ultimately, we'll see that AI-alone will never truly be able to awaken the emotional connection that we have always felt whether in persuasive marketing copy that leads customers to make the purchase or as a fiction reader absorbing the imagination of the unseen author. The human element will never truly be replaceable despite efforts driven by efficiency that even sparked our development of artifial intelligence in the first place. Yes, we'll become more efficient with AI in writing, but we will always need the human writer.

Human thought, experience, imagination, and emotion has always been at the core of our communication with one another. This is especially true in written work, where style and flare is essential.

A world with AI will be a world with writers.

What do you think? Share your comments and let's talk about this huge shift that's happening in society.


About the Creator

Kamryn Hines

Writer. Poet. Data Scientist. Wellness Advocate. Yoga teacher. Invested in unpacking the honest human experience for our wellbeing.

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