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The Difference Between AS400 Software and IBMi

Are you interested in learning more about AS400 software and IBMi?

By Siddhant SaxenaPublished about a year ago 5 min read

The primary difference between AS400 software and IBMi lies in the architecture. AS400 software is designed on an open architecture, meaning it can be used with any type of hardware or operating system. On the other hand, IBMi is specifically designed to run on IBM Power Systems servers and uses a proprietary system architecture.

One major advantage of AS400 software is that it can be easily integrated into different technologies, making it more flexible and adaptable. Additionally, its open-source nature means that users have better control over the source code and therefore are able to customize their own applications. Furthermore, because there are no vendor lock-in restrictions associated with this solution, organizations can switch vendors without losing customer data or disrupting their operations.

IBMi, on the other hand, offers significantly more integrated features and benefits. It is designed to run IBM iSeries of operating systems and is optimized for applications that are used in enterprise environments. IBMi also provides access to a wide range of powerful services such as data replication, encryption, business intelligence, system security, and performance monitoring. Additionally, it is backed by IBM's extensive customer support network which can help organizations address any issues they may encounter when using the system.

In conclusion, AS400 software is an open-architecture solution that offers greater flexibility and customization options whereas IBMi provides users with a more robust set of tools for enterprise-level applications. Both solutions have their own distinct advantages and should be carefully weighed against each other when deciding which solution to use for a given organization

In addition, it is important to consider the scalability, security, cost-effectiveness, and performance capabilities of each platform before making a decision. Depending on the needs of an organization, either option may offer the best solution. It is therefore recommended that companies evaluate their options thoroughly and make an informed decision when choosing between AS400 software and IBMi. By doing so, organizations can ensure that they are selecting the right technology for their unique requirements in order to optimize business operations and maximize success.

What Is A400 Software?

AS400 software is a powerful application system used by developers to create applications that run on AS400 systems. This type of software uses the IBM iSeries power system and provides users with a comprehensive suite of business tools. It includes an integrated database, web services, security, development, and management tools.

By leveraging this platform, developers can quickly create innovative solutions for their organization’s operational needs. The AS400 also incorporates industry-leading technologies such as Java and XML in order to maximize performance and scalability. AS400 software enables organizations to optimize their processes while taking advantage of the most advanced capabilities available in the enterprise computing space.

Read: Common IBMi AS/400 Support Services

With this type of software, businesses are able to reduce costs, improve productivity, and increase customer satisfaction. As a result, many organizations have already seen the benefits of utilizing AS400 software for their operations.

In summary, AS400 software is an incredibly powerful application system that can be used to create complex business applications. It allows developers to quickly create innovative solutions with advanced capabilities while reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction.

This type of software has become increasingly popular amongst businesses that wish to take advantage of the latest technology available in today’s computing market. For these reasons and more, AS400 software is a great choice for any organization looking to maximize its operational efficiency.

IBMi vs. AS400: Why Both Cannot Be Compared?

When it comes to AS400 systems, there is much debate about the differences between IBMi and AS400. Many people try to compare the two but they cannot be compared due to their different architecture and functionality.

The AS400 system is an application system developed by IBM in 1988. It was designed as a comprehensive business solution that included hardware, operating system software, database management systems, middleware, and applications. The main goal of this system was to provide businesses with a single platform for all their data processing needs.

On the other hand, IBMi (formerly known as iSeries) was released in 2000 as the successor to AS400. This powerful system consists of both server hardware and operating system software and has become one of the most popular enterprise computing platforms. It is also used as a server platform for many software applications.

The two systems are vastly different and cannot be compared in terms of features and performance. AS400 is better suited for business applications while IBMi is better at handling large databases and developing application programs. Each system has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, making it difficult to directly compare them against each other.

IBMi AS/400 developers have access to powerful tools that allow them to create custom applications on top of the existing hardware and operating system software. This allows them to customize their solution to meet specific requirements or needs. On the other hand, IBMi offers a wide range of features such as advanced security, scalability, and reliability which make it suitable for enterprise applications.

When it comes to AS400 and IBMi, the comparison cannot be made in terms of features or performance. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages, and both have their place in the world of enterprise computing. Both platforms are capable of providing businesses with powerful solutions that can meet their needs and help them become more efficient and productive.

Therefore, it is important to understand the differences between the two systems before making any decisions about which one is right for your organization. As always, consulting a qualified IT specialist will help ensure you make an informed decision.


The AS400 systems, and their associated developers application system, iSeries Power System, offer unique capabilities for businesses to create custom solutions that are not available on any other platform. These systems provide a stable environment with the ability to scale quickly and easily. The IBMi is similar in many ways but makes use of different programming languages and commands which may make the transition easier or more difficult depending on the development skillset.

With each system comes its own advantages and disadvantages so it is important to evaluate each carefully before making a decision. Ultimately, both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses but AS400 offers some distinct features that make it ideal for many organizations. It provides secure access control, reliable performance, and cost-effective scalability while offering an easy transition from IBMi. The right IBMi AS/400 expertise, can be a powerful solution for any business.

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