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The analysis of Buggy the Clown, The Bombastic Jester!

A One Piece character analysis

By Sergio VanNessPublished 2 years ago 13 min read

Spoiler warning for those of you who haven't read the latest chapter of One Piece, Chapter 1053.

It's Time! Time to talk about one of the most underrated took-for-granted characters in One Piece, Buggy the Clown also known by fans of the character as Buggy D. Clown. With Buggy being announced as one of the Yonko's of the Seas, I think it's time we give Buggy a real look at what his role actually is in the series, along with what the future might hold for the Methodical Jester.

The history of Buggy the Clown
Real quick, I am going to go over the history of the character to give everyone reading this a timeline.
• Buggy was born in the Grand Line.
• He was adopted by Gol D. Roger as a small child.
• Buggy grew up as an apprentice on the Roger Pirates alongside his best friend Shanks.
• Buggy was present during the fight between the Roger Pirates V.s. the Whitebeard Pirates.
• Buggy got sick and Shanks stayed behind to look after him when the Roger Pirates found the final Island, Laugh Tale. Buggy & Shank never went to Laugh Tale at this point.
• Buggy accidentally eats the Devil Fruit Bara Bara no Mi or Chop-Chop Fruit.
• When Buggy was around 15 years old Gol D. Roger, who was like a father to him was executed. It was on this day Buggy decided to make his own crew.
• Buggy becomes the Capitan of the Buggy Pirates and terrorizes the East Blue.
• Buggy takes control over Orange Town.
• Buggy is defeated by Monkey D. Luffy & loses his body and has to find his body parts.
• Buggy teams up with Alvida to find his crew & his body so they can go get payback for Luffy defeating them.
• After finding his body and finally catching up to the Strawhat Pirates in Loguetown, Buggy almost executes Luffy before getting struck by Lightning.
• The Buggy Pirates chased the Strawhat Pirates to the Grand Line and decided to take a different route that wasn't Reverse Mountain.
• The Buggy Pirates go to an island in the Grand Line in search of Captain John's Treasure but instead end up working as miners.
• After finally having enough of being a Miner the Buggy Pirates revolt & try to escape but end up being captured and sent to Level 1 Imperial Down.
• Buggy was trying to sneak out of Imperial Down, got seen, then ran into Luffy where he teams up with Luffy to escape.
• In exchange for helping Luffy Buggy requested only 1 thing, the armband that he was wearing. This armband happened to be a map pointing to Captain John's Treasure.
• During this Buggy is defeated by vice warden Hannyabal before getting free again, freeing 1000 prisoners, and escaping with all of them during the end of the Imperial Down Arc.
• After this it becomes public knowledge that Buggy was one of the members of the Roger Pirates which made his new crew even more loyal to him. This boost the ambition of Buggy to think that even he could become the King of the Pirates.
• Buggy then decided to head to Marineford to confront & defeat Whitebeard.
• As the Buggy Pirates got to Marineford they got swept up in the chaotic war that was going on. Their ship is hit by a tsunami bringing it high into the air, then the tsunami along with them was frozen in place before & luckily landing safely in unfrozen waters below.
• Buggy ends up landing in the seawater and being rescued by Jinbe.
• Buggy Survives an extremely deadly instinctual defensive reaction from Hawkeye Mihawk after Luffy uses him as a scapegoat by throwing Buggy at Mihawk.
• Buggy then uses a Video Den Den Mushi that was stolen from Impel Down to broadcast the War back to the Sabaody Archipelago.
• Buggy & his crew were then frozen and unfrozen again where he then watched as Ace & Whitebeard were killed.
• As Buggy was trying to escape Jinbe & Luffy landed in his arms. He then dropped them off on Law's submarine as Shanks and the Red Hair Pirates show up to end the war.
• Shanks then tricks Buggy into delivering The Straw Hat to Luffy for him to keep the promise that was made between them. Buggy gets annoyed by this and then proceeds to make sure he & his new crew of prisoners escapes safely.
• Afterwards he reunites with his crew of The Buggy Pirates where Alvida became temporary Captain of the Buggy Pirates while waiting for his return. He then reveals the map to Captain John's Treasure to Alvida right before getting a letter to join the Ōka Shichibukai, The Seven Warlords of the Sea from the world government.
• Buggy Joins the Ōka Shichibukai, The Seven Warlords of the Sea, giving him more freedom. With the Marines having to turn a blind eye to what Buggy was doing, he decided to create a business, Buggy's Delivery.
• Over the next 2 years, Buggy's business in renting out mercenaries to whoever has the coin was a massive success.
• After the defeat of Daflamingo, the Giants that he had working for him resigned and joined The Strawhat Grand Fleet. Not too long after that The Ōka Shichibukai, The Seven Warlords of the Sea, was abolished causing Buggy to lose his immunity and the Marines to come after him.
• Buggy is 39 years old, 6"3 1/2 feet tall, and 1 of the New Yonko, right beside Shanks, Blackbeard, & Luffy.

Oh wow, that was a lot.. this man.. we need to talk about his Yonko, 1 of the 4 Emperors of the Sea. It's not a mistake, it's not a fluke, and he isn't failing upwards. This man has Climbed his way to the top 4 greatest Pirates in the world of One Piece. Next, we are going to go over the Design of Buggy & the things that influences his story.

Oda uses a lot of real-world mythology to influence his storytelling & characters. He uses Egyptian, Norse, Greek, Hindu, Chinese, Japanese, & even Catholic mythologies along with real-world pirate history, & conspiracies & aliens. I am willing to bet that he even uses the open-source Lovecraftian lore created by H.P. Lovecraft. But that's for another article today we're breaking down Buggy D. Clown!

Buggy's Devil Fruit, The Bara Bara no Mi or Chop-Chop Fruit, gives him the ability to get cut up or take off slices of himself and control them freely. After eating this Devil Fruit he became immune to slicing damage. This is why he was able to survive the encounter with Hawkeye Mihawk. He will not bleed from being cut as he can't get cut through traditional means. But if there was a Blade imbued with Haki or while he is being touched by Sea Prism Stone or if there was a Sea Prism Stone Sword Blades can't hurt him. In retrospect, it's a pretty powerful ability to have in a world where melee sword combat is the most predominant form of combat.

Based on the movies Buggy has been in where Conquerors Haki was used on him and he didn't fall, (yes I know that the movies aren't canon but the details about characters that are given to us always seem to actually be a part of the actual lore of the series, Stampede with Bullet is a prime example along with the new movie Film: Red), in the movie Stampede, Buggy is actually within the range of Bullet's Conquerors Haki and doesn't get knocked out, neither does Big 3 of his Crew. This surprised me as Bullet had the most powerful Conquerors Haki we ever saw at the time. I believe that detail is actually true about Buggy and his Top 3. I believe they are way more powerful than the level they have been showing to others and if they were pushed to fight for their lives they would be a scary combat force. Buggy just prefers not to fight if he doesn't have to, not that he can't contend with the best of the Worst Generation. Buggy probably has extremely good observation haki as he has been seen being able to dodge things moving at high speeds even when he barely notices them. Observation Haki would be something that would work well for his Devil Fruit power along with his unique fighting style.

We are all impressed by Zoro using 3 swords at the same time, but can we talk about how Buggy uses 8 knives at the same time. Do you understand how much skill is required to effectively fight like that and he was doing that as a kid holding off full-grown adults during the fight between the Roger Pirates V.s. the Whitebeard Pirates. He was a kid, fighting off full-grown adults while holding 8 knives in his hands, and he survived! He was like 7-8 years old! And he FADED full-grown adults with probably the absolutely worst way to hold knives in a fight. Do you know how much skill you would need to not only defend yourself but to be SMOKING these fools at 8 years old? Along with that, these aren't typical pirates either and by that, I mean that they were on Whitebeard's crew so for pirates they would still be some of the best fights among other pirates. He had a Baptism in Blood during that fight.

Okay, I digress. But that information will be crucial to figuring out who Buggy is designed after in real-world mythology. There's only one more thing we need to go over before we start breaking Buggy down and that's his appearance. His character design and colour pallets throughout the series.
• The colors that we have seen Buggy in, the colors he chooses to wear at least, are Blue, Red, Green, Gold, White, Black, Orange, and Purple.
• The colors that he can't remove are Red & Blue, because of his Red nose and Blue hair.
• He only wears White, Blue, Red, & Green face paint.
• His hats have only been White, Orange, Red, & Gold. (The one time he had blue on his hat was when he stole a Marine hat and put an x through the Marine symbol. It wasn't something that he wanted so I don't count that entire out for that reason, that he didn't pick those colours).
• Okay so his sashes have only been Orange, Purple, & Green.
• His pants have been White, Green, and for his first appearance, this is the only time we see this color light brown.
• He also wears Gold in every single outfit. Normal it's the epaulet on his coats.
That's the quick version of his overall color palettes. But this gives us so much information to work with especially in tandem with the overview of his story and Devil Fruit.

The first God of mythology that comes to mind with all this information is the Egyptian god of Osiris. For those of you who don't know who Osiris is, The Egyptian deity for fertility, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, & life. Wikipedia says "He was classically depicted as a green-skinned deity with a pharaoh's beard, partially mummy-wrapped at the legs, wearing a distinctive atef crown, and holding a symbolic crook and flail. He was one of the first to be associated with the mummy wrap. When his brother, Set, cut him up into pieces after killing him, Isis, his wife, found all the pieces and wrapped his body up, enabling him to return to life. Osiris was at times considered the eldest son of the earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut, as well as being brother and husband of Isis, with Horus being considered his posthumously begotten son. In the Old Kingdom (2686 - 2181 BC) the pharaoh was considered a son of the sun god Ra who, after his death, ascended to join Ra in the sky. With the spread of the Osiris cult, however, there was a change in beliefs. He was also associated with the epithet Khenti-Amentiu, meaning "Foremost of the Westerners", a reference to his kingship in the land of the dead. Through syncretism with Iah, he is also a god of the Moon."

So I want to bring up a few things, before Osiris skin turns green it's actually light brown. This is similar to how Buggy's pants change colour after Luffy beats him. He also starts wearing Green face paint as well. Buggy himself is a crook that does a lot of flailing about. Buggy can be chopped up and after losing his body is found by a woman who helps put him back together. Buggy is a leader, the leader of an army of prisoners that he saves from Imperial Down, Imperial Down is based on The Divine Comedy Dante's inferno description of hell and its layers. Vice Warden Hannyabal may have the physical design of Osiris but Buggy's storyline fits that of Osiris pre-time skip perfectly. Oh and let's not forget that Osiris is also a deity of the Moon which is paralleling Luffy as the Sun God. That's right, Buggy is the Moon God!

He also has personality traits that of Loki in Norse mythology. The overly clever and deceitful nature that Loki is known for. Buggy just fits that role perfectly. I would go into details about Loki but I figured that since he is so well known at this point I didn't have to go over everything for him as it's really only Loki's personality traits that are used for him.

His story parallels Luffy's in a lot of ways, his Devil fruit even parallels Luffy's abilities. I think Buggy has a bigger role for the final arc of the story as it would parallel with him being the first person to really be a villain to Luffy and the first to come close to killing him as well. Buggy the clown is the key to finding laugh tail. I think Buggy has a legendary God-like fruits. I don't think Buggy is going to be the final antagonist or anything like that. But I no longer believe Buggy is a joke character and has been playing everyone for fools. He is comparable to Osiris in mythology. I think Buggy is going to be the real reason why Luffy makes it to the One Piece. How could we not have the clown pirate not visit the island named laugh tail? I think Oda has been playing everyone with Buggy's role to the storyline of One Piece as a whole. He was a part of Roger's crew and I bet he has advanced Haki skills like Shank's does. He might have even been born on Laugh Tale. I think there might be more to the ideals of Joy Boy that we have been overlooking as well. What if there's more than one Joy Boy by title? What if Luffy & Buggy are both going to be known as Kings of the Pirates, one in the Sun and one of the criminal underworld.

This is starting to get really long, so I'm going to wrap it up here. Thank you for reading my character analysis of Buggy the Clown! If this gets enough attention I will be doing a part 2 breaking down Buggy post-time skip.

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Sergio VanNess

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