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Stephanie Luby: A Glimpse into the Life of the Former Wife of Corey Taylor


By BiographiesPublished about a month ago 3 min read
Stephanie Luby: A Glimpse into the Life of the Former Wife of Corey Taylor
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash


Stephanie Luby is perhaps best known for her marriage to Corey Taylor, the lead vocalist of the influential heavy metal bands Slipknot and Stone Sour. While much of the attention has been focused on Corey Taylor’s career and public persona, Stephanie Luby has led an interesting life herself, marked by her own pursuits and the challenges of living in the shadow of a rock star. This article delves into Stephanie Luby’s life, her marriage to Corey Taylor, and what is known about her life post-divorce.

Early Life and Background

Stephanie Luby was born on November 14, 1976, in New York City. Details about her early life and family background are relatively scarce, as she has maintained a low profile, particularly compared to her famous ex-husband. However, it is known that Luby grew up with a passion for the arts and fashion, interests that would later define her career path.

Career and Personal Interests

Luby’s career has largely been centered around fashion and modeling. She has worked as a model, leveraging her striking looks and confident demeanor to carve out a niche for herself in the industry. Her fashion sense is eclectic and edgy, often reflecting a rock-and-roll vibe that aligns well with her personal connections.

Beyond modeling, Stephanie Luby has also shown an interest in tattoo artistry and body modification. This interest is not merely superficial; it represents a deeper connection to the alternative lifestyle and culture that often accompanies the world of heavy metal music. Her tattoos are not just body art but also expressions of her identity and personal journey.

Marriage to Corey Taylor

Stephanie Luby’s life took a significant turn when she met Corey Taylor. The two began dating in the late 2000s, and their relationship quickly became serious. They were married on November 13, 2009, in a ceremony held at the Palms Hotel in Las Vegas. The wedding was notable for its rock-and-roll flair, featuring performances by Corey Taylor himself and members of his bands.

During their marriage, Stephanie Luby was often seen accompanying Taylor at various events and on tour. Their relationship was characterized by mutual support and a shared love for music and the arts. Luby’s presence in Taylor’s life was a stabilizing influence, providing support amidst the hectic and often chaotic world of rock music.

Life in the Spotlight

Being married to a high-profile musician like Corey Taylor brought Stephanie Luby into the public eye. Despite this, she managed to maintain a relatively private life, avoiding much of the media frenzy that often surrounds celebrity couples. Her ability to navigate this balance is commendable, as it allowed her to support Taylor’s career while also pursuing her own interests.

Divorce and Life After Corey Taylor

After nearly eight years of marriage, Stephanie Luby and Corey Taylor announced their separation in 2017. The divorce was amicable, with both parties expressing mutual respect and a desire to maintain a positive relationship for the sake of their shared history and personal well-being. The separation marked the end of a significant chapter in both their lives but also opened up new possibilities for personal growth and exploration.

Post-divorce, Stephanie Luby has continued to live her life with the same passion and independence that characterized her years with Taylor. She has largely stayed out of the limelight, focusing on her interests and personal development. Her journey post-divorce reflects a commitment to self-discovery and embracing new opportunities.

Current Endeavors

As of now, Stephanie Luby’s current endeavors remain largely private. She continues to be involved in the fashion and modeling industry, with occasional public appearances that highlight her enduring connection to the world of alternative fashion and music. Her resilience and adaptability are evident in the way she has managed to navigate life’s changes, maintaining her individuality and strength.

Legacy and Influence

Stephanie Luby’s legacy is intertwined with her time spent with Corey Taylor, but it is also distinctly her own. She has made a name for herself in the fashion world and has influenced many with her unique style and artistic sensibilities. Her story is one of balancing personal passions with the demands of a high-profile relationship, demonstrating strength and grace under public scrutiny.


Stephanie Luby is more than just the former wife of a famous rock star. She is a talented and independent individual who has carved out her own path in life. Her marriage to Corey Taylor brought her into the spotlight, but she has remained true to herself, continuing to pursue her passions and live life on her own terms. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience, individuality, and the pursuit of personal fulfillment, even amidst the challenges of public life.


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