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Review of "Angel of the Overpass"

Angel of the Overpass brings the story of Rose, the Phantom Prom Date, and Bobby Cross to an impressive climactic ending.

By Cyn's WorkshopPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

The third book of the Ghost Roads series returns to the highways of America, where hitchhiking ghost Rose Marshall continues her battle with her killer--the immortal Bobby Cross.

Lady of shadows, keeper of changes, plant the seeds of faith within me, that I might grow and flourish, that I might find my way through danger and uncertainty to the safety of your garden. Let my roots grow strong and my skin grow thick, that I might stand fast against all who would destroy me. Grant to me your favor, grant to me your grace, and when my time is done, grant to me the wisdom to lay my burdens down and rest beside you, one more flower in a sea of blooms, where nothing shall ever trouble me again.

Rose Marshall died when she was sixteen years old and on her way to her high school prom. She hasn't been resting easy since then--Bobby Cross, the man who killed her, got away clean after running her off the road, and she's not the kind of girl who can let something like that slide. She's been looking for a way to stop him since before they put her body in the ground.

But things have changed in the twilight world where the spirits of the restless dead continue their "lives." The crossroads have been destroyed, and Bobby's protections are gone. For the first time, it might be possible for Rose to defeat him.

Not alone, though. She'll need every friend she's managed to make and every favor she's managed to add to her account if she wants to stand a chance...and this may be her last chance to be avenged, since what is Bobby Cross without the crossroads?

Everything Rose knows is about to change.


Angel of the Overpass brings the battle between Bobby Cross and Rose to a climatic and engaging finale.


I am so sad this series is over, but I am glad because McGuire did such a good job building up to this point. The Crossroads are dead, no longer around to protect deer Bobby Cross. However, their gifts linger on. However, now Rose has a chance to end Bobby Cross and destroy the car that has killed her and countless others.

Moreover, Rose is not the only one who wants him gone. The Ocean Lady asks Rose to be rid of him, and Rose gets the blessings of both Persephone and Death to do the job. So three big goddesses are behind Rose as she hunts down Bobby.

Talk about tension. However, it was great. The story moves at such an incredible pace, highlighting the journey Rose has been on. Everything has led up to this defining moment, and it fits while also being unpredictable.

It was an ending unlike any other, but it fit with the journey Rose has gone on. While being one hundred percent unpredictable, it only seems like the most logical route for this hitchhiking ghost to venture on. And I loved it.

Simply Excellent

What McGuire also does so well is the structure and pacing. Not only is the characterization spot on, but the way the story builds itself around Rose keeps the momentum growing. There are also plenty of flashbacks that are structured so well. Good authors structure flashback scenes in a way that does not take the reader out of the story. Moreover, that is what happens in Angel of the Overpass.

The transitions between present-day and her flashbacks add definition to Rose’s narrative and personality while also adding more context to the dynamic she has with Bobby.

Yes, Bobby ran her off the road at sixteen, and she will always hate him for that, but there is more. Rose despises him because he takes lives for his vanity, he destroys families, and he is still hunting her. He made her a ghost, but he has also destroyed other innocent lives. So that drives Rose, making her such a good character and why this has been a good series.

The structure of her past, alongside her internal narrative, draws in the reader. In addition, her voice comes alives, making it feel at times feels like she is sitting in the car next to the reader, telling her story as a hitchhiker would.

Rose feels alive and very much like a hitchhiker, selling the story perfectly.

Final Thoughts

Angel of the Overpass was incredible. The journey to this point was as well. There is something unmistakably unique about McGuire’s storytelling and characterization that keeps the reader hooked until the very end.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

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About the Author

Cynthia Bujnicki graduated from Emerson College with a BA in Writing, Literature and Publishing. She has always loved to read since she was a child. A contributing writer for YA Fantasy Addicts, she is also the Editor-in-Chief for Cyn's Workshop. She lives in sunny South Florida with her husband and son and their two cats, Mr. J the Kitten and Nyx.


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Cyn's Workshop

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