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Prolific Prince vs Avatyrant

Everyone needs a hero, but maybe the hero needs a villain

By Monique StarPublished 5 years ago 7 min read

The Avatyrant took advantage of her powers to control nature and weather. Making the waves bigger with storms by the beaches, removing leaves from trees when citizens needed shade, making earthquakes that weaken buildings without too many fatalities or injuries. The only thing that seemingly kept her from going from inconveniencing people to killing them was her enemy, the Prolific Prince. With the power of creating anything at will, he didn't have a lot of limits when it comes to defeating the Avatyrant or repairing the damage caused by her. Since he always insisted that the police didn't need to interfere, she usually ended up with more bruises than her enemy, a declaration of defeat, and a vow that she won't be easily defeated next time as opposed to a normal arrest.

As she hitches a ride in a black cloud, it stops above an apartment building and the very emo Virgil Vanta leaps out with ripped black jeans, messy hair short hair, and his favorite hoodie complete with his eyeshadow in his pocket. He looked up at the cloud to confirm that, within it, there was a skin-tight suit, a cape made of leaves, a mask that covered most of the face, high heeled boots, and a ginger wig with a tiara attached. He waved to the cloud and they parted ways once again. To Virgil, one of the best things about being a genderfluid introvert who lives in his hoodie is that no one could tell he was the Avatyrant even if they tried. Even with that secret, he was well aware of whom he was feuding against: his boyfriend and neighbor, Roman Williams. They've been together for eights months and neighbors for longer, but Virgil was the only one of the pair who knew they were feuding.

A long time ago, Virgil quietly came over to Roman's apartment without making too much noise. He looked around for Roman until he peeked into the bedroom. Virgil saw Roman alternate between manifesting a little doll out of thin air and making it disappear. As much as it made Virgil want to reveal his own powers to Roman, he already knew how insecure the thespian tends to be without wanting to admit it. He left for his own apartment and came up with an idea to help Roman. With the help of some sewing his best friend, Patton, taught him, Virgil managed to put together an outfit that wouldn't give away his physical appearance. Not only that, but the fact that his identity was concealed made it easier for him to do and say what he normally wouldn't since he could just claim it wasn't him, but his alternate identity. It took longer than Virgil wanted, but eventually she caused enough chaos long enough for the town to need help and Roman to deliver it. She never wished to hurt Roman and only made the fights a little longer when she knew he wanted a challenge. It was easier to keep Roman's pride up, he didn't know about Virgil being genderfluid, and the bruises and cuts could be hidden by Virgil's outfit or the Avatyrant's outfit, so it was considered a good system.

Virgil had completed his work from home for the day and decided that, since his stay-at-home date with Roman wasn't until much later, he had enough time Roman a reason to relax. As he went to the roof to meet up with the cloud, he couldn't help but think about how they've managed to talk about the feud between Prolific Prince and Avatyrant so casually. It made the emo wonder when he'll be bold enough to tell Roman everything: being genderfluid, his powers, his motives for being the villain, everything. However, as he exited the cloud, she knew that that would be a concern for another day. She made sure not too many people were outside before spreading small clouds out around town and making hail fall from them. She increased the winds and made everything humid for everyone in town before she saw the Prolific Prince arrive in a bubble.

"Well, aren't you creative with your approaches," she taunted.

"You'd think with your abilities, you'd think you'd repair the ozone layer instead of terrorizing the town," he boldly retorted.

She remembered passing out one time she tried that, but she felt he didn't need to know that.

"At least I don't get too hostile. It's no fun without a reaction, especially from a gorgeous vigilante like yourself," she brought up before bringing her cloud closer to Prolific Prince and stroking his cheek.

"For the last time, I am not interested!" he shouted.

She aimed a hurricane in his direction and blasted him past several buildings. She, then, forced him into a twister for the sake of confusing him. He ran and leapt at her when she was close enough and punched her as they fell.

"Heh, equal opportunity ass whooper?" she joked weakly before trapping him in branches from nearby trees.

"If Prince Phillip can take down Maleficient, why can't I go against you?" he confidently retorted before manifesting a giant hammer and slamming her into several trees with it.

He repaired the initial damage she caused before walking past the trees to repair the damage and get a better look at his enemy in his weakest state. As one tree was reattached to its initial spot in the ground he saw that there was a ginger wig with a tiara attached to it... similar to Avatyrant's hair. He was rather curious, so he picked up the pace and recognized bits of his opponent peeking out from under another fallen tree. He restored the tree and noticed her eyes were closed through her mask. He figured that the sooner he understood the "who," the sooner he could understand the "why." He slowly peeled off the mask only to be stunned as he saw... the love of his life unconscious.

The cheers for the hero were muffled to him by the many thoughts going through his head. He manifested a dome that hid them both as he rushed them home.

Roman had Virgil out cold on his couch. He removed all of the outfit except for the boxers for the sole purpose of tending to his love's wounds. After several wounds were cleaned and bandaged, Roman covered Virgil with a Nightmare Before Christmas night shirt and waited for a long time.

It was around 11 PM when Virgil finally woke up. He looked around and recognized that he was in Roman's apartment. He tried to sit up, but felt a warm hand pull him back down.

"Easy, Hot Topic, you're still weak," he hold before he saw Roman in a rainbow Mickey Mouse night shirt.

He wasn't sure how much Roman saw or knew, so he said, "If you have any questions, ask them one at a time."

"What do you identify as?"

"Genderfluid. I mostly stick with male pronouns since my interests aren't 'ladylike' and surgery makes me nervous."

"That explains your figure. Did you know who I was?"

"Of course I did. I only used stronger attacks when I knew you wanted a challenge, but I would never want to severely harm you."

"Why did you do this?"

"You wanted to be a hero, right? You wanted proof that you're doing the right thing? I didn't seem to be doing enough to show you how much of a good job you're already doing, so this was something I thought of after you made and unmade that doll."

Roman remembered that doll, but he had no idea that Virgil saw. He eventually started to doubt himself as he realized they were playing a game where Virgil was basically letting him win. However, he thought about the times he helped when Virgil wasn't the cause of the problem and remembered that there were people who liked what he did, people who cheered for him and his actions, people who encouraged him because he was doing something right.

"Did you know about what would happen?"

"Everyone needed to know your potential and you needed to know you're more than enough," Virgil responded while slowly lifting the night shirt to reveal several bruises, "No matter the cost."

They both spent several days taking time off of work to spend time together and being more open about what they were thinking during their battles. Once Virgil was healed, Roman gave him a ten minute head start before the Prolific Prince would come out to battle.

fan fiction

About the Creator

Monique Star

I'm not the most sophisticated adult out there. I'm also not the best at communicating all the time, but I do try my best to get my thoughts out there into the world verbally or nonverbally.

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