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One Hunter And Many Survivors

Desierto: A group of people trying to cross the border from Mexico into the United States encounter a racist man who has taken border patrol duties into his own hands.

By Sabiha UHPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
One Hunter And Many Survivors
Photo by Cole Patrick on Unsplash

The story starts with a lot of Mexican people going in a truck on a deserted road. All of them have their own stories and dreams. One of them is named moses.

He has a teddy bear in his hand which starts ringing anytime. He doesn't know how to stop it. Another man there tells him to press his stomach. When moses does that, the bear stops ringing.

All of them are trying to cross Mexican border to enter America illegally so that they can achieve their dreams. Before they can cross the border, their truck stops working.

The driver asks if any of them is a mechanic. Moises raises his hand. He checks the truck and tells that it cannot be repaired, it has to be towed. Now all the Mexican people who wants to go to America have no option but to move ahead on foot.

All of them start moving on foot. They find sharp wire pieces in their way but they cross them anyhow and finally enter in America. On the other hand, a man is shown driving a truck with his dog tracker.

He is here to hunt rabbits. When he shoots to hunt, the mexican people start running here and there because they are here illegally. This uncultivated land is so hot that they need to drink water every once in a while. They decide to rest at a spot.

There, the American man sam is shown. He is stopped by the police. The police asks if he is lost. He says that he isn't lost but hunting rabbits and doesn't think a permit is required for it.

Police says that it isn't illegal but he should stay away from border. He asks if this is the border from where a lot of Mexican men enter here illegally. Police denies knowing anything about it and leave.

After that sam starts hunting rabbits. While looking for a rabbit , he finds a handkerchief in the bushes. He gives it to his dog tracker to sniff and tells him to find. Tracker starts moving in the direction where the Mexican people have just left because the handkerchief belongs to 1 of them.

When sam follows his dog, he sees a group of Mexican people have entered the grounds of America. They aren't the whole group. 5 of them were left behind.

They shouted for them to wait but they know that this place is dangerous and it would be better if they cross it as soon as possible. When the 5 of them see sam, they hide in the bushes. Sam shoots the group of Mexican people 1 by 1.

They ran but weren't able to escape because it was an open ground. Here we come to know that sam is not mentally stable. He's a psycho . He feels satisfied after killing everyone and decides to leave now.

He tells his dog tracker to sit in the truck but the dog doesn't obey. Tracker continues barking towards a particular direction. Sam realises that more people are hiding here.

He checks from the binoculars of his rifle and spots some heads. He starts going towards them with his dog. They start running. He tells tracker to follow them and tracker captures one of them. Tracker bites his neck and kills him. He then starts following the other ones.

Before he could reach to them, they all climb on trees to save themselves. Tracker barks at them and sam comes there. He climbs the tree to shoot them and they start running for their lives. Now tracker is running after them from the other direction.

The 4 of them reach to the end of a pit. They have to jump and reach the other rock. 3 of them jumps but the last one is scared. If he didn't jump, tracker will kill him.

He jumps but doesn't reach the other rock . But before he could fall down, Moises the mechanic holds him and starts pulling him upwards. Sam sees this from a distance and targets them. He shoots the man who is hanging and he falls. He then shoots moses too but misses the shots.

Now the remaining 3 people start running to save themselves. Tracker and sam also start following them. Tracker is a very intelligent dog and abides by everything that sam says. He starts taking sam in the direction of those men. The 3 of them starts climbing on rocks.

Tracker brings sam there and he also starts climbing after them. The dog wasn't able to see the 3 of them but just 1. As sam was about to shoot him, he fells down. There, tracker starts biting him until sam arrives and shoots him dead.

Right above sam are moises and a girl. Sam wasn't able to see them because they were hiding in rocks. Suddenly, the teddy bear in moises's bag starts ringing. Moises quickly shuts it off .

Though sam gets suspicious, but as he wasn't able to see anything, he leaves. Sam and the other girl whose name is adlee decide to rest at a place for a while.

Adlee tells sam that her parents never wanted her to stay in their hometown. They wanted her to go to America and fulfill her dreams , that's why they were sending her to America with a man who is dead now.

Moises tells that his family is in Auckland, America. His family is still waiting for him. He had broken a headlight due to which he was sent to detention centre.

On his way there, his younger son came to see him and gave him the teddy bear which he still have. He has promised his son that he'll return the toy to him 1 day.

Though his wife told her not to promise such a thing as he wasn't able to fulfill any of his promises, he still did because he wanted to return to his son.

After that he was sent to mexico and now he wanted to come back to his family. On the other hand sam is shown making fire in the desert. In deserts, nights are extremely cold like days are extremely hot.

Sam decides to leave the next morning, he isn't able to bear the heat. The next morning when sam starts packing up, adlee sees him. She tells this to moises that the person who killed our group is nearby.

Sam's dog tracker was sleeping while he was packing. Suddenly tracker gets wakes up and gets alert. He then starts running in the direction where adli and moises are. Sam runs behind him .

When he reaches there, sam sees a teddy bear which is ringing. He realises that he has been played. He turns and sees adlee and moises running towards his truck.

He tries to shoot them but couldn't aim properly . Tracker runs towards them while moises tries to open the door. Before tracker could reach them, the door opens and they get inside.

Moises starts the car with a lot of difficulty and both of them leaves. Moises then says that he'll stop the car in Chicago now . Suddenly a bullet hits adlee's shoulder.

The bullets shoot in their truck which tumbles it . Moises doesn't get injured. He helps adlee up and hides her under a cactus plant. Moises also brings a first aid kit.

When he opens it, he finds a flair gun and 2 bullets in it. Moises tells adlee to stay there as she us injured. She says that if he'll leave her alone then she will be killed. Moises say that he has a son and he has to reach to him anyhow , he leaves with the flair gun.

Sam reaches the truck but doesn't find the 2 of them there. He starts going where adlee is. As soon as he reaches her, he sees a shot of flair gun in the sky. This was shot by moises because he knew they will reach to adlee because she wasn't too far from the truck.

sam to tell tracker to leave adlee alone because she won't live for too long and start following the man. Tracker obeys and starts following moises. Moises runs and hides in the cactus bushes.

When tracker comes for him, he shoots him and runs away. Sam on reaching there finds his dearest dog, whom he loves the most in excruciating pain. He then has to unwillingly shoot him to death.

This thing makes him furious and now he wants to end moises anyhow. He starts following moises and shoots him but misses. He sees him going up a mountain.

He follows him there but couldn't see him because moises hides. As soon as moises gets the chance, he takes sam and jumps off the mountain . They both fell on the ground but sam gets badly injured. His leg bone breaks and his rifle flies away from him.

When he tries to reach for it, moises runs and gets hold of his rifle before him. Moises points the gun on sam and says that he killed them as if they were an animals . Sam begs moises to spare him.

Moises says that he'll not shoot him because this desert will kill him itself. Moises gets going while sam begs him to save him. Moises leaves him there and goes to adlee who's taking her last breaths He picks her up and says that she couldn't give up, they will leave from here in a while and he starts walking with adlee on his shoulder.

He crosses the salt lake and after walking the whole day, he finally sees the light of cars. This means they reached the highway and their destination.

With this, the story ends. This is a very liked Spanish film.

It was released in 2015 . It's IMDb rating is 6.


About the Creator

Sabiha UH

SABIHA is dedicated to providing expert advice, trusted resources, and information about relationships.

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    Sabiha UHWritten by Sabiha UH

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