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Mobile App Security: Trends, Best Practices, And Tools For Ensuring App Security

Ensuring App Security: Trends, Best Practices & Tools for Mobile App Security

By Quokka LabsPublished about a year ago 8 min read
Mobile App Security

“Mobile app security” mainly protects high-value mobile apps and your digital identity from hacker attacks in all its forms. It includes tampering, malware, key loggers, and other forms of manipulation or interference. A comprehensive mobile app security strategy incorporates tech solutions, best practices for use, and corporate processes.

Mobile app security is currently in trend as mobile devices have increased worldwide. The direction expanded toward using mobile devices for banking, shopping, and other activities, corresponding with an ascent in mobile devices, apps, and users.

This blog will cover different patterns, best practices, and devices guaranteeing mobile app security.

Let's start!!!

Mobile App Security Trends

Business organizations have encountered security breaks, malware, and different kinds of security attacks on business applications bringing about information misfortune, reputational harm, and various intricacies. Organizations should consider application security in the long term to guarantee the max security and a consistent client/user experience.

  • Increased Expectations

The need for better security is also increased with the growth of mobile applications. As security holes in versatile applications currently available are uncovered, organizations will progressively perceive the need to focus on mobile application security. As the world plans for 2023, organizations should embrace the most current security practices to guarantee consistence with the most recent application advancement and security guidelines.

  • Increased App Security Risks

Organizations utilize mobile apps increasingly frequently, yet safeguarding them is becoming progressively troublesome. The various hacking incidents against versatile applications are consistently on the ascent as cybercriminals always track down better approaches to break into these stages. The number of new vulnerabilities in versatile applications has expanded by 300%. As security gaps in versatile applications currently available are unrevealed, organizations will progressively perceive the need to focus on mobile application security in 2023.

  • Adoption of DevSecOps

Organizations are progressively utilizing DevSecOps practices to create secure applications. DevSecOps is a procedure that joins conventional development best practices with security practices to assist associations with creating applications that are safer and less vulnerable. Currently, an expected 30% of organizations entirely execute DevSecOps practices. In any case, this number will likely increase in the future.

  • Requirement For Proactive Security

As per a CNBC report, more than $2 billion worth of cryptographic money has been stolen from versatile mobile applications. With this danger genuine and not far off, organizations must focus on mobile application security like never before. Organizations need in-assembled application safety efforts equipped for identifying and forestalling hazards before they occur. Associations can decrease risk and customer service costs by making bold strides to expand their mobile applications' security.

  • Political Consequences

With the number of cell phones and clients on the ascent, more organizations are creating and delivering versatile applications. As per research, these applications are frequently vulnerable to attack and compromise. Hackers utilize mobile applications for everything from data theft to denial of service attacks. Thus, if a country's economy depends vigorously on cell phones and versatile applications, its political steadiness might be in danger when there is an application security incidences with broad implications.

Hence, application security regulations and guidelines will likewise become more severe as more users know about digital security threads. Now let's check out the best practices of mobile app security.

Mobile App Security Best Practices

Creating a successful mobile app requires following security best practices. Hackers reliably look for ways of taking advantage of safety issues, and penetrating information can adversely affect your client/user experience, notoriety, and primary concern. Following mobile application security, best practices will prepare you to launch a successful mobile application.

  • Start From Beginning

However much we prefer not to utilize cliches, we can't resist the urge to concoct this line: 'Mobile application security isn't just run; it's a long-distance race.' When you think and carry out security throughout your turn of events, you practically rule out exorbitant, tedious fixes. Keep a security agenda next to each other, and if conceivable, assign the security obligations to an individual who'd oversee & supervise it.

  • Penetration Testing

Progressively, testing strategies like SAST (Static Application Security Testing) are becoming compulsory for IT associations, as they should be. SAST tests enter your source code and unravel security miniature security escape clauses. There are many tools through which you can test your application. We will explain various mobile app tools in detail later on.

  • Code Signing Certificate

We don't have to tell you since you know it. You need to sign and encode your code utilizing a Code Signing Certificate. When done, your code gets scrambled, and any malicious party can't trick your clients by spoofing your application. After publishing the name of the developers, the end clients can know that the application is certified and hasn't been tempered.

  • Secure & Agile Code

It is another crucial best practice. In any case, attempt to figure out a piece according to our viewpoint. How horrendous an item on application security would look on the off chance that it doesn't advise you to get your code. Making your application secure ought to be your primary need up and down the turn of events and development process.

  • Secure Client-To-Server Communication

Not just stored data, but also we need to secure data in transit to avoid man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. For ensuring server communication, you have two choices. You can either go with SSL or a VPN tunnel. Per our expert choices, we recommend you go with SSL/TLS.

  • Encrypting The Data Mobile App Security Tools

You should encrypt all the information sent to the client's phone. Along these lines, regardless of whether a hacker figures out how to get their hands on the news, they will not have the option to (mis)use it. What's more, utilize unbroken protocols like 256-bit AES encryption.

  • Use Ideal 3rd party Libraries

We know the amount you need to utilize outsider libraries; however, before you do that, you should test your code widely. Numerous occurrences in the current time have caused a few severe disorders due to shaky & insecure third-party libraries. So, you must be careful before you choose any 3rd party libraries.

  • Authentication & Authorization

Application security authentication & authorization are two of the most critical variables. Engineers should ensure that the end-client passwords are profoundly secure, and they should likewise empower multifactor authentication. If the application manages exceptionally delicate data, the client should be made to sign in for each new session.

  • The lesser, The Better

The rule of least privilege expresses that an app should ask for the data it needs. Only make your app request for access to messages if you need them. Keep your accesses at the bare minimum. The less your application knows, the better it will be concerning mobile app security.

  • Regular Testing & Updates

No stage/platform is 100 % secure. A few dim spots will remain regardless of whether you examine them at each stage. That is the reason application testing & updates ought never to stop. You can likewise begin your bug abundance program if you can bear the cost of it.

Let's learn more about the top mobile application security testing tools.

Mobile App Security Tools

  • Zed Assault Proxy

Zed Assault Proxy (ZAP) is designed essentially and without any problem. Prior it was utilized exclusively for web applications to track down vulnerabilities, yet at present, it is broadly involved by all the testers for mobile application security testing.

It supports sending malicious messages, making it more straightforward for the testers to test the security of versatile applications.

This kind of testing is conceivable by sending any request or record through a malicious message and trying to determine whether a mobile application is vulnerable to a negative note.

Key Features:

  • It is easy to Install.
  • It is accessible in 20+ unique languages.
  • It is the world's most famous open-source security testing tool.
  • Many global workers effectively keep up with ZAP.
  • It is a worldwide local area-based tool offering help and dynamic development by international workers.
  • It is additionally a magnificent tool for manual security testing.


QARK means "Quick Android Review Kit," and LinkedIn created it. The name recommends that it is helpful for the Android stage to recognize security escape clauses in the mobile application source code and APK records.

QARK is a static code examination tool that gives data about Android application-related security gambles and obviously and compactly describes issues.

QARK generates Android Debug Bridge" orders to assist with approving/ or validating the vulnerability that QARK detects in the earlier phase.

Key Features:

  • It is an open-source tool.
  • It gives top-to-bottom data info about security vulnerabilities.
  • It will create a report about expected vulnerabilities and provide data about how to fix them.

  • It features the issue connected with the Android version.
  • It filters every one of the parts in the mobile application for misconfiguration and security dangers.
  • It makes a custom application for testing as an APK and recognizes the possible issues.

ImmuniWeb® MobileSuite

ImmuniWeb® MobileSuite offers a unique blend of mobile applications and their backend testing in a solidified deal. It covers Versatile OWASP for the portable application, SANS, and PCI DSS 6.5.1-10 for the backend. It accompanies adaptable, pay-more-only-as-costs arise bundles with a zero bogus up-sides SLA and an unconditional promise for one misleading positive.

Key Features:

  • Versatile application and backend testing.
  • Significant remediation rules.
  • Zero misleading SLA.
  • PCI DSS and GDPR compliances.
  • CVE, CWE, and CVSSv3 scores.

  • SDLC and CI/CD tool integration.
  • A single tick virtual fixing through WAF.
  • 24/7 access to security experts.

That's it!!!

All in all, organizations ought to comprehend that the effect of mobile application security goes beyond user security and affects the brand's ranking. With the expanding hacking activities and data breaks, users know about mobile application security issues and favor secure applications over those that can seize their data. App developers ought to endeavor to make applications that fulfill clients'/users' necessities and spotlight their endeavors on security.

If you have enjoyed this, follow our blogs and social media channels for more updates. Also, if you need help in mobile app development or consultations, Quokka Labs is the team. Thanks!!!

Read More: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mobile App Development Process


About the Creator

Quokka Labs

Quokka Labs is an IT Products & Services consulting company striving to design, develop, and deploy solid and scalable software systems. W


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