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By Derrick Billups Published 3 years ago 5 min read


She's alone.

Trapped in a small enclosure as a black expanse with tiny dots falling away in the distance.

She missed her parents and the world she called home for the 13 years of life she'd known. She missed the tall towers of her home city. Towers that looked as though they touched the very sky when she walked the streets with her parents. She missed her family so much. Her father was a tall man with features that showed strength despite his calm demeanor. Her mother was a gracious, beautiful woman.

The dream is always the same. She's with her parents and holding their hands as they walked the streets of the city they lived in. They're smiling and happy.. A perfect day, then the tremors start. The ground beneath them begins to quake violently. The buildings begin to sway and crack. Sounds of screams around them as the people look for safety. Her father drags her at first then stops to carry her in his arms. Her mother is running beside them, sheltering her as pieces of the buildings fall down near them. They reach home and her father goes to his lab frantically at controls she knows nothing about. She thinks he is speaking to her uncle that lives in a nearby city on his monitor. She can barely tell as her mother hurries her to her room. She's saying something to her, but she can't make out the words. The look of fear on her mother's face brings her to tears. Then her father calls them to him. They rush to the sound of his voice tinhis lab. There is what appears to be a small ship shaped as a sphere and looks small enough for one to fit comfortably. She's shocked to see that such a device was hidden in their home all this time. Her father hurriedly comes to her and says something to her that she cannot make out.

Then her father helps her into the ship. She feels her grief and fear flow with her tears as she settles into the ship. She glances around it sparingly as the whole building begins to shake suddenly from a tremor. She tries to get out of the ship, wanting to be safely held by her father. But he restrains her from leaving and gently pushes her back in. She looks at him and sees tears flowing from his face. He says something to her that she cannot hear as before. The grief and seriousness of his face seemed enough to warrant her to settle back in the craft. Her mother appears and with her father give her a strong hug of farewell. Then they each say something to her, however, as before she cannot make out what they are saying.

Her parents step back away from the ship as the tremors grow. The hatch of the small ship closes over her. She starts to cry and pound on the glass of the hatch crying out for her parents. Her father reaches over to a control panel and presses something that causes the outer layer of the ship to close over the glass of the hatch. Inside the ship lights illuminate her surroundings and a display activates. On it a short countdown proceeds and as it ends the ship accelerates upward into the sky in seconds.

Inside the ship she cries as the display shows her world becoming a shrinking sight. The ship clears the atmosphere in seconds and heads out into the darkness of space. Despite the small craft's high acceleration out of the solar system, she feels none of the intense inertia and G-forces that would come from such a speed. She curls up bringing her knees into her chest and cries harder. Then the ship is rocked by something happening outside. She is rocked back and forth in the ship and it goes dark.


She wakes up from the nightmare of past events and realizes that she is not on the ship. The claustrophobic space of the ship is replaced with a modest, more spacious bedroom. Her mind realigns what happened with what is. Her ship reached its destination on Earth. She was found by her younger cousin who arrived there two decades ahead of her and was now a grown man. He sent her to live with the family of a friend who took her in and gave her a new start. She gained new abilities on her new home. One being superior hearing.

"Kara! Kara! Is everything alright?"

Kara smiled as she heard her new mother's voice at the door. "I'm fine," she replied.

The door opened and an older woman peeked from behind. "You screamed out pretty loudly, are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Mrs. Danvers," Kara replied as she sat up on the bed. "It was just a nightmare, nothing serious."

Mrs. Danvers came in further and sat on the corner of Kara's bed. She smiled and said "Well I know a good breakfast downstairs is ready to lift your spirits."

Kara's face brightened up, "Breakfast? Pancakes?"

"Just the way you liked them. Had to make double your usual this time. We got company coming."

"Carol's coming over?"

"Good guess. She called me up a moment ago letting me know that she coming in this morning. Seems NASA is finally giving her some much needed time off. Anyway, I suggest you get ready and have some pancakes before she beats you to them."

"Thank you," Kara said "Thank you for having me here."

"You don't have to thank us, dear. You're part of our family now." With that, Mrs. Danvers gave Kara a hug and left the room.

"She's right," Kara thought. "I'm Kara Danvers now and I'm not alone."


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