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How To Write Google Ads Headlines That Convert

If you want to learn how to write headlines for your Google Ads that will actually convert, then this blog post is for you!

By Poll the PeoplePublished 2 years ago 5 min read

How To Write Google Ads Headlines That Convert

If you want to learn how to write headlines for your Google Ads that will actually convert, then this blog post is for you!

How To Write Google Ads Headlines That Convert

How to Write Google Ads Headlines That Convert

Keep it short and sweet- The headline is the first thing that potential customers will see, so make sure it is clear and concise. Keep it to 8 words or less.

Use keywords- since you want your ad to show up when people search for certain keywords, make sure to use them in the headline!

Use numbers or symbols- this makes your headline more eye-catching and can help communicate what your ad is about quickly.

Use strong verbs- words like “guarantee”, “improve”, and “discover” can help entice people to click on your ad.

Make a promise- let people know what they can expect if they click on your ad. This could be something like “Get 50% off your first purchase!”

Remember, the headline is the most important part of your ad, so make sure to put some thought into it! With a little effort, you can write headlines that grab attention and convert clicks into customers.

Ad Headlines Are Important For Your Google Ads Campaign

Ad headlines are important for your Google Ads campaign because they help you stand out from the competition and grab attention. A good headline is key to getting people to click on your ad, so make sure to spend some time crafting an effective one. Here are some tips:

1. Keep it short and to the point

Your headline should be short and to the point, announcing what you have to offer in a clear and concise way.

2. Use keywords

Include relevant keywords in your headline to help your ad come up in search results.

3. Make it interesting

Your headline should be interesting and eye-catching, so make sure to avoid bland or boring phrases.

4. Test different headlines

Try out different headlines and see which ones perform the best. Keep track of your click-through rate (CTR) to see how effective your headlines are.

By following these tips, you can write effective headlines that will help you get more clicks on your Google Ads. Spend some time experimenting and testing different headlines to see what works best for your business.

Tips For Writing Headlines That Will Get Clicks

1. Keep your headlines short and sweet

Your headline should be no longer than 12-15 words, and should include your target keywords. Keep in mind that people will be scanning your headline, so make sure it’s easy to read.

2. Make your headlines benefit-oriented

Your headline should tell the reader what they will get out of clicking on your ad. Whether it’s a discount, free shipping, or something else, make sure your headline provides a benefit.

3. Use numbers and symbols

Using numbers and symbols in your headlines can make them more attention-grabbing. For example, “Get 50% off your purchase!”

4. Use strong verbs

Strong verbs convey a sense of urgency and can help to get people to take action. Words like “discover,” “unlock,” and “transform” are all good choices.

5. Test different headlines

You’ll never know which headlines are going to work best until you test them out. Try creating a few different headlines and see which ones get the most clicks.

Make Your Headlines Count With These Tips

The most important part of your Google ad is the headline.

Your headline is what tells people what your ad is about, and it’s what convinces them to click on your ad.

That’s why it’s so important to write headlines that are both effective and interesting.

Here are some tips to help you write headlines that will get people to take notice of your ads:

1. Keep it short and sweet

Your headline should be short, sweet, and to the point. It should be no more than a few words long, and it should concisely describe what your ad is about.

2. Make it interesting

Your headline should be interesting enough to make people want to learn more about what you’re offering. Use strong keywords and enticing words to pique people’s interest.

3. Use benefit-driven language

Your headline should highlight the benefits of what you’re offering. What will people get out of clicking on your ad? Make sure your headline communicates that.

4. Test, test, test

Always test different headlines to see which ones perform the best. A/B testing is a great way to do this. Try different headlines and see which ones get the most clicks and conversion.

How To Write Headlines That Convert: Tips For Google Ads

-A headline is the most important part of your Google Ad- so make sure it is effective!

-Think about what would make you want to click on an ad- what kind of headlines grab your attention?

-Your headline should be clear and to the point- tell the viewer what they can expect to see when they click on your ad.

-Make sure your headline is relevant to the rest of your ad- if not, viewers will be disappointed when they click and see something different.

- Test out different headlines to see which ones work best for your ad- track your results to see what gets the most clicks.

Following these tips will help you create headlines that are more likely to get clicked on- and that’s what it’s all about!


Looking to improve your Google Ads headlines? Test different versions for free with Poll the People. Our platform makes it easy to get feedback from your target audience so you can see which headlines are most effective. Sign up today and see how we can help you boost your conversion rate.

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