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How to Read More Books Without Suffering a Burnout?

How to read more books?

By Ravi VajaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Do you have a reader’s block? Are you not able to read more books like before? There are ways to include books in your life even though you don’t have a moment to lose. As an avid reader, you might have powered through books earlier in life when your responsibilities were at a bare minimum. As grown-ups, we are always on our toes with work, home, parenting, and adulting in general. It is very hard to find moments to spare for the much-needed break or “me-time”.

Before the pandemic hit us hard, most of our reading time was during the commute. Now we have lost that aspect too. Therefore, how do find time to read more books? Just check out the following tips:

How to read more books?

Firstly, you need to find more time to read more books. Workaround your habits and schedules to make space for your most favorite thing. These tips will help you reach your goals and prevent any burnout. Drolly Animals

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However, remember that you should read more books for pure pleasure. It should not torture or suffocate your time. Reading should be all fun, interesting, and happy. Ensure it doesn’t turn into another chore or work.

Carry a book around always

Having a book in hand at all times, keeps you engaged. Keep one handy with you wherever you go. It doesn’t matter if it is the grocery store, a dentist appointment, or any long queues. I would definitely recommend you to carry an eReader or download a reading app on your phone to read more books. Additionally, this helps if you are not comfortable carrying physical books around.

Take a reading challenge to read more books

Trust me on this; it is so much easier to read more books when you set the goals. You can take the Goodreads Reading Challenge and set your target. Update your “read books” as you inch closer to your goals. This Challenge keeps you on schedule and helps you track. Just remember to set an attainable target. Do not let an unreachable target discourage or disappoint you.

You can also read more books with your ears

Adding an audiobook to your “read books list” is not cheating. Audiobooks are a great way to include literature in your life. They are the best because they allow you to multitask. You can enjoy an audiobook while walking, exercising, cooking, or any other chore. You can give your eyes a break with these books especially if your full-time job involves a lot of screen time. Hence, you can cook an amazing plate of food, and wind down for the day with a good audiobook. Would you like turtle story? Baby Red Eared Slider Turtle

Be part of a book club

Join a book club with like-minded people who are a great source of inspiration to read more books. Additionally, these clubs are a wonderful way for accountability to complete your reading challenges. Firstly, the meetings help you complete a book on schedule. Secondly, it is fun to have a social circle of people to brainstorm your thoughts outside work and mundane life. Thirdly, book clubs remove the pressure of “what to read next?” out of your head. Finally, a monthly book club easily helps you complete 12 books by the end of a year.

Create a cozy reading nook

A simple, comfortable, and cozy nook dedicated to books helps you read more on daily basis. Create a small inviting space with good lighting and everything you need at a reachable distance when you sit to read. This setup will make your reading timeless of a chore and more enjoyable and relaxing. Just find an opportunity to read and dive straight into a book.

Also, take breaks to prevent burnout

At the end of the day, reading should bring pleasure and comfort. Understand your limits and avoid burnout. There is no need to push yourself to strain your eyes, suffer from headaches, or exhaust yourself mentally.

You can take breaks after a certain number of pages or chapters. Take a small walk, have some snacks, or catch an episode of a TV serial. Enjoy the thrill of books and read more to love life.

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About the Creator

Ravi Vaja

I am Digital Marketing Junkie, I breathe Digital Marketing Innovation, SEO, Social Media Marketing and Build #DigitalMarketing experiences with ❤ for great #brands.

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