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How To Create A Professional Website in Minutes

Many people want to build a website, but don't know where to start. Here are a few tips to get you started.

By Dániel SzabóPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

A professional, search engine-friendly website is your gateway to success. It’s the first impression visitors have of your brand and it sets the tone for the rest of your digital presence. Your website is an extension of yourself—it needs to reflect your values, services and expertise. That’s why it’s essential that you put time and thought into creating a professional site from the ground up. Creating a solid digital presence starts with understanding what works best for your brand. What type of site are people searching for? How will you build trust with potential clients? And how do you plan to grow in the long term? These questions can seem overwhelming at first, but when you break them down they become much simpler. Let’s take a look at how you can create a professional site in just minutes!

Create a Vision Statement for Your Site

Every website needs a vision statement. A vision statement is a 10 to 30 second summary of your site that describes what it is and what it stands for. It’s the cornerstone of your digital presence and the first thing visitors will notice. How many times have you visited a website only to walk away confused? It happens all the time. Creating a vision statement has the potential to prevent this by explaining your brand’s values, purpose and target market succinctly and memorably. A vision statement will also help you focus your content and visual direction while creating a cohesive brand feel. What type of site are people searching for? How will you build trust with potential clients? And how do you plan to grow in the long term? These questions can seem overwhelming at first, but when you break them down they become much simpler.

Use Summation Words in your Content

Summation words are a staple of digital marketing strategy. These are the words and phrases your business uses to describe itself. You can find summation words by looking at what people are searching for on Google. Then, use these words throughout your website’s copy and visual content to give your brand a clear voice. If you’re creating a website for a photography business, you might use words like “creative,” “affordable,” or “weddings.” If you’re representing a financial company, you could use words like “savings,” “investing,” and “money.”

Define your Brand Identity

Your brand identity is your company’s unique set of values and personality. It is the internal representation of your brand that you use to create your visual brand guidelines and guide your content creation. Your brand identity will help define your brand’s values, inspire your design direction and give your brand a personality. It can be a complex process, but with a little research and creativity you can create a brand identity that is unique and authentic for your business. Start by researching your competitors. What are their brands about? What are the common themes you see when you look at their sites? Once you’ve identified these common themes, you can use them to create your own brand identity.

Build a Valid Navigation Menu

Navigation menus are a critical component of any site. They are the main entry point for visitors—they’re what they see first and what they click on the most. This is why you must use a valid navigation menu. A navigation menu is the list of links at the top of your site that leads people to the different pages and sections. There are a few things to consider when you’re building a valid navigation menu. First, make sure your menu is navigable. Ideally, it shouldn’t take more than a few seconds to scroll all the way through your menu. If people have to scroll down too far to get to a section, they’ll quickly lose interest. Next, check your menu for duplicate links. Duplicate links are links that point to the same page. This is a major problem for sites with hundreds of pages and sub-sections, but it can be a serious issue for smaller businesses as well. A valid navigation menu should contain no more than 10 to 15 links and no more than 10 to 15 duplicates.

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Write Compelling Articles and Blog Posts

Next, you’ll want to focus on writing engaging, compelling articles and blog posts. This is the content that will help you rank in Google. This can be anything from how-to articles to product reviews to general lifestyle content like how-tos and hacks. You want to make sure that your content provides value for your readers, but also promotes your brand. You want to provide helpful, informative content that is also designed to build your brand. When writing your articles and blog posts, remember these three things. First, don’t use overly complicated language that your audience won’t understand. This will confuse readers and make them think your content is fake. Next, be sure to reference your sources and citations. This is how Google and other search engines determine the legitimacy of your content. The citations and sources should be included in the body of your post or at the end of your article. Last, make sure your articles are formatted properly. This includes making sure that your posts are spaced properly and that they are written in a clear and concise manner.

Research Different Design Options

Finally, you’ll want to take a look at different design options. This will help you decide between designing your site with a template or opting for a custom design. The decision between a template and a custom design is one that will depend on your budget, the type of business you’re running and the services you’re offering. There are two types of design options you’ll want to consider. These include static and dynamic designs. A static site is one that is built with a specific theme and does not change based on the content that is posted to it. The pages are static, the links are static and the design is static. A dynamic site, on the other hand, allows for the design to change based on the content posted to it. This is a great option for businesses that want to ensure their design always reflects their brand.

Final Thoughts

Creating a strong brand is essential for digital success. A professional website is the first place people will see your brand. It needs to be clean and modern, built on a valid navigation menu, and free of duplicate content. These things will help you create a professional website in minutes. Once you have your website up and running, you’ll be able to drive more leads to your business, create a more engaging experience for your customers, and build a stronger digital presence on social media. Now that you know what it takes to create a professional website, it’s time to get to work! A website is the first step in building a successful digital brand.

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Dániel Szabó

"Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life"

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