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How to Be Famous on the Internet, According to Paris Hilton in 'The American Meme' on Netflix

“A lot of people don’t understand that you need to be sustainable forever.”

By Tasha On PaperPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Thank you Bert Marcus for creating this movie. After watching it, crying, and feeling totally empty, I realized everyone on all of these platforms might just have to figure out one of the ultimate sad lessons in life:

Nothing lasts forever… except maybe your “legacy.”

And THAT is truly an awakening. What will you do with your time on this planet?

Jim Carrey once said, “I wish everyone could be famous one day, so they could realize it’s not the answer,” or whatever in so many words.

Life can be so lonely.

When you’re sitting in an airport, trying to get home for the weekend or the holidays.

When you’re at the grocery store, and you see a mother and child fussing over a toy she can’t get right, right now.

When your husband leaves for the weekend on business, and you realize you have nothing going on in your life.

When you’re listening to Chris D’Elia get sad on his #congratspod (podcast if you didn’t know, #cuda), and you realize you’re also not married with children.

When you’re SO fucking famous you can’t even leave your house because you’ll get bombarded by everyone on Earth the moment you step outside.

Also, not only is it lonely, but the unknown about being famous, as in “what is next” after being famous… do you keep utilizing this platform because it pays well to promote products you’re getting paid ridiculous amounts of money for?

Are you selling your soul? Do you want to sell your soul? Can you be yourself 100 percent of the time and enjoy it—or do you need to put on this persona forever?

These famous bodies:

  • Post constantly,
  • Control the way fans see their lives,
  • Promote products,
  • Get sooooo many likes,
  • Create controversy,
  • Start movements,
  • Expose private moments,
  • Hide some truth to their reality,
  • Try to connect to their fans and potential fans,
  • Maintain an image that inevitably will change…
  • Feel immense sadness,
  • Connect to fans, and...

We all have/had a mother.

We all connected with an artist, a sales person, a teacher, a counselor, or even a religious entity at one point or another in our lives.

If you sign up to be on blast for life through the internet, remember this: Maybe you won’t feel so lonely. Because relating to others, like your fans, or your family/friends, according to Paris Hilton, can keep the momentum of life going.

When I see these famous people crying on screen, I reflect on my own experiences, and I cry for them, too. What is this world coming to?

Nothing lasts forever, and this age of Instagram fame will also end one day. I hope to see they’re happy and fulfilled, unlike most of the porn stars in After Porn Ends 2.

I guess I’m trying to say... I see the end results of this fame game crap, and they don’t really seem happy.

Who knows where it will go.

Maybe we will all be selling our “skins” to marketing ad agencies like Emma Stone did in the Netflix series Maniac.

Time will tell. 🤷🏼‍♀️


About the Creator

Tasha On Paper

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