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Four Things Wrong With The Book Of Boba

POV of my husband

By Belle V. RosePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Four Things Wrong With The Book Of Boba
Photo by Bryan Huff on Unsplash

*Warning Spoilers*

My partner and I have made watching the Disney series, The Book of Boba a habit in our household that has been seemingly growing into a painful one. Since the very first episode, it became clear there were going to be cringes and inaccuracies that no Jedi mind trick could make you oblivious to of the retelling of the admired Star Wars character, Boba Fett. There is so much controversy in the fandom, causing longtime fans to not even want to watch the series from fear the hugely known character wouldn't be done justice. I wish I could give comfort, but this isn't the post. As my husband and I continue to watch the series, everything wrong with the series that makes it not as enjoyable to watch seems to come down to these four core issues.

1. The plot. In the legends of Boba, he is the best bounty hunter in the galaxy and one of the richest single man. In the Book of Boba, he’s giving up his bounty hunter ways to be a crime lord, a mafia king; pay me money and I’ll protect you. Why would he give up what he does best to be a crimelord which is full of political intrigue? In the series, he states being tired of taking jobs for people who will get you killed. Even though he has the option to pick clients that won't get him killed like his now ex-assassin partner, Fennec Shand did.

2. The costume design. everyone is too clean. In each episode, for a waterless, desert wasteland everyone is far too clean (exceptions being Tusken Raiders and the Jawas). Aside from the original Star Wars movies introducing, sandy, dirty Tatooine, regardless of their status you were grubby because that's what the planet offered. In branching off into the Boba Fett series, the show claims a water shortage yet townspeople are somehow able to keep up with their hygiene? The cleanest people steal water for survival, and still have enough money for body mods and shiny speeder bikes?

(That’s another concept that doesn’t make sense… these are poor people, there is no work, and yet this 'gang' has scraped enough money to afford shiny, cyber mods. If they were scavenged old droid parts it’d be more believable vs high-tech cybernetics. "If all that crap is cheaper than water, grub it up," stated my husband.)

3. The character of Boba Fett. For a renowned, successful bounty hunter, Boba Fett is showing too much mercy. According to my husband, "He wants to rule with respect but nobody respects you, so start with fear by killing everyone who disrespects you, and change it to mutual respect." Similar thinking of what Fennec said in chapter one. Considering he already is one of the most dangerous beings in the Star Wars universe he should already have a reputation of fear with his name.

4. The action. Boba is known for being a tactician (unlucky, but a logical fighter). The fighting in the series is illogical. In chapter one, he and his assassin partner are surrounded by assassins with shields and his choice of action is to use a missile? That should've seriously injured himself and Fennec yet the duo is unscathed. Chapter three, the Bacta tank scene. If you’ve followed the series you already know the cringe-y scene. For the O.G. Star Wars lovers who've read and watched George Lucas's works and books and can name every character, planet, and race, you like my husband don't watch the series for a superhero movie; less punching, more shooting. From that illogical fight scene, Boba should be crippled, not show up in a bathrobe like he just woke up from an afternoon nap once Krssantan was captured. Of all things, the famous bounty hunter grabs a robe? Not a gun or any sort of weapon to continue the fight since he didn't know that the wookie was captured.

Summary, The Book of Boba has been giving the sentimence of the feelings all the Star Wars lovers felt when watching the dystopian world come to life without the follow-through of actually being the world that they know and love. It's been more of- there's that show with the things I like- click to watch and quickly realize it's still a complete nostalgia bait for those of the fandom. The best episode by far is ironically the one without Boba Fett and with all this said I asked the question as a die hard Star Wars fan would you still find The Book of Boba worth watching? Watching for the Star Wars factor. for the newbies of today can eat this stuff up like it's the coolest thing they've seen but for the fandom you know, you know.


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