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Father of the Bride (2022) Movie Review

Romance / Drama

By Diresh SheridPublished about a year ago 3 min read
80% Rotten Tomatoes | 5.9/10 IMDb

A wise person once told me that while funerals bring out the best in people, weddings bring out the worst. Conflicts about traditions, awkward encounters with new family members, and an endless list of wedding-related events can make weddings a source of stress. However, these same experiences make for relatable and entertaining movies. Edward Streeter's novel, which has been adapted into several movies, explores the social chaos, soaring costs, guest list debates, and bittersweet emotions that come with a daughter's wedding. The focus is on the father, who must grapple with his changing place in the world as he sees his daughter make her own choices and choose someone else to be the most important man in her life.

This particular adaptation of the story takes place in Florida and centers around a Cuban-American family. Andy Garcia and Gloria Estefan play Billy and Ingrid Herrera, with Adria Arjona and Isabela Merced playing their daughters Sofia and Cora. Sofia is a lawyer engaged to a Mexican man named Adan, and the two plan to leave their New York law firm jobs to work for a non-profit in Mexico. The wedding is not going to be a traditional church wedding, and there are many cultural and generational conflicts to navigate. For example, there's a debate over whether the music should be salsa or mariachi, and the couple wants their officiant to be "my guide Monica from the Zen center." When Adan's father mentions that he's bringing Mexican cigars to the reception, Billy's face is priceless.

The Herrera family is not without its own conflicts, however. Billy worked hard to become an architect and provide a home for his family when he arrived in the United States with nothing. He's proud of his accomplishments and of his Cuban heritage. However, Ingrid feels like he takes her for granted, and counseling hasn't helped. She wants a divorce, and they plan to tell the family on the night Sofia announces her engagement. Billy and Ingrid agree to delay the news about their divorce until after the wedding.

This adaptation places more emphasis on the conflicts between Billy and Ingrid than previous versions. It skips the cringe comedy of Steve Martin's falling into the in-laws' pool or the gentle fantasy of Spencer Tracy's anxiety dream. However, it does include the perennial struggles of wedding planning, such as upselling and the role of wedding planners. Chloe Fineman of "Saturday Night Live" plays Natalie, the "Gen Z wedding financial advisor, family therapist, and stylist." She's a combination of pretentiousness and cluelessness, and her ideas for the wedding decorations feature flamingos. While there are some awkward transitions, the warmth and good humor of the movie make it a "yes" on the RSVP.

The conflicts in this movie are not limited to the wedding planning. Billy and Ingrid's marital issues and their decision to delay telling the family make for compelling drama. Meanwhile, Sofia's decision to move to Mexico with Adan raises questions about the intersection of love, family, and career. The movie explores how these conflicts intersect with cultural identity and generational differences. The Herrera family's Cuban heritage is an integral part of the story, adding vibrant colors and music to the movie.

Ultimately, this adaptation of "Father of the Bride" is a heartwarming and entertaining exploration of the chaos and humor of wedding planning. It balances the comedy of wedding planning with the drama of family conflicts and cultural identity. With a talented cast led by Andy Garcia and Gloria Estefan, this movie is sure to be a hit with audiences.


About the Creator

Diresh Sherid

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