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Don't Believe Kate Kane is Dead

Batwoman's Death

By SkylerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Watching the season two premiere of Batwoman, it was not hard to put the pieces together before the cast. Our new lead Ryan Wilder (Javicia Leslie), witnesses a plane crash and finds the batsuit amongst the wreckage. Either a cosplayer was on the plane or Kate Kane. However, there is nobody. Commander Kane mentions the pilot's hand, and that is it. Within the realms of fiction, especially with comic book characters, we need a body.

Many people die in comic books all the time. Remember Batman perishing at Darkseid's Omega Beams? It turns out the Omega Beams sent Batman on a strange journey through time. Robin (Jason Todd) dies at the hands...and crowbar of Joker. Yet, he returns as Red Hood. Alfred Pennyworth dies in Detective Comics #328 (1964) when Alfred saves the Dynamic Duo from a falling boulder. Afterward, he returns as the villain, Outsider. This new villain lasts for a little over two years until under the rays of a 'regeneration machine' Alfred comes back as the butler we know and love. Silly, right? Then again, that is comic books for you.

Grant you, there is no death of Batwoman (Kate Kane) in the comics. Therefore, this is a brand new territory to explore. CW's writers have no source material to derive from, giving fans an entirely brand new story. Comic purists can keep their expectations at the door rather than expect and demand something like The Return of Bruce Wayne or Under The Red Hood since no equivalent exists for Kate Kane.

These returns exist for a plethora of reasons. DC Comics kill Superman in the nineties all because of low sales. His death brings in money, yet DC Comics finds sales dropping after the event is over and old news. What is the best way to sell Superman comics when the main character is dead? Bring him back - what else? Who is to say this new Batwoman will pan out? I have nothing against this new Batwoman, but I do not speak on behalf of the critics and viewers. It sounds Ruby Rose has no interest in returning, but things can change. Our writers do not want to write themselves into a corner where Kate Kane is gone for good. Remember, they can always recast the character of Kate Kane if necessary. Every door must remain open for the writers.

Safiyah killed Kate Kane? Sure, I guess. The death of our heroes in comic books is hardly ever simple either. You have cases of mind control, body doubles, and so many more ridiculous scenarios. Secondly, does this not all feel too convenient? Ryan Wilder happens to be there at the site of the plane crash of Kate Kane, with the suit intact. Now some may chalk this up to fate or destiny. Personally, this smells more like a scheme of someone wanting her to find the batsuit. I may sound like your tinfoil hat type, but read enough comic books, and you will see contrivances like this.

Finally, who does not want a cross-over? Again, our writers do not want to corner themselves. Can you imagine Ruby Rose returning for one episode, maybe a two-parter where she officially recognizes Ryan Wilder as the new Batwoman? Before the exchange, they can take down a villain together. It provides better closure than a plane crash to write the character/actress out of the show. A scenario as such also helps sway the stalwart fans of the first season to accept Ryan Wilder's Batwoman.

In the end, have some hope for Kate Kane.

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Other Batwoman pieces of mine you can read...

Who is The Batwoman Supposed to Be Then?

Batwoman: Rethinking Her Origin Going Forward


About the Creator


Full-time worker, history student and an avid comic book nerd.

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