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Aghhhh!!! He said he loved me!

South Park fan-fic Craig & Tweek

By Melissa IngoldsbyPublished 3 years ago 18 min read
Aghhhh!!! He said he loved me!
Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

POV Craig timeline and place: in a galaxy far, far —- just kidding. It’s in Colorado—South Park and everyone is a senior in high school.

‘I’m sooo late picking up my boyfriend’, I think frantically as I drive a bit faster than I should down the sleepy Denver town street, knowing he gets off of work at six.

I checked my car clock.

It was 6:37pm! Shit, shit, SHIT!

And all because of Clyde was talking my ear off about Bebe and his on and off again girlfriend Lisa Berger for two hours! On a Saturday—-and on the day before my anniversary with Tweek! Ugh!

And of course I had to take a shower and shave and look perfect for Tweek too… like he’d actually judge me. And…. I did pick up a bouquet of flowers for him too… I got him pink roses.

I know… super gay, right? Well, I know you can’t see me but I’m flipping you off. Right now.


I finally pull up to Tweek’s family coffee shop.

I check my teeth, grab the flowers and put on my most charming face as I can muster.

I see Tweek’s dad first. I don’t really like him all that much, as he doesn’t really seem like the best father to Tweek at times—but I still try to show him respect. I have been dating his son for like eight years now!

“Oh, hello, Craig. Tweek’s in back,” Mr. Tweak says with an expressionless face, cleaning out a large espresso machine.

“Hi, Mr. Tweak. Thank you. Sorry I’m so late.”

“Please, any beau of my son’s must call me Richard!” He answers with a smile. “Having a gay son’s really good for our coffee business. You should come around more!”

I cringe inwardly and outwardly—-he’s been saying that since we first started dating. And I can’t bring myself to call him Richard… but I try to smile and nod.

“Thanks,” I say as politely as possible. “I’ll just go get Tweek.”

All of sudden as I walk toward the back room, Mrs. Tweak bombards me with a tight hug.

“Ah! Craig! What do you got there?! Ohhhh! Flowers for our Tweek! You are such a good boyfriend!” She kisses my cheek, and tries to wipe off the lipstick smear. I smile more easily with her. She’s a bit more genuine than Tweek’s dad.

Finally! I see my man—-I mean Tweek. He’s shaking a bit, back turned and he’s pouring coffee into a mug.

“Honey, I’m here,” I say in the most flat, calmest way possible as to not startle him.

He still flips his shit. The mug goes flying and coffee is everywhere—and he is adorable but he is so crazy!

“Ahhh.. Cr-Craig! I’m… oh! Sorry!” Tweek says as he starts to clean up the mess of broken porcelain and spilled coffee.

I shake my head. “It’s okay. I’m so sorry I was so late to pick you up.”

“I-I thought you were hurt! Or lost! Or kidnapped! Or you left me!” Tweek put his hand over his whole face when he said the last thing. “Shit! I didn’t mean that!”

I got a rag and helped him clean up, chuckling. “Oh, man, you are a mess, honey,” I said softly, and then handed him the flowers, giving him a soft kiss on the lips. “Didn’t you see that I had these roses in my hand?”

Tweek stops doing everything and looks at me like a deer caught in headlights. But… He isn’t shaking anymore.

“Oh, Craig, thank you! These are ju-just perfect!” He leans forward and kisses me on the side of my mouth. I grin.

I nod. “I wouldn’t ever leave you. You’re so important to me.”

Tweek is blushing now. “You are important to me, too, Craig.”

“You do know what tomorrow is, right, babe?” I ask, hands in my pockets.

“Oh, God… is it the day I lose my virginity?! Agh!” He pulls at his long blonde hair a bit. I laugh softly.

No! No…. Man! Wow. Okay. Relax….So…” I take his hand, “don’t pull your beautiful hair anymore. You might hurt yourself. Okay?” I say in a soft, slow way, and I see Tweek take in a few deep breath’s. “We can worry about that when we’re married, okay, honey?”

Tweek nods. “Okay. Yes. Married.”

I grin. “Aww, you’re so sweet, honey… do you wanna marry me?”

Tweek nods, but his face is bright red. “He—uh—-I—-ye-yes!”

I squeeze his hand and grin wider.“Tweek… tomorrow is our eight year anniversary. Remember?” I said carefully.

Tweek nods slowly, and I start to see a smirk growing from his lips. “Ah… no! Don’t try to get me to tell you what I got you for our anniversary! Too much pressure!”

“You don’t have to tell me.” I finish cleaning up the mess. “If you want I can wash your hoodie. You spilled coffee on it. After we have dinner, leave it with me. I’ll make sure to use softener and make it smell good. I can have it ready for you for our date in the morning, babe.”

Tweek smiled. “You spoil me.”

I shook my head. “No, you spoil me. I love to do your laundry. And I—” I bit my tongue. I almost told him I loved him. Do I love him? “I love you, Tweekers.”

My brain went static and my heart exploded. I said it! Out —-loud!

The first time, too!

I take his hand, while Tweek is clutching the bouquet of roses in the other, but it’s slipping. Tweek is sweating—-and I mean dripping sweat and he looks like he just saw a ghost.


Switch POV Tweek

‘Aghhhh!!! He said he loved me!’ I yell in my head. I want to, need to tell Craig the same back but my muscles and my body aren’t cooperating at all!

‘Just say something you idiot!’ I keep repeating. Craig tries to take my hand, but I’m sweating.

Craig looks at me with a nervous smile and I feel like a train wreck. Oh God… maybe now he is realizing how crappy I am!

“Come on, honey, let’s go eat dinner,” Craig says and I nod.

I see him bite his lip. Oh… shit. He must think I don’t love him back! But I do!

Suddenly outside near his car, he pulls me close and wraps his hand around my waist. I sigh happily and he plays with a stray strand of my hair.

“Tweek, you are so beautiful, ya know?”

I grin. “No?”

Craig looks at me softly with his big blue eyes and his lightly tan skin and black hair covering his face a little… and I say quickly, “Craig, you are really hot!”

Craig laughs. “Hot? Really? The temperature or how I look?”

“How you look!” I respond.

He kisses me again and I’m melting! He uses some tongue and I feel like a puddle at his feet!

We have dinner at an Italian restaurant and just chill, but I feel shitty that I didn’t say exactly what was on my mind back to Craig—-especially since he told me he loved me.

“So, after high school, you still wanna work at your parent’s coffee shop?” He asks me.

“Ye… yeah. My dad wants you to work here, too.” I clear my throat. “But, you don’t have to!”

Craig laughs. “Your dad is… hehehe.. something else. But, I think I might work at that veterinarian’s office. They need an assistant. And I was planning on going to University for… well, to study space weather patterns. Stars and shit,” I see the passion rising in Craig’s voice as he discusses his future with me, and I feel so happy that he is happy.

“Craig, that is awesome! I really think you’d be good with all types of animals. And you’re smart enough to be working for NASA, sweetheart. You’re so smart.”

Craig looks like he’s glowing right now and as the waiter hands us our food, he thanks them and is just staring at me—-his pupils huge and starry-eyed.

“Thank you, honey. Well…” Craig twirls his fork in the pasta, licking his lip as he continues to look at me, “what about you, babe?”

I feel frozen for a moment, but then I breathe.

“Uh. I wanna be with you,” I answer, and Craig cracks the largest smile.

“I do too. But…” he looks at me seriously, “what do you want to do for your future? Be a musician or something? Cause you are so good at writing compositions and junk. And you play the piano so well.”

My face gets hot and I try not to stutter. “Uh-I… I might want to do that.”

“Well, whatever makes you feel comfortable, okay? Just do what you are passionate about.”

I smile and nod, and we finish eating.

Craig pays for everything and then kisses the top of my head as we leave.

What did I do to deserve him??

He drops me off and we say goodnight.

I kiss him this time, and he kisses me back.

“Text me later. Okay?” He says, and I nod.

“Right. I will.”


POV Craig

I say goodnight and frown a little, watching Tweek leave to go inside of his house.

I need to talk to Clyde… Token…. Thomas! Shit!

I get on a group chat zoom call after I drive to Stark’s Pond and they all answer.

“Oh, shit! Shit! Shit! Guys!” I start the call, and Token rolls his eyes.

“What happened now?” Token asks smoothly.

Clyde looks at me worriedly, “What’s wrong?”

“You made me super later picking up Tweek for one, douche!” I said to Clyde, and he looked away, saying nothing.

Thomas nodded in affirmation. “Fuck. What’s up?”

I smiled. “Okay, assholes, listen. I told Tweek.. that… I loved him today. I’m losing it. Aren’t I?”

Clyde grinned. “That’s cute! Awesome dude!”

Token took on a more logical direction, “Do you feel your inner reaction to your outer response to Tweek is significant? Do you feel like falling in love is in a sense… losing your mind?”

Thomas merely shrugged. “Shit. You’ve been with him long enough!”

“True. I am just… like tomorrow is our eight year anniversary thing and I just… I really wanted to tell him how much..”

“How much you love him?!” Clyde finished.

I nodded. “Yeah. But what if I’m not ready to truly… be in that kind of relationship where… I mean we even discussed marriage to-”

“Ahh! You’re getting married! I’m Best man!” Clyde yelled, making the zoom connection screech.

Token gave Clyde a dirty look. “No way! I’m Best Man!”

Thomas just shook his head and looked at me sympathetically.

“Weak. So weak. You guys aren’t helping.” I rub my temples.

“Okay, okay!” Token says loudly. “So, what did Tweek say back, first of all?”

Thomas nodded. “Yeah? What?”

Clyde said nothing, waiting for my response eagerly.

“I’m… um…” I scratched my head and then it dawned on me. He hadn’t said anything back! I chalked it up to him being nervous… but… what about now!

He still hasn’t said anything.

“Guys, I got to go,” and I hang up hearing tons of protestations from the guys.

Ugh. I sit in my car, brooding over everything. Tweek sometimes gets lost in his anxiety. I know that. I know not to take it personally too.

But what if there were second thoughts in his mind about us?

I felt my throat almost close up a little at the thought of being without my Tweek. My eyes painfully setting tears, and I think I’m going to drown in a sudden lack of oxygen——but then I try to relax. Sometimes things aren’t what they seem.

I text Tweek.

Honey, you there?

I wait and he finally texts me back.

Yes. How are you sweetheart?

I smile.

Good, Tweek. So… for our anniversary… I’ll pick you up in the morning. Around 9?

Gah! Yes. I can’t wait!!! Craig you’re the best

I smile wider. There’s no way he didn’t love me.

I put down my phone and drive home.

When I get to sleep, we call each other and say goodnight, cause we like to hear each other’s voice right before we fall asleep. Gay, I know. But, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I got Tweek a big anniversary card, some gift cards to various places and stores, and a musical composition notebook too. I picked out some new fashionable shirts for him and pants too, in his size. I hope he likes it.

I fall asleep dreaming of his sweet embrace.


Last POV change Tweek

After Craig dropped me off, I tried to call the guys but no one answered. So, I called Stan.

“Hey Tweek, what’s up?” Stan asks. I don’t usually call him, but he’s cool for advice.

“Argh! Oh, man, I’m in trouble! He… he told me he loved me!” I hated how histrionic I sounded, but Stan was so clear about serious stuff and level headed that he didn’t get freaked out by my outburst. Kyle was a bit more expressive and was prone to outbursts—-Stan seemed to be more calm. As far as I knew!

“Who? Craig?” Stan asked.

“Yeah. And I left him hanging! I’m such a bad person. A bad boyfriend! Ugh! I would just leave me out on the streets! I’m so shitty!”

Stan chuckled. “Tweek, I’m sure Craig understands you better than that. Just…. Let him know how you feel.”

“How? It’ll be weird now. Should I just tell him tonight before we say goodnight?”

“Uh… I don’t know what you mean… do you live together now?”

“Uh, no! We just call each other every night before we fall asleep. To say good night. Should I tell him then?”

I hear Stan sigh. “I’m not sure if on the phone is good enough. Maybe when you see him in person. I think if you just… maybe sing him a song? I sometimes do that with Wendy when I can’t voice to her how I feel. And… you’re good at that. Or just find a way to say it in your conversation… your normal conversation.”

I nod. “Okay. I can do that. Thanks!”

We said goodbye and then I finished getting all my gifts ready for Craig for Sunday. I put the finishing touches on my card. But, I still felt something was missing.

I called him before bed, and we talked for awhile, and I told him I wished we could hold each other while we slept. He agreed. And we said goodnight.

I didn’t sleep too well, but once it was morning, I was feeling better and had more clarity. I knew I always loved Craig.

But I was truly in love with him—and I needed him to know that.

I had a big gift bag with a new telescope, a certificate (I adopted a star for him) and a card with chocolates.

Once it got closer to nine in the morning, I saw his car pull up. Just a bit early, but that was okay. Craig came out looking good in his blue hat and I fixed my hair again, opening the door.

I leapt in his arms. He caught me.

“Good Morning to you!” Craig said as he kissed me. “Happy eighth anniversary, honey!”

“Oh, happy eighth anniversary, Craig!” We kissed again and I got my gift bag, handing it to him. “This is for you!”

“Oh, that’s sweet!” He took it, and he gave me more flowers. This time, they were roses and sunflowers.

“Thanks, sweetheart!” I say, my smile trembling.

“Oh, I hope you like them! And I got us fresh coffee in the car!” He says as we load up the gifts in the car. “We’ll open them after breakfast,” he tells me.

“I gotta put these flowers in a vase with water before we go!” I say, and he nods.

“Right. Sounds good. I’ll meet you in the car.” He winks at me and I feel my breath hitch.

More flowers?” My dad says as I walk in with the huge bouquet, putting it in a large vase with water. “What’s he trying to do? Marry you, son?”

Before I can answer, my mom butts in.

My mom squeaks, “What a wonderful soon to be husband Craig is, huh, Richard!” She says my dad’s name with an inflection that is troublesome—and he looks pale and laughs nervously.

“Welp! I’ll be back! I gotta go not get flowers too!” My dad says, running out the door. I shake my head.

Once I get in the car, Craig hands me my coffee and I sip it. Ahhh.


“You ordered the perfect coffee for me!” I said.

“And your hoodie, my lovely barbarian,” Craig says, handing me a perfectly folded hoodie. I saw the stain was gone from the coffee.

“Agh! You’re doing too much! I’m so happy but how am I supposed to make that up to you… after you washed my clothes?!”

Craig frowned. “Tweek. You don’t gotta do nothing. I’m just happy to be yours.”

I smiled, and relaxed more after that.

“Thank you. I’m so happy to be yours, too.”

We drove for awhile, and we both were comfortable in each other’s silence, sipping coffee.

Then, we went to get breakfast. The Pancake House! I tried to find any and every way I could to show Craig I loved him!

I opened his car door! He almost flipped me off—-force of habit, lol.

I opened the door of the Pancake house for him… he seemed amused by this and let me, saying, “Thanks, honey.”

And then:

“I-I’m paying today, my sweet potato,” I said, and Craig laughed.

“Sweet potato?” He looked at me funny, his head turned sideways. “Where’d you get that silly nickname?”

I nodded. “Yep. You’re my sweet potato, Craig. Deal with it! I got my paycheck today. So…I’m paying. So get anything you want!” I squeezed his hand and Craig nodded.

“Anything you say, honey!” He proceeded to order a ton of food. I was a bit astonished by the quantity—-but not surprised by his ability to finish it all.

He got steak and eggs and new potatoes with onions, bananas with brown sugar and cream and a stack of blueberry pancakes. I got brioche French toast with strawberries and whipped cream.

And more coffee!

Then Craig said this amazing speech out of the blue:

“You know in my whole life, nothing ever made any sense. I was always in this mindset that I was the odd man out. Like I was really different—-in a way that made me even weirder than this whole strange, crazy, messed up town that we lived in. Nothing ever made sense, Tweek,” He repeated with more emphasis, and took my hand across the table of the breakfast restaurant. “That was until those weird girls and that weird art brought us together—-and we brought out the best in each other. Until I saw you for who you really were, and how much we could be to one another—-then, everything for me finally made sense. Who I was, and who I wanted to be. It was all because of you. And no, honey.. you don’t have to say anything back.”

I snapped out of the reverie of gazing into Craig’s wonderful eyes and hearing his sweet, beautiful words, and I said clearly, “Yes, I do. I want to. Craig… I didn’t expect to have anyone in my life… much less someone as thoughtful and kind and brilliant as you,” I said softly and Craig bit his lip with almost a shy demeanor that made me blush, looking at me with wide eyes. “You have shown me that I have worth and talent and that I have guts, too. That I can do things I never thought I could do. And more.” I breathed in softly. “And Craig… being with you is more than just a relationship to me. To me… you’re home. You’re my go to—-more than my favorite coffee or even the air I breathe. You help me relax and help me see things in clear, logical ways. I don’t shake as bad around you. You make me feel safe. And that is more important than anything to me.”

“Honey, you never needed me to show you had worth. But I appreciate that. And I feel the same. Completely.”

Craig and I just sat there holding hands and sipping our coffees together like some old married couple after… and it was so perfect.

“Honey… why have you been opening up all these doors for me?” Craig asked as I we left the restaurant after I paid, and yes, I did open the door for him again.

“Ahhh…ahh…gahh…mmmm..” I make an unintelligible mess of sounds and Craig just laughs.

“Nevermind!” He rolls his eyes and kisses my cheek.

“Mmmm… I love you, too, Craig!” I shout as we get to his car.

Craig grins, “I knew it!”

I almost fall to the ground, “H-Huh?”

“I was a little worried when I just told you I loved you yesterday.. putting you on the spot like that… but I felt your trust and affection and love more than anything you could ever say… it was more like… where do we go from here… but I think I figured that out!” He said as he opened my car door.

I nodded, understanding what he was insinuating. “Doors opening for each other?”

“No… I mean… by getting even more serious with you. I think I will marry you once we both graduate and get our bachelors degree. No matter what… I will be by your side.”

I smiled and we kissed again.

“That shows our love, Tweekers, more than words. But… honey, I do love you. So much. And I’m sooo happy.”

I nodded. “I love you, too, my heart! And I will always be by your side, too!”

The end.(I know, it’s a sappy end, don’t blame me! I love it!)

fan fiction

About the Creator

Melissa Ingoldsby

I am a published author on Patheos.

I am Bexley is published by Resurgence Novels here.

The Half Paper Moon is available on Golden Storyline Books for Kindle.

My novella Carnivorous is to be published by Eukalypto soon! Coming soon

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