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A Soldier for All Seasons

Prologue: A Night in Azzano

By SyncerePublished 3 years ago Updated 11 months ago 6 min read
Original Marvel Fanfic


Honest to goodness that was the sound heard a mere fraction of a second before the ringing in her head engulfed her senses. She couldn't really taste the fresh blood but she could see the quickly darkening splatter on her chest. She stumbled to the left, desperately clinging to consciousness, willing her eyes to straighten and focus. After all, being struck by the heavy handle of a Colt revolver was a bit disorienting.

Her brain had barely enough time to transmit the message of pain before she felt his large hand intertwine amidst her mass of curls. The savage yanked her head back in a way that could easily sever the connection between head and spine. But it was his glare that almost eviscerated her existence.

"I gave you a direct order, Fräulein," he sneered down at the bruised and bloody beauty. "I will not be disobeyed! Now tell me how to reverse this curse!"

The woman fixated her amber eyes on her tormentor, and for a split second the ire seen there chilled him to the bone. It caused him to loosen his grip on her hair for the briefest of moments. It was all she needed.

She jabbed the beast in his jugular, effectively cutting off his air supply for a few seconds. It was long enough for him to entirely unclench, allowing her to drop out of his hold. Arching her back, she used her arms as a spring board to back flip. As her lithe body catapulted, she twisted with an insane scissor kick that connected with her captor's temple, causing him to crash onto the hard, concrete ground.

Thinking now might be the time to make a hasty exit, she stumbled to her feet and headed towards the doorway. But before she could even imagine the sweet taste of freedom, she was pulled back forcefully. It took her a fraction of a second to realize she wasn't being physically touched, but rather transported telekinetically.

What the- she didn't have time to finish her thought before being slammed into the opposite wall. Suspended several inches off the ground and being held in place by sheer force of will, she tried to move her arms. It proved a futile endeavor; she remained motionless & pinned to that spot.

A wicked laugh escaped the crumbled figure on the ground. Her eyes widened in horror as he rose to his feet, and literally fixed his face. He limped over to her, his shadow looming over her small figure, and grinned widely.

"You may think me a monster, Fräulein, but we are two sides of the same coin. I can sense your power, feel you concealing yourself from me. But you are my bridge between humanity and omnipotence. We can create a truly master race, one rivaling the gods of Asgard in power. We can conquer this world, and one day, all the realms. Mortality would no longer chain us to a short existence riddled with imperfections. All you have to do is help me reverse the ravages on my body. Once I am restored to a form less hideous, we can procreate and give birth to the most beautiful and powerful species in the universe!" His eyes gleamed with lust and a crazed determination.

"You're sick. And psychotic. To think I would ever give any part of myself to you- mind or body- is laughable! You want to use me to reinvent humankind in your image? Your arrogance is sinful and your ugliness permeated deep in your soul. There is no reversal for that. You cannot be saved if you don't humble yourself and change your heart first. And that is between you and whatever evil you serve as Master." Her smoldering amber and emerald eyes flashed with abhorrence.

A guttural growl escaped the tall man a split second before he forced his mouth to cover hers. Kissing her hard was his way of shutting her up and fulfilling his craven desires. That is until she bit firmly down on his lower lip, drawing blood. He stumbled back, releasing a tormented howl before striking her face with the back of his hand. His telekinetic tether remained unbroken, her small head connecting with the bricks behind her while the rest of her body remained immobile.

"Maybe I haven't made myself clear, but you will do as you're told. It can be pleasant and painless or it can be quite torturous. The choice is yours. But make no mistake you surly, little bitch- you belong to me. There is no one who can save you."

At that very moment, a red light above her began flashing. Confusion followed quickly by something resembling worry shone in his dark eyes. One thing was clear- there was something out there that struck fear into Johann Schmidt's heart. And she needed to know what that was.

His long leather coat made a flapping sound as he spun on his heel and moved swiftly towards the door. The tiny woman came crashing to the floor as he exited, deadbolting the door from the outside. She allowed herself exactly 30 seconds to gain her composure before climbing to her feet. There was no time to waste.

She ran to the adjacent room, shoving aside old blueprints and sketches of weaponry. She knew what he made- now she needed to know where else he made them. Finding what she was looking for in parchment form, she rolled it up and headed towards the sealed door. Not having the time or patience to be covert, she used 3 powerful kicks to blow the door off its hinges and escape the room.

She made her way down the empty corridor, using her heightened sense of hearing to navigate unseen. There were distant rumblings of an intruder, fighting his way through the factory. There was widespread panic amongst the soldiers despite their advanced weapons. That could only mean one thing; he was there.

As she hastened to the nearest exfiltration point, she could hear something. No ... she could feel it. Someone was in immense pain. As much as she knew she should get out, she couldn't abandon someone in need. Taking a deep breath, she headed towards the isolation ward.

The pain the soldier felt was almost crippling as she drew ever closer to his position. She could hear the man groaning, low and tormented. She entered a dank and drafty room with a handsome soldier strapped to a gurney.

Quickly weighing her options, Syncere knew she couldn't move him unarmed. But she could ease his pain and make sure he was in a position to be saved. She tucked the parchment into the garter high on her thigh and gently placed her hands on either side of his head.

A barrage of images engulfed her; all of the torture he endured running a reel in his head. He had a very strong constitution, but they did heinous things to his mind. A lesser man wouldn't have survived. And so she did what she could to walk back some of the damage to his psyche, relieve his pain. She felt when the shroud lifted and one thought pushed to the forefront- his identity.

Hearing quick footsteps headed in their general direction, she let go of the soldier. Sensing he'd be fine when she left him, she stared into his soulful eyes. "You're safe now, Sergeant 32557038. Just stay awake."

Though dazed and confused, his gaze fixated on her just long enough to know he understood. She hesitated for only a split second before taking her leave.

She made it down the dark corridor and out a metal door to the outside world without being seen. No sooner than she made it to the tree line, did she hear the first explosion. Saying a quick prayer that all the soldiers were liberated, she activated her transponder and took off into the night.

fan fiction

About the Creator


Syncere (noun) An author/poet & barely tolerable human being. Masterful trickster of family & friends, as they actually support her. In another life, could've been a failed comedienne. In the grand scheme of the multiverse, she already is.

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