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A Little Bit Alexis is a Little Bit Aries

Making sense of an Aries' confidence

By Hazel MackPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Aries are known to be charming and confident, as we relentlessly pursue our goals and try to run the world.

Do I consider myself a typical Aries? Yes, I do. Granted, I haven't studied the rest of the zodiac, except of course to evaluate the forecast of my relationships with others, but otherwise, I feel like I’m being seen when I read my horoscope. And yes, I do realize it is with a self-serving lens.

I mean, when Oprah describes Aries as the star sign that “represent(s) trailblazers who never stop pursuing their goals while maintaining an easygoing, magnetic energy,” it’s hard not to get on board.

And on those days that I’ve abandoned even my goal of making another cup of tea, have been downright uptight, and my energy is repelling in every way, I will think to myself: Woah, is it a full moon? Is Mercury in retrograde? There is something wonderfully absolving about the belief that it’s in the stars and out of my hands. Dangerous and arguably delusional I admit, but wonderful at the same time.

On my best days, in a previous life, I was considered a dynamic and effective leader, despite the chaos and causalities in my wake. On those days, I liked to think of myself as a little Alexis Rose, Eve Polastri, and Jessica Pearson rolled into one. Not an obvious mix of popular television characters, and none of them typical Aries stereotypes, but hear me out.

Trait #1: The confidence of Alexis Rose, Schitt’s Creek

For those who do not share my deep love of Schitt’s Creek, Alexis Rose is the adventurous and somewhat self-absorbed celebutante whose pre-Schitt’s Creek, surreal adventures come to light throughout the show’s five seasons.

Whether it was bargaining with drug lords, trying to escape from a palace, or just wearing a wedding dress to her own brother’s wedding, Alexis always believed she could figure it out and she did. With style.

That confidence, with a tinge of charm and humor, is very typically Aries. While my adventures have not required the same level of self-belief as Alexis, I have been known to demonstrate a level of confidence that might be considered misguided. I played a lead role in my high school’s production of The Sound of Music, despite being a profoundly terrible singer. Just saying.

Trait #2: The relentless drive of Eve Polastri, Killing Eve

For those that haven’t watched Killing Eve yet, you’re missing out. And I will say that as part of the minority that does not watch murder shows. But I am addicted to Killing Eve.

Eve Polastri is a rogue British Intelligence agent who becomes obsessed with capturing a serial killer. Throughout the show’s three seasons (so far) we have watched Eve chase Villanelle (the serial killer, obvs) across the globe, into terrifying situations, causing and experiencing a tremendous amount of pain and turmoil along the way. Eve’s sole focus is on her goal of catching her nemesis, at any and all costs.

It’s all very disturbing and also a little bit close to home.

While Eve’s drive is surely clinical, that goal-driven, hyper-focused aspect of her personality is a very common Aries trait. I am certainly not running off chasing serial killers, but I have been known to be rather, err…., determined. When I’ve set my mind to something, my pursuit can be pretty intense. Well, unless I’m tired or have changed my mind. But let’s just say, I have become something of an expert in banana bread during these trying times. Maybe I should apply to one of those bake-off shows? (See note above about confidence).

Trait #3: The leadership skills of Jessica Pearson, Suits

Now, this one here is a little bit tenuous because, full disclosure, I stopped watching Suits long before the series ended, and I have a sinking feeling that Jessica's awesomeness may have gone sideways. But in the early days when I was hooked, I found myself feeling a kinship to Jessica Pearson, the managing partner of the law firm, in which the show takes place. And when I say kinship, it was more I-want-to-be-like-her-when-I-grow-up fascination.

Jessica Pearson was brilliant, and effective, and had gravitas for days. She was direct and discerning. Under her stewardship, the firm went to increasingly greater heights, making the potential calamity of the Mike’s-not-a-real-lawyer plotline work in everyone’s favor. She was the kind of character that just makes you think: damn, that's a powerful woman.

Whenever you read any Aries personality description, there’ll be something in there about being a natural leader or enjoying leadership, or the kind of leaders we tend to be. There’s an inevitability to it: if you are an Aries, you’re going to be a leader. And in my experience, that has not been wrong. Many times in my life I’ve found myself holding the marker, the microphone, or the room’s attention. Certainly not with the grace of Jessica Pearson, or her style, but I’ve landed there in that leadership position. But what can you do? It’s in the stars….

So to wrap this up: Yes, I would say I am a typical Aries. On a good day, I have the confidence of Alexis, the drive of Eve, and try to lead like early-Suits Jessica. I proudly embrace the Aries profile, even if it intuitively doesn’t feel right that at least 1/12 of the planet shares the same descriptors.

Of course, there are downsides to my beloved Aries zodiac sign but thankfully I am protected by my full confidence that I’ll figure it all out and overcome these obstacles as I obsessively work towards my goals and try to take over the world.

Because hey, it's in the stars.


About the Creator

Hazel Mack

Taking a shot at putting swirly twirly thoughts into story form.

Results may vary.

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