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Places you Shouldn't Risk taking a Swim

Understanding the Risks of Swimming in Unfamiliar Waters

By Divine DawnPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Places you Shouldn't Risk taking a Swim
Photo by Todd Quackenbush on Unsplash

Swimming is a great form of exercise and a fun activity to do during hot summer months. However, not all bodies of water are safe for swimming. Some places can be dangerous due to strong currents, pollution, or the presence of dangerous wildlife. It is important to be aware of these risks to avoid injury or illness. In this article, we will explore some of the places you shouldn't risk taking a swim.


Rivers may seem like a great place to cool off during the summer months, but they can be dangerous due to strong currents. Rivers can have unexpected drop-offs, strong undertows, and swirling eddies that can easily sweep away even the strongest swimmers. Additionally, rivers can carry debris, including logs, rocks, and other hazards, that can cause injury or even death.


Quarries are large, deep pits that are often filled with water. While they may seem like an inviting place to take a swim, quarries can be extremely dangerous. The water in quarries is often very deep and cold, making it difficult for even strong swimmers to stay afloat. Additionally, quarries can have steep sides that make it difficult to climb out if you get into trouble.

Open Water:

Open water, such as lakes and oceans, can be dangerous due to strong currents and unpredictable weather conditions. Even experienced swimmers can be caught off guard by rip currents, which can quickly pull swimmers out to sea. Additionally, open water can be home to dangerous wildlife, such as sharks or jellyfish, which can pose a serious threat to swimmers.

Pools with Drain Covers:

While most swimming pools are safe, those with faulty or missing drain covers can be dangerous. A missing or broken drain cover can create a strong suction that can trap swimmers underwater, leading to drowning or injury. Always check to make sure a pool has a properly functioning drain cover before swimming.

Urban Waterways:

Waterways in urban areas, such as canals or stormwater ponds, can be highly polluted. These waterways can contain a variety of harmful chemicals and bacteria that can cause illness or infection. Additionally, urban waterways can have hidden hazards, such as submerged objects or strong currents.


Swimming near waterfalls can be incredibly dangerous. The water near waterfalls can be deep and turbulent, with strong currents that can easily sweep away even strong swimmers. Additionally, the rocks around waterfalls can be slippery, making it difficult to climb out if you get into trouble.


Reservoirs are large bodies of water that are often created by the construction of dams. While they may seem like a great place to swim, reservoirs can be dangerous due to their depth and cold temperatures. Additionally, reservoirs can have strong currents, especially near the dam, that can easily sweep away even strong swimmers.

Hot Springs:

Hot springs are natural pools of warm water that are often found in volcanic areas. While they may seem like a relaxing place to take a dip, hot springs can be dangerous due to the high temperatures of the water. The water in hot springs can be scalding hot, and even a short exposure can cause serious burns.

Caves and Underground Rivers:

Caves and underground rivers can be incredibly dangerous places to swim. These environments are often dark and difficult to navigate, with unpredictable currents and hidden hazards. Additionally, caves and underground rivers can be home to dangerous wildlife, such as alligators or snakes, that can pose a serious threat to swimmers.

Glaciers and Icebergs:

Swimming near glaciers or icebergs can be extremely dangerous. The water near these formations is often icy cold, making it difficult to stay afloat and leading to hypothermia. Additionally, icebergs can be unstable and prone to flipping, which can easily trap swimmers underneath.

It's important to remember that even bodies of water that seem safe can have hidden hazards. Always be aware of your surroundings and never swim alone. If you're unsure about the safety of a particular body of water, it's best to err on the side of caution and avoid taking a swim.


Swimming can be a fun and refreshing way to beat the summer heat, but it's important to be aware of the risks associated with different bodies of water. Rivers, quarries, open water, pools with faulty drain covers, urban waterways, and waterfalls are all places you should avoid taking a swim. Always check for warning signs and ask locals about potential hazards before entering the water. By being aware of these risks, you can ensure that you and your loved ones stay safe while enjoying the water.

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Divine Dawn

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