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Pandora Travel Guide

Welcome to Pandora. Where if the wildlife doesn’t eat you, be sure that the people sure as heck will!

By Bunny Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 11 min read


◦ Welcome to Pandora. The farthest edge of the Borderlands. Filled with fun and exotic wildlife that will keep you on your toes and active. The locals are friendly and spirited, and always welcoming to new faces. With a vast array of locals to check out, and places to explore, you will never find yourself bored while you travel this place. From desert sands, to icy glaciers, the natural wonders are something to behold. Oh and have we mentioned the history? The planet holds the most famous alien artifacts ever found through the Borderlands: The Vault of the Destroyer! Come and see for yourself, and enjoy your stay!

Things to Do That Probably (most likely - possibly) Won't Get You Killed

Exploring! - Thirsting for a get-a-away? Well Pandora is the place just for you. We’ve got loads to do! How about exploring some old Dahl or Atlas bases? Not to your liking? No problem! We’ve got plenty of ruins too! But if you’re more interested in Pandora’s human history, how about stopping into one of the historical landmark towns? If that’s not enough thrill for you, there’s the biggest draw in the universe: The Great Vault! Not only that but we also have the last resting place of Handsome Jack himself inside the Vault of the Warrior.

▪ Crimson Enclave — This settlement is the first central location of the famous ECHOnet! Yes, that’s right folks, your ECHOnet started right here on Pandora (at least that’s Atlas’s story). The settlement has one of Scooter’s first garages for his famous Catch-A-Ride, along with several bases for the former Crimson Lance. Tour around the area that was once ruled by the tyrants of the Atlas Corporation!

▪ Helios Crash Site — The space station that threatened all of Pandora for years, is now a rubble mess in The Dust now. You can run around the fallen remains of the halls of this grand marvel, but beware of the depths. No one knows what Hyperion had left behind as it fell.

▪ Ruins of Sanctuary — The last stronghold of the Hyperion resistance! What’s left of it. This hole in the middle of the Three Horns is all that remains of the greatest city that Pandora has ever seen. People have gathered the bits and pieces of the exploded Sanctuary and brought them here to rest, a mourning site for those whose lives they lost in the great war against Handsome Jack and Hyperion.

▪ Fyrestone — One of the first human settlements on Pandora. It was home to the first resistance who battled against Atlas and Dahl when they first came to Pandora. Fyrestone was sadly destroyed during the first days of Handsome Jack’s reign as CEO of Hyperion, and now stands as a memorial and remembrance of history.

▪ The Great Vault — Many have come to Pandora in recent years. It’s the vault of legend. The God Queen Tyreen Calypso and her followers found and opened this vault. People from throughout the Borderlands have come to the vault now to glimpse at the wreckage of the old CoV monuments, and the opened and empty vault itself. This is also the last known location of the legendary Firehawk.

▪ Vault of the Warrior — The last resting place of Hyperion’s last CEO, Handsome Jack. This vault is a great attraction, especially if you like active volcanoes! It is home to one of Pandora’s only openly active volcanoes, and the rising lava has nearly destroyed the main vault. If you want to see this amazing landmark, better get here fast!

Hunting! - Looking for a little more adventure in your vacation? Think hunting is more your style? Sir Hammerlock has a whole book based on the wildlife of Pandora, and finding a copy is easy enough to come by. With creatures galore, you’d be an idiot to wander the wastelands of Pandora without your trusty firearm at your side (this travel agent always prefers Jakobs of course – If it takes more than one shot, you weren’t using a Jakobs).

Skags — Countless people around the Borderlands seek after these canine creatures. They can make very good pets if raised properly, but they are better for their meat. Several restaurants around the Borderlands have served this tender and juicy meat alternative. But the most sought after type of skag are the elemental variants, especially the electric ones. These skags are used to power various buildings and machines.

Varkids — The pests of the Borderlands. These creatures once thought to be to only small insectoids. That was until one poor unfortunate hunter ran into a varkid pod and watched the larval varkid morph into a larger one, and then a larger one. The creatures are metamorphose insects than when around others of their kind can become a true menace. But hunter beware, Sir Hammerlock speaks of giant varkids who can spawn within the normal badasses.

Rakks — A native to Pandora, these flying creatures care little for anything other than themselves. They hunt other creatures, even those that are bigger than them. Their claws could even grip and rip apart stone.

Spiderants — The most armored creatures of all the creatures on Pandora. These insect type beings live within the desert and sandy areas of the plant and like dark caves. They are not to be messed with. In more recent years, a descendant of a one spiderant grew to such massive size it has become a staple in the Splinterlands. Her name is Princess Tarantella II. Don’t fight her… you could find yourself in space. Literally.

Bullymogs — Another strictly Pandorian creation, the Bullmogs are large ape-like creatures with four enormous arms. These creatures are very territorial and are extremely aggressive. Mainly hunted for their fur and for the challenge of the hunt. Be warned, hunter, out of all the beasts on Pandora, none are stronger than that of the bullymog.

Playing! - Not a hunter or explorer and still want to have some fun? No need to worry! Pandora has got your back my trustworthy friend! We’ve got carnivals, a large amusement park, an intergalactic famous arena, hip hopping bars, game shows, and finally we’ve got the very best island resort in the Borderlands! Come stay and play! We promise that you won’t die (probably… most likely… you best have life insurance just in case).

Carnivora“If there’s one thing that can be said for bloodthirsty psychopaths, they sure know how to throw one hell of a party.” Welcome to the best party on all of Pandora, or maybe in all the Borderlands. Carnivora has it all! From fun games, to races, to finally a grand stage with their ultra famous hosts Pain and Terror! The Agonizer 9000 was once destroyed live on the ECHOnet by famous eridian scientist Patricia Tannis, but it is now back and better than ever!

Splinterland“Obey all traffic laws. Keep hands and feet inside the vehicle, or in a cooler if you have extras.” The home of the fast, most gravity defying rollercoaster in all the Borderlands. They themed this theme park around making the rides the most death defying that they can be, while still being fun! Stop in and go for a spin on the Dead Till Shrill, ride the Highway to Hell tunnel coaster, or the Stairway to Heaven coaster! You will not be disappointed!

Slaughter Shaft — One of the infamous arenas sponsored by Mr. Torgue himself! This arena features the last remains of the Children of the Vault as they give praise to the violence that made up their religion in the only way they know how. Take part or spectate the spectacle, with others as the Slaughter reaches the height of its popularity on the planet that brought you the original Underdome.

The Holy Spirits — This tiny little pub in Outlook is owned by the Zaford clan. They keep the booze flowing day and night, with a rotating gang of bartenders, making sure someone is there to serve you the finest in beer every second of the day. While it isn’t Moxxi’s, it is the best currently on Pandora. Stop in and have a pint with Mick Zaford himself. Why don’t you?

Wam Bam Island — Home of the mysterious Crawmerax and its child. This enormous lava crab worm has brought much tourism to the small tropical islands of Pandora. While it is the only location on Pandora that seemed to have been free of the wars between corporations, it did not miss out on the various creatures of Pandora. Apparently, everyone likes a good beach day.

The Stormblind Complex"Though the face of Pandora is covered in long-dead corporate military bases like concrete zits with missiles inside, this one is remarkably intact. The perfect place to host a game show!” It’s new, it’s old, it’s being devoured by a tremendous storm… This complex is the perfect setting for the Borderlands top ECHOnet show: Arms Race! Watch vault hunters from around the galaxy compete for loot and glory as part of a studio audience with legendary vault hunter hosts: Axton and Salvador!

Places to Stay Away from & Why They Will Most Certainly Lead to Your Death

◦ So every place has it’s dangerous locations, and Pandora is no different I’m afraid. With all the history and fun, it was bound to have some places that you just should not go to. For your own safety, we recommend staying very far away from the following locations. This is a friendly warning of course, but if you’re a vault hunter… please feel free to rid these areas of any pests you might find. I’m sure there has to be some hunters or black-market dealers who will pay big for their… pieces.

Caustic Caverns — This was the site of Dahl’s original mining operations on Pandora. Because of ruptures throughout the mining shafts, corrosive pools flooded the caverns. These pools attracted the attention of new creatures, such as crystalisks and threshers.

Eridium Blight — Another mining operation gone very wrong. This time it was Hyperion. When the original vault on Pandora opened, it sent a wave of eridian ore through the planet. Handsome Jack believed this ore was worth more than gold and set out to mine as much of it as humanly possible. The area where the Blight now sits results from such ambitious actions.

Windshear Waste — The trash pit of all of Pandora. This glacier was Handsome Jack’s favorite dumping ground for dead vault hunters, employees, and robots alike. Anything he tossed out ended up on the glacier that was the Waste. Bandit clans still run the glacier and for safety reasons, no tour groups go near it. Someone has also deprogrammed all fast travel locations.

Wildlife Exploitation Preserve — Once a research facility that was used by Hyperion to test what the effects of eridium on various creatures. It has sense been abandoned, let the creatures remain within. Those who enter the Preserve rarely ever seen alive (or whole) again.

Jakobs Cove — A rural village on the outskirts of Pandora that has been sealed off by the Crimson Lance’s former leader Lilith. The village was home to mad doctor Ned and his insane experiments on the bandits of the area that resulted in a strange outbreak. To prevent any further outbreaks from occurring, the location is protected.

Tartarus Station — The last known location of the robot line known as the CL4P-TP. The rebel units assembled here by a rogue robot, and destroyed by vault hunters. Hyperion later removed their remains to the Windshear Waste glacier, however, Tartarus Station remains off limits. The reasons remain unknown.

Friendship Gulag — With Helios crash and shutdown, several of of Hyperion’s facilities were shutdown as well, but this prison remained open and operational. The robots who run the prison answer to no one but their own processing and code, and have a strict set of rules. They are guard who continue to fulfill their duty, even though their master and command is long dead.

Terramorphous Peak — This peak is strictly off limits to everyone, for their own safety. Even the most skilled of vault hunters stay clear of this mountain peak, as it is home to one of the most terrifying threshers to have ever lived: Terramorphous.

Getting Around in Style

Catch-A-Ride. The one and only. Known throughout the Borderlands. You’ve heard her voice, but did you know the company started here on Pandora? Yes indeed it did! Ellie’s brother Scooter started the company right here on Pandora, and had a garage to go with it. He was a legend around these parts and his sister is becoming one throughout the galaxy herself! She even built Sanctuary III herself! If you need a way to get around Pandora, this is your one and only stop. They got anything you would ever need. But make sure you check the glove box, there might still be a taco there waiting. “CATCH-A-RIDE!”

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About the Creator


Hello everyone! My name is Bunny (well nickname is anyways - pay no attention to the name behind the curtain). I go by she/her, and am a panromantic asexual. I have a great love for everything comics, horror, and fantasy.

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