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Chivalry 2 Review

Chivalry 2 is a role playing video game that draws heavily from the world of medieval combat

By Cecilia WangPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Chivalry 2 is a role playing video game that draws heavily from the world of medieval combat. Players take on the role of one of several newly appointed noblemen in medieval France, who has been given the task of defending his country from an onslaught of rebellious subjects. The game's storyline follows that of the time when King Henry II had asked all his barons to swear loyalty to him in defense of his fledgling country. However, many of these men refused to do so. Instead they vowed to defend their country with force if need be. This is the crux of the game's narrative as players fight to retain and expand upon the power of their kingdom.

The graphics within Chivalry 2 is what sets it apart from other similar games. Medieval combat was always going to be highly graphical however it has never been this crisp and lifelike since it was first introduced. A lot of effort was put into the presentation of the game's characters, items and even game-play as well. This is due in large part to the years of research that has gone into the game's development.

One thing that is immediately noticeable about Chivalry 2 is that it takes a lot of the concepts of medieval combat and mixes them with a game-play style that has been condensed and polished to its bare bones. For instance, battles take place on large maps rather than the smaller maps that were used in past games where battles were more localized. As a result battles tend to last longer than they were in previous titles. Additionally, players are not restricted to just one terrain type.

Due to the game's use of real-time 3D animation, you get to see the characters and creatures in action while it is happening. This helps to make each battle more exciting because you get to see the characters react to each other and to the circumstances. Some of the best features in Chivalry 2 actually come from the animations and how they work within the game.

Another thing that can be noted about Chivalry 2 is that it has a very solid story line. Throughout the game you are presented with decisions regarding your relationship with a historical character, decisions that can affect your future actions and decisions that can change the course of history. These decisions really help the game to keep players interested and invested within the game's storyline. Even after playing through the game multiple times players feel as though they still have a lot of options and are not simply going down the path that the game sets for them.

There are four different sides to play on in Chivalry 2. These sides each have their own strengths and weaknesses which make for interesting decisions during play-time. Plus the fact that each side has a number of characters available to use makes things more interesting as players must carefully choose which character they will go up against and how they will use their skills to win the game. Another thing that helps to keep players interested is that there are a wide variety of weapons, clothes, and other items that are available to players as they advance through the game. Plus this helps to create an interesting gameplay experience as players are forced to think about what they would need for a particular scenario and how it may affect the outcome of a fight or battle.

The game does come with some negative points as well though. One of these is that some of the animations in the game can be a bit rough around the edges. While most are fairly smooth, there are a few areas that are a bit less than crisp. That being said, it is not the end of the world as many of the fighting characters are quite detailed and come with very realistic facial expressions.

Overall this is a great game. It truly captures the essence of medieval combat. In addition to this it provides players with many different options when it comes to choosing characters and clothing. Plus the online play helps to provide players with an opportunity to learn new strategies and tactics as well. Overall I give the game high marks and recommend that you all check it out.

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