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Between Two Stars and Five Stones

Ody's vs Lucifinian's

By Lawrence FinlaysonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Observant, Proposition, Agreement

Between Two Stars and Five Stones

Ody's vs Lucifinian's

Hanabesh and Amabeth were always at the side of the Morning Star in Heaven of Paradise, before the ascent of YHWH to Cassiopeia and Moses Almighty and Aaron Almighty to Heavenly Places of The Promised Land, where embarrassment and degradation could breach from any side of any Heavenly Place, lest any man boast, the alternative of "The First Seal" was worse than it enduring "good fight" and keeping ones places and possessions, or at the worst, end up in a prison, between a Rock and a Hard Place, of Hell Places.

To Be Continued... 

The world had changed, Hanabesh was another international perception, as so was Amabeth, the only incline towards them was now only known as a MMORPG insignia.

Heavenly places, they always seemed to look, or to be interested. They were not, only on who should not be there. Property right and property laws over the years had been interesting...

That those before had fallen for the lull of anything on the earth not covered by the Holy Book, was nice, he saw it in family, friends, institution, entertainment and in business...

As the mask holder, after all these things had come to pass.

Asterick had fallen asleep, again, and there again, like 20 years ago or so, he still had access to that same feeling... what the heck was everyone else so uptight about... now the horrishness of unbound barristers notes now revealed in those who were appointed previously as sick...

The workplace was coveted.

Those left behind, were shunned; he looked behind...

Maybe, things had changed.

What was the Bearer, Begetter, CPCS?

It was, after all... understanding...

The old question, it seemed so many years later, the War Before Heaven:

"Will you go to War Lucifer?"


"Then you are right." the question fell as if to the floor, as it was no question.

As Lucifer, Hanabesh and Amabeth left and later were to account to each other, rather than in council:

"War... you can't live for it, and you cannot die for it.

You are either left behind or whom is left, with Intention and Expectation.

Or die for it and that what lay behind one is picked up by others of Stress and Pressure.

Understanding the 'Will' however, is one of the more direct of approaches to anything, the likeness is stunning and arbitrates well and in any direction that if one thinks well enough ahead it is as stunning, warming and inspirational.

Hanabesh and Amabeth asked at the same time: "Why not override Godly Righteousness." It also might have been a discussion - though, the proverbial door would soon close.


Outsourced solicitation has still not been identified whether professionals under barristers documents or street gang unit who boast trespassing to the federal and afterward provincial, then afterward city based street gang unit administration now culminating as a retirement option.  The second of which has been identified and termed as a HFC mindset, that is a high frequency mindset, a barristers document appointed direction or pain or action, no pleasure or action, so on and so forth compliancy or institutionalizational utilization.

Further, the 911 service still has not accounted for any boasts of trespassing, the street gang unit administration exploits boasts of trespassing. The rationale of 911 seems to be acquisition of charity from the colon torture bulk store 'blue with a happy face insignia' via barristers documents of a 'masseuse with a business license' who boasts trespassing opposite a 'schindlers list' of centralized ward of state stress and pressure transference for which the earlier 'choral defense' 2012 was meant.

Lastly, despite a previous attitude of latency and necessity of translation, pertaining to Islam, muslim or the like, where it is found that the behavior of "boasting of trespassing" where it is called chaperoning or as a chaperone or to be a chaperone is no longer a unknown 517 year old parameter nor the institutional reduction, reduction policy, religious compelling or the like.  Like a management style, chaperoning was much more invasive and degrading

In other like previously NNN classified news; the accountability of the Beershat from Beersheba otherwise known as Bethuselah, loosely describing the Mother of currently "worldly", "Heavenly based Dual-Pharaohs" Moses (a.k.a. Moshe) and Aaron Almighty.  Has been inadvertently detected in a mirror type Egytian afterworld dimension... teams continue the search, while Lilith, Wife of Quetzalcoatl was able to finally communicate briefly with Quetzalcoatl indirectly through ULFC,LFC, HFC, UHFC frequency alternates before they were no longer accessible.  The one who fell his own judgment of being scattered to the Four Directions and Four Corners and Four Winds...


About the Creator

Lawrence Finlayson

I started writing at 11. Finished Highschool at 20, still an undergrad at 40, Major Indigenous Studies, Minor Indian Art History; spent much time in the Mining Trade Sector and Community Recreation Sector.

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