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An interesting photography game

Voting 3!2!1!

By emilyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

While taking photos is becoming popular and handy thanks to the introduction of smart mobile phones in the modern world, people get the opportunity to enjoy photography without expensive professional devices.

Gurushots is a pretty simple game to play. The gamers upload photos to various challenges and vote for other gamers at times.

To level up your status ( NEWBIE-ROOKIE-CHALLENGER-ADVANCED-VETERAN-EXPERT-CHAMPION-MASTER-GURU), you need to meet the requirement of each level. The hardest one is to win a challenge since there is only one winner per challenge.

The challenges have many different themes. Check the topic before joining a challenge, or your photo may get reported and removed. There are one, two, three and four photos challenges. A challenge could last for a few hours to several days.

When playing in a challenge, you vote on others' photos to fill the exposure bonus meter so your photos can be seen and get votes. Voting is the core of this game, to express your opinion on photos (Voting power is higher for higher rank gamers) and get more exposure for your photos. The gamers can also like a photo and find the profile of the photographer in the app later. The ranking is real-time, every time your refresh, your votes and ranking are updating. It is essential to vote in the last hour or 30 mins of a challenge to collect more votes.

The guru's pick means that the challenge Guru voted for your photo and you added 50 votes. Every guru has different taste and their criteria regarding guru's pick.

Although Gurushots is free to play, like other games, there are game props for gamers to purchase in the game store to gain a better chance to win or save time, there are 3 types of items:

Swap Replace a photo in the challenge

Fill Fill the exposure bonus meter without voting

Key Unlock the boost or join a challenge when it is locked

The swap is a bit tricky because the new photo you use may or may not get more votes than the previous one. If the swap was successful you will see a notice in the app. The gamer can swap back to the previous photo.

There are chances you can get a free key in an ongoing challenge, you must enter early and use it when it appears at a random time frame. When a challenge ends, you can get freebies sometimes.

Teams are like groups where gamers can team up and compete against other gamers in a team. The votes of all active game members are added(Team votes= votes of active member A + votes of active member B+ votes of active member C...). For teams, there are different team leagues(Bronze-silver-gold) similar to sports leagues. A team can be promoted or dropped according to the final rank of a season (predetermined length of times in days). Team points accumulated can get you game props(swap, fill or key). The team lead can select a challenge for the team (the team start to match when more than 3 team members join). But the opponent team is chosen by Gurushots from the same league automatically. Other team members can still join before the end of the team challenge. The team chat can help team members discuss and socialise when playing in a team match. Team players alert, your team is calling.

What's more than a game? Imagine getting your photos featured in magazines online and in international photo exhibitions. In exhibition challenges, if your photos level up to All-Stars(not hard to achieve generally), you are eligible to apply to join(Pay a few US dollars for exhibitions entry fee, get a FREE GuruShots Bundle meanwhile). They usually show printed photos as well as digital photos. Now online Virtual Photography Gallery is also open for applicants(


About the Creator


Tech, photography, art, business, investment, entrepreneurship.

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