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Technology-related websites are a central location and a powerful instrument for marketing campaigns. To be successful your site's technological capabilities, it must to offer more prominent content and sales touchpoints whilst not overwhelming the user or the potential buyer.

By Bhavitra TechsolutionsPublished about a year ago 14 min read

Technology-related websites are a central location and a powerful instrument for marketing campaigns. To be successful your site's technological capabilities, it must to offer more prominent content and sales touchpoints whilst not overwhelming the user or the potential buyer.

But, if you're still not taking into consideration the type of products or services you provide as well as the industry you offer and the preferences of the potential customers you're targeting Perhaps it's the time to rethink the method you've used to design and structuring your site.

A website by top web application development company in Bangladesh will be successful if the design of its website enhances UX (UX) as well as performance and appropriately matches the content.

For any technology-related company to create a website, the core features of your site, including relevant content, and including effective CTAs (call-to-action) must be taken care of and dealt with in the most user-centric manner that is possible.

But Why is This?

A website could be the most important marketing tool that customers can use for a company in the field of technology.

It's easy to dismiss these changes to the design as a low priority on the totem pole of your website's. However, a website that is able to provide high-quality information as well as a great user experience has to strike an equilibrium.

It's true the fact is that 95 percent of users said that a positive user experience is what really is important.

UX Statistics

In reality, once the pages load on your site it only takes 0.05 second to make your site's visitors feel welcome. It is evident that 94 percent of the visitors were able to identify the design of a website as the reason why they distrusted or disapproved of a site.

If the above statistics don't scare you enough take a look at what this means for your tiny technology business customers won't be able to trust your site if it isn't easy to navigate.

This can have an impact on everything from website traffic to revenue or gross sales. Particularly because customers will not trade with companies they don't believe in.

Therefore what you don't wish to do is invest a lot of time creating quality content or product pages , only to be unable to recognize it because of design issues and usability issues or complicated layouts.

When you think about the users' experience, it may be difficult to know what you should include when it comes to identifying the most critical factors to take into consideration.

So, what are the web design tips and tricks that you need to know to optimize your technology website for your company?

Learn more about this. You can create a website for your company which will produce results by following our top advice and tips, suggestions and suggestions.

Top Website Design Tips and Tricks for Technology Companies by best web design company in Bangladesh

Here are some useful web design tips and tricks for tech companies that will help your business ensure that your website is an effective lead-generation tool, instead of a tool that scares potential customers away.

1. Allow For Plenty of White Space

Websites that have graphic or content that is too long or a skewed color scheme won't attract viewers.

When creating pages for your site you must assist customers by preventing them from getting overwhelmed with the volume of information on offer. It is important for users to stay on your site for a prolonged period of period of time.

It is possible to achieve this by making sure you leave ample white space.

Whitespace is an essential design feature that can divide the page, and increase accessibility and readability. Whitespace refers to the areas surrounding elements on an empty webpage that does not have any text or graphic elements.

In one of its articles, Medium refers to a study that found it was "proper usage of white space between paragraphs, and its margins on the left and right can improve comprehension by as much as 20 percent."

Whitespace is also important in the process of designing web pages as well as in the layout of web information on the page.

Have an interest in these two examples of layouts for websites from Bhavitra:

The CTA button on the left side layout has less breathing space than that on the right that is filled with whitespace.

The button to the right appears to be the center of attention, being spacious and inviting people to take a moment and take note.

While plenty of whitespaces identify which sections are distinct and attract more attention however, less whitespaces will indicate the sections that are likely to be connected to one due to their proximity.

2. Create Captivating Content

White space and easy navigation is essential for your site however, only if you've got content that you can use on your website. Furthermore, your website isn't limited to color palettes or interface tabs on its own. It must have content for all of this to be worthwhile.

It's no surprise the concept of content marketing has been getting more sought-after. Actually, 91% of B2B marketing professionals consider that the importance of content marketing as a component of their overall strategy, in contrast to 86 percent of marketers in B2C.

This is a trend we can all predict will continue for many years.

Marketers are now aware of the importance of content. However, why is it that only a small fraction of companies succeed in content marketing?

3.B2B Statistics

As you can see As shown above, as you can see, 44% of marketers believe the content marketing approach is inadequate for their business. This is a poor performance.

This is all occurring because not everyone is creating compelling content.

The content you put on your website must be extensive and meaningful. It should be properly dissected. Beware of creating pages made up of huge paragraphs or blocks of text or paragraphs.

When you know how to create it, you'll be able to see an improvement in the results of your content marketing:

  • Traffic is growing
  • Shared more
  • More engagement
  • Conversion rates have increased

4. Display Products Using Videos

Think about showcasing demo videos for your products on page for the product or your homepage to attract the attention of potential customers.

For those who require more details, you can offer the information below, but video tours or demonstrations will assist the user in fully understanding the product or service.

Your job as a tech business is to communicate effectively the correct application of your software or the way your software functions. People can find out more about the software you offer and how it is integrated in with their lives by visiting the websites of tour operators.

In reality, 73 percent of people would prefer to know more about the products or services through watching a brief video.

With thethe majority of consumers who have been enticed to purchase something after watching a video from a company it's obvious that the video format is the norm in the near future and product demonstrations videos are a proven approach to achieve that.

As a result, you need to provide simple/straightforward, and logical steps for using your software, much as Shopify does on its homepage.

Your material should be able to clarify what obstacles or constraints the service or item is intended to answer before moving on to its features/characteristics and proper usage.

A few short instructions are crucial to keep the attention of customers. Do not try to fit the entire user's manual on one page.

5. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Mobile optimization is among the elements that shouldn't be ignored in the context of website design and development tips and tricks for tech businesses.

While desktop or laptop computers can provide the best display for your stunning videos and graphics however, the majority of users will visit your site using mobile devices.

In reality, US adults spend more than 5 hours a day using their mobile phones. 35 percent of people do all their online shopping via their mobile phones. Thus, the mobile website for your business should provide an exceptional customer experience.

If potential buyers visit your website for tech but are unable to navigate through or browse the site using a smartphone. In this case they might think about moving to a competitor's site that has more responsive mobile-friendly websites.

It's more than simply being visually responsive. It's crucial to tailor your site according to the desires and requirements of your customers.

Take into consideration the reason someone might visit your site on an mobile device. What do they look for? Are they able right now to accomplish these things based on my experiences?

With regards to this aspect, Samsung is one of the most advanced technological websites of companies that you can find.

6.Mobile & Laptop Optimization Concept

As a company that's always at the forefront of technological advancement, it's no surprise that their website is designed to cater to tech-savvy customers.

Since Samsung's website includes an online component it's crucial that they properly make their site mobile-friendly customers to improve the likelihood of purchasing from Samsung.

The company also recognizes that a bad mobile user experience can hurt the rankings of its SEO-friendly website and make it harder to locate by Google search.

7. Design Easy, Effective Navigation

Navigation is a crucial aspect when designing a website should not be undervalued.

It's how users can explore topics such as your products, services news, your site for news etc this makes the feature the first thing you need to get right when you build your web site for tech.

Even the most well-designed websites won't be an effective tool if users cannot navigate them.

In addition, websites that are unclear or confusing or an inability to organize your layouts can create a challenge for prospective customers to navigate their way through.

In the event of this, prospective buyers may leave your site and visit an alternative site offering the best customer experience they are unable to find what they're trying to find.

Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your prospective customers are able to easily locate the information they're searching for, while also improving the navigation on your website.

Utilizing navigation tabs or drop-down menus that clearly describe the layout and design is among the most effective ways to guarantee high-quality navigation.

Santa Cruz Bicycles is a great example of this in motion.

8.Drop-Down Menu Concept

The brand takes it a step beyond with its menu, which is completely based on the images of the product and its specifications. This is a great method for a bicycle business.

In addition the images make it fun to browse and easy to find an item. It is possible to apply this approach to your website. Santa Cruz Bicycles website approach by observing the drop-down menus that use images to highlight specific categories like Gears as well as Tires.

9. Optimize Above-the-Fold Content

If your site's visitors visit it and visit your website, you want them be able to see the advantages of your program as quickly as possible. Also, you must act quickly since visitors read only slightly over one quarter (28 percent) of the material they read on a website.

First impressions matter and if your customers are losing interest and not retaining their attention, it could be due to the fact that you're "above-the-fold" content isn't enthralling enough.

What is "above-the-fold" refer to?

Above-the-Fold Concept

Above-thefold refers to the part of your website that displays in the front when a visitor visits a website.

Above-the-fold content comprises headers images, text, or videos that are shown before the viewers begin scrolling. It should be able to communicate the services of your tech company along with the benefits of the service.

As it may entice users to browse the rest of the site and services The content that is above the fold affects your engagement rates. If it's not optimized, you'll most likely experience increased bounce rates and a decrease in conversions.

10.How to Optimize Above-the-Fold Content

Make sure that all content above the fold is engaging for the user and also informs search engine robots or web crawlers.

If a potential customer is on your site and becomes unhappy or confused the customer will go back to your Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Make sure to grab their attention by providing above-the-fold content.

An appealing H1 tag, appealing images and menu choices that connect to other pages of the website could help clarify what's available on the website and inform visitors if they'd like to look through your site's content further. Example of Above-the-Fold Content Images Sources: Forest Hill Family Clinic

All information should be accessible in a clear and easy-to-understand way, as shown in the picture above.

11. Make Your CTAs More Engaging

The use of a call-to action (CTA) is crucial to convert traffic into customers. CTAs include banners, images or even text that are designed to entice customers to complete a specific step, like downloading an eBook or making an purchase.

However there are many differences between CTAs. Not all CTAs are created equal as some are unreliable and fail to draw the attention of people or convey.

However an efficient CTA can assist in influencing customers to click and go further from your emails, website or social media postings to a landing pages specifically designed to turn potential buyers into customers.

What is it that makes a successful CTA?

Effective CTAs should be consistent with your branding while distinct from other web content.

They can stand out from the rest by using vibrant colours and a huge simple font. You can also include the use of a button that is prominent enough that users are enticed to click it, such as in the picture below.

ConversionXL's CTA Button

The vibrant red CTA is noticeable against the background, as shown in the image. It is in stark contrast not only to the white background however, but it also contrasts with the site's black color scheme.

Instead of a basic CTA using a standard phrase such as subscribe The CTA is also an empowering phrase within the CTA text, "BECOME A CONVERSION MASTER," making it an efficient CTA button.

If you incorporate this design to your website, your visitors will be ready to reap the benefits they get. They will be enticed to take action and increase conversion.

12. Test and Optimize

Every technology company must A/B test and enhance the different aspects of their web design to ensure successful online marketing. This requires regular updates and changes.

The majority of users want websites to load speedily If yours takes longer to load, you'll probably notice an effect on the conversion rate.

What is a reasonable loading time for a page?

Based on a 2019 Portent study the 4 to 0 second loading time is ideal for conversion rates. Additionally, the initial five seconds of the loading time on a page are the most influential on the conversion rate.

In reality, pages that have loading speeds that range between 0 and 2 seconds are the most effective in terms of conversion rates for online sites. According to the study every second of load time decreases the rate of conversion for websites in an average amount of 4.42 percent.

Caching websites or compressing photos are two of the primary methods you can employ to speed up your website's performance. To determine how speedy your website is, try using the Google PageSpeed Insights tool.

In some instances the web pages you have be excellent, but they may have out-of-date content. This is when A/B-testing becomes necessary.

A/B tests is the process of splitting your customers to test various campaigns and then determining which one performs best. That is, you could present variant A of your content to the majority of your viewers and the remaining 50% of your visitors, the variation B.

A/B testing a webpage will show the extent of an impact that the content has had in relation to conversions or engagement.

In other instances it is possible to run A/B tests in order to determine the impact of design changes on an effect on the performance of a website. Simple adjustments to headers, buttons or the wording of a page can significantly affect the rate of conversion.


It's one thing reading these tips and tricks. It's an entirely different matter to implement them on your website.

We've only discussed the most essential web design tricks and tips for tech companies You can conduct further study to discover more design-related tricks.

Keep in mind that there is plenty of space for whitespace, engaging content, videos of product demonstrations mobile optimization, efficient navigation, and many other aspects mentioned in this piece are crucial to maintaining good conversions and generating more leads.


About the Creator

Bhavitra Techsolutions

Bhavitra Techsolutions is the leading web design & development company in Bangladesh Providing full service digital marketing & mobile app development service along with wide range of online solutions for small businesses in Bangladesh.

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