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The Lion of Judah: Exploring the Symbolism of Rastafari

A Symbol of Resistance, Liberation, and African Identity.

By Brian KaPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Rastafari is a spiritual and cultural movement that originated in Jamaica in the 1930s. It is influenced by African, Jamaican, and Christian beliefs, and is centered around the worship of Haile Selassie, the former emperor of Ethiopia who is believed by Rastafarians to be the messiah. The movement has gained global recognition through its association with reggae music and the iconic figure of Bob Marley.

At the heart of Rastafari culture is the Lion of Judah, a symbol that represents power, strength, and resistance. The Lion of Judah has significant historical and cultural significance in Ethiopia, which was home to Haile Selassie and his royal dynasty. In Rastafari, the Lion of Judah is used as a symbol of identity and pride, as well as a representation of the divine power of Haile Selassie.

In this blog post, we will explore the symbolism of the Lion of Judah in Rastafari culture and beliefs. We will examine its historical and cultural significance, as well as its use in art, music, and literature. Through this exploration, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural and spiritual significance of Rastafari and the Lion of Judah.

The Lion of Judah in Rastafari Culture

The Lion of Judah is a symbol of great significance in Rastafari culture. It represents strength, power, and leadership, and is an emblem of the divine power of Haile Selassie, the former emperor of Ethiopia who is revered as a messiah by Rastafarians.

The Lion of Judah has its roots in Ethiopia, where it was used as a symbol of power by the royal dynasty of the country. It is believed to represent the tribe of Judah, one of the twelve tribes of Israel, and its use in Ethiopian culture dates back to biblical times. The Lion of Judah is depicted in various forms, including as a lion rampant, a crowned lion, and a lion with wings.

In Rastafari culture, the Lion of Judah has a deep spiritual and cultural significance. It is seen as a symbol of resistance against oppression and a representation of the power of the African people. It is also associated with the concept of Zion, a utopian land of peace and freedom that Rastafarians believe will one day be established.

The Lion of Judah is used in various ways in Rastafarian culture, including in art, music, and literature. It is often depicted on flags, clothing, and other forms of regalia worn by Rastafarians. It is also a common motif in reggae music, where it is used as a symbol of African pride and resistance against oppression.

The Lion of Judah is also intimately connected to Haile Selassie, who is believed by Rastafarians to be the incarnation of God on earth. Haile Selassie was a descendant of the Solomonic dynasty, which traced its roots back to King Solomon and the tribe of Judah. His coronation in 1930 was seen by many Rastafarians as the fulfillment of biblical prophecies, and he was hailed as the Lion of Judah and the Messiah.

The Lion of Judah in Rastafarian Beliefs

The Lion of Judah is a central component of Rastafarian beliefs, embodying both the power and divinity of Haile Selassie and the struggle for liberation and resistance against oppression.

One of the core tenets of Rastafarianism is the belief in the divinity of Haile Selassie, whom they regard as the messiah and incarnation of God on earth. The Lion of Judah is seen as a symbol of the divine power of Haile Selassie, tracing its roots to the Solomonic dynasty of Ethiopia, which claimed descent from King Solomon and the tribe of Judah. The Lion of Judah is thus a representation of the power and authority of Haile Selassie as the ruler of Ethiopia and the savior of the Rastafarian people.

The Lion of Judah also holds a significant place in the Rastafarian concept of Zion, which represents a utopian land of peace and freedom. The Rastafarian belief in Zion is rooted in their desire for a return to their African homeland, free from the oppression and injustice they face in the diaspora. The Lion of Judah is seen as a symbol of the power and strength necessary to achieve this goal, representing the resistance and liberation movements that have fought against colonialism and racism throughout history.

In Rastafarian thought, the Lion of Judah is used as a symbol of resistance and liberation in a variety of ways. It is often associated with the struggle against oppression and the call for social justice, both within the Rastafarian community and in wider society. The use of the Lion of Judah in art, music, and literature reflects this resistance, often depicting the lion as a powerful force of change and transformation.

The Lion of Judah is also used to express a sense of pride and identity within the Rastafarian community. It serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience of African culture, as well as a call to action for those who seek to uphold the values of freedom, justice, and equality.

The Lion of Judah in Rastafarian Culture

The Lion of Judah plays a significant role in Rastafarian culture, not only as a symbol of power and resistance but also as a symbol of identity and pride. This can be seen in the ways that the lion is depicted in Rastafarian art and music.

In Rastafarian art, the Lion of Judah is often depicted as a fierce and powerful figure, with a regal mane and a commanding presence. It is also often portrayed in vivid colors and intricate designs, reflecting the richness and diversity of African culture. The lion is frequently featured in Rastafarian paintings, murals, and sculptures, serving as a powerful symbol of the Rastafarian struggle for liberation and the fight against oppression.

In Rastafarian music, particularly in the genre of reggae, the Lion of Judah is a common theme. Reggae musicians have long used the lion as a symbol of resistance and liberation, often invoking the image of the lion as a powerful force of change and transformation. Bob Marley, one of the most famous and influential reggae musicians of all time, frequently referenced the Lion of Judah in his lyrics and music, using the symbol to convey messages of unity, hope, and social justice.

Beyond its representation in art and music, the Lion of Judah also serves as a symbol of identity and pride within Rastafarian communities. For many Rastafarians, the lion represents a connection to their African heritage, as well as a sense of solidarity and belonging within their community. The use of the lion in Rastafarian culture thus serves to strengthen the bonds between members of the community, creating a shared sense of identity and purpose.


The Lion of Judah is a significant symbol in Rastafari culture, representing power, strength, resistance, and African identity. Its importance is deeply rooted in Rastafarian beliefs and serves as a unifying force within the community. Through art, music, and other forms of expression, the lion continues to be an enduring symbol of liberation and hope.

As we reflect on the symbolism of the Lion of Judah in Rastafari, it is important to recognize the significance of this culture in global society. Rastafari beliefs and practices have had a profound impact on music, fashion, and the arts, and have contributed to important social and political movements. We should take the time to further explore the symbolism of Rastafari and its place in global culture.

Let us continue to celebrate and honor the rich cultural heritage of Rastafari, and recognize the importance of the Lion of Judah as a powerful symbol of hope and resistance for generations to come.

Final Note

If you’re interested in exploring the Jah Rastafari movement further, we invite you to check out Fifth Degree’s collection of Rastafarian clothing. Our clothing is designed to reflect the spirit and teachings of Rastafarianism, with bold colors, empowering messages, and a commitment to sustainability and ethical production. We believe that what you wear can be a powerful expression of your values and beliefs, and we’re proud to offer a range of high-quality, stylish, and socially conscious clothing for individuals who are seeking to live in harmony with nature and the divine. Visit our website today to learn more about our collection and find the perfect Rastafarian clothes for you.


About the Creator

Brian Ka

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