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The Divine Connection:

Evolution of the Master Managers of the Sacred Office Force

By Katherine D. GrahamPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 16 min read

Some pets possess an ageless spirit, of a wise elder who is devoted to assume an exalted righteous purpose as a leader. They become the Chief Happiness Officer, in charge of the management of a Sacred Office. Such pets are capable of give-and-take, forming attachments, that I define as love. Assuming the tenets of the ‘Familia Caritatis’ (the ‘Family of Love’), they enter into a reciprocal relationship with their companions. These pets consider dynamic possibilities and unceremoniously utilize an intimate force that transcends themselves. They establish the necessary actions to serve more than themselves in order to complement the social bond. In the twinkling of the third eye, such pets as horses, birds, dogs and cats, complete the divine connection of a relationship.

This attribute of pets was appreciated by the Egyptians, who respected and acknowledged the divine relationship as a union with their familiars. Both parties observe each other. When something is observed, through conscious or unconscious entanglement, it influences the physical system that is being observed. A well-trained pet can synergistically affect the field. Data are collected and information interpreted, minus the attribution of judgment or attachment to an outcome, or the imposition of aggressive or negative undertones. Using constructive and destructive interference, between stationary standing waves of quantum particles; and within a wave function, these pets can create an invisible structure in space. Translating what is observed, often otherwise unnoticed, they mirror the master.

The effect of copying creates a brief shock of electricity that touches the composite soul. If consistent signals are given, and behaviours are corrected, there is an alignment, so the same desired message and consequences recur. Pets often understand and prefer human company to that of their own species. They are culturally conditioned to know what is required, divining what behaviors are desired and expected from reflections of mirrored images and the animated metaphors from which they learn to translate appropriate behaviours.

Pets can be trained to perform to serve and assist their companions. With the skill of a masterful magician, pets often assume and accept the nature of their position in the hierarchical dynamics, without dramatic production. Unfortunately, sometimes pain and fear are forced on the animal to establish a hierarchy needed for training an elephant to draw, for example, or breaking a horse or camel so it can be ridden. However, many animals learn when the potential of a reward gently whispers what is expected, and reinforces the desired behaviour, that over time becomes a habit. The pet often moves beyond using an individual competitive win-lose strategy. Many pets acknowledge their care, and seek to be of reciprocal service.

I have often been termed a ‘pet'. As one of a litter of five, in the post-war baby boom generation, I was one of my mother’s pets, eager to please and to be of service from a tender age. One of my dear friends, who read the dictionary for fun, one of those individuals who prefers animals to humans, called me her pet Fubsy. This term was originally defined by Mme D’arbley (nee Fanny Burney) who wrote landmark novels on manners from the point of view of an English woman of the court. Mme D. wrote, “I never mix truth and fiction…I have other purposes for imaginary characters more than filling letters with them.”

Mme D’arbley described characters forever timeless in the world and, especially, in the Great world that "is so filled with absurdity of various sorts.” Among them was “a fubsy, good-humored, laughing, silly, merry old maid.”

‘Fubsy’, at first glance, refers to a plump individual, whose cherubic form suggests a hearty, breast-fed infant. (On later inspection, it is more of an inherent quality of shape.) As a child, I assumed the role of the domestic pet, not particularly indulged, but raised and well-trained in the manner of a maid, to serve others. According to the Oxford Dictionary, a maid can be a graceful thornback skate, a bottom dweller of the fish family Raia, or an unmarried innocent virgin who is a servant. A maid often serves an assembly of substantial individuals, who compose the writ of expectations, at a fixed time. A maiden is a form of guillotine used to behead criminals, part of a spinning wheel, or a tool to wash dirty linens. As an acronym, MAID has come to mean Medical Assistance In Dying.

I embraced all aspects of the Fubsy maid as one of the animals on my totem pole. Freud asks, and answers the question: “What is a totem? It is…an animal…or plant… or natural phenomenon…that stands in peculiar relation to the whole clan.” Animal totems offer some rude interpretation of a concept formed from incomplete story lines, that come together as though part of a studied life. Stories of Orpheus, Vainamoienen and those in the Bible, speak of the universal principles and laws that govern the song and dance of nature known to animals. Longfellow’s poem, “Hiawatha”, speaks of the animal dancer, Pau-puk-keewis, a jester and musician who can harness the power of the totem pole.

The pets on my totem pole hold a rustic spirit with an inherent unique power. In their unpolished state, that is ignorant of taste and skill, they understand the give-and-take needed to cut through conflations of confused random fluctuating energy combinations. They comprehend the apparent laws of the universe that exist when one moves beyond self-awareness of form. The essential quality of a pet totem is that it accesses embedded stored processes, and finds a way to greet a friend warmly at the door of mutual perception.

My mother, daughters and I shared the totem of the pileated woodpecker. It appeared to us regularly at the cottage, hammering into a telephone pole. The prehistoric beast was a signal amplifier that received perceived and unperceived vibrations that pass through space and time, then interpreted and transmitted a loud signal. The day my mother was being buried, just such a woodpecker landed on her front porch. The actual appearance of our totem that day, and on later rare occasions - as if on demand - seemed the answer to an unspoken prayer. The pileated woodpecker was a totem pet, whose purpose was to resonate a universal harmony that can be perceived as a sign of the love from my mother, whose spirit remains part of nature.

My totem Fubsy is by nature a classic spirit that is often reincarnated. My Fubsy was unofficially-trained in the practice of Standard Patent clerks who, like Einstein at the Swiss Federal Office for Intellectual Property in Bern, works with inventors and researchers to assess the parameters, based on the weight, measures and proportions affecting if a patent is accepted in open, standard business practices. Let me explain.

Mme D described a time and place in London, at the new Bear at Devizes, a popular stopping-off point for wealthy travellers headed for Bath who would find amusement watching Bear-baiting. During Shakespearian times, bears were often subjected to 'bear baiting' - a blood sport in which dogs attacked them while they were chained.

I found myself being raised in a parallel reality. I learned my skills as a dancing bear at my family’s restaurant, Angie's Kitchen in Waterloo, one of those places that, in its day, hosted a number of distinguished thinkers and was a comforting environment for many great minds. It was the breeding ground for the newly evolved Ursa spelaean, the Cave Bears who lived in the ivory towers of the city’s academic institutions. Originally thought to have been made extinct by conditions of the Ice Age, and human hunting, these bears had large skulls and featured steep foreheads.

The Cave Bears had evolved. The new Cave Bears were more cautious. They possessed the riches of what can be grown and harvested from fertile thought in great brains. They had learned how to contrive possibilities of imagination, set trajectories and execute ideas of the developing technological industries that have since influenced history and altered the path of global communication. Some had evolved to be master managers of the Sacred Office Force.

I was co-created within an environment in which I was trained to see and do what needed to be done. I developed my instinctive animal genius to gain the skills of a dancing bear. I learned to balance on a teeter- totter, juggling, or catching what was thrown at me. Concurrently, I gained enough intellectual skill to alter my role between servant and leader, student and teacher.

Over the years, this allowed me to branch out to other career paths, but when possible I would often indulge my Fubsy totem and visit my roots at Angie's Kitchen, the family homestead. On one such day, I met Robert Brout who had been invited to the University of Waterloo and the Perimeter Institute as a guest lecturer. It was during a snowstorm that we were introduced. His friend suggested he explain to me how the universe was created. After doing this, he encircled me in his bubble and recreated poetry he had written, that touched the core of my heart. In what Robert called a “coup de foudre” he marked the point in my life that took me to the periphery of where my dreams of a good life became reality. I came to have a deep and personal appreciation for PI, that measures the ratio of the circumference around the Perimeter, to the diameter.

Robert described his Enchanted Cottage, and I willingly entered into a collective consciousness based on Gainsborough’s Blueboy and Pinkie, illustrated by Sir Tomas Lawrence, a friend of Mme D. that adorned many middle-class many homes during the twentieth century.

Robert was a mentor to many. He could gently nurture and caress the minds and spirits of his friends as he had been mentored by his friend and mentor, Hans Bethe. Bethe offered a book to Robert with the inscription, “to my sometimes student and sometimes teacher.” Rahbear said his recently deceased first wife, Martine, had encouraged him to master an idea of success by delivering what is needed to realize personal potential. In the same manner as these two mentors, Robert did his best to teach me to develop emotionally as an old man’s pet, which is far sweeter than being a young man’s fool. The adage is slave. However, with experience I realize that females have some choice, and some are foolish enough to enter an abusive slavery situation. Rahbear treated me as an equal, and encouraged me to train him in turn. He became my dearest pet, my Rahbear. The experience presents a case that humans should treat each other as pets. Those who willingly choose to care for a pet, enter into a relationship where each is a student, ready to learn what they can at the time when their teacher appears.

Rahbear’s skills were steeped in the Nart Sagas - described in myths of the Thracian Getae of the lower Danube region and plains from the 6th century BC. The Getae were associated with the Dacians, and became subjected to Scythian influences. They were the chevaliers, the offspring of the Amazons who first trained and rode horses, and used the long sword and bow as expert archers.

In the Nart Sagas, a magical sword was offered by the Lady of the Lake, dressed in white. Known by many names, including the avenging sword, the sword of Kaleva, the spear of destiny, and Excalibur, the sword was placed in the stone of destiny or a tree and removed by such heroes as Samson, King Arthur and untold others. In Arthurian legend the sword was engraved with the words “Take me up, cast me away". At the death of the hero, the sword was returned to the Lady of the Lake.

Look toward the sky, and the sword can be found under the belt of Orion, known as Shen in Chinese myth. In Finnish myth, Vainamoinen’s Scythe is worn by Orion when it enters Aquarius as the sun loses its strength. The belt of Orion points to Sirius. Rahbear invited me to be his companion, as is Sirius the Dog Star with Orion the Hunter.

Over time, I became Fubsy, the Chosen One of Rahbear, my Yoda. In my imagination, Fubsy holds elements of a Furbee, a robotic doll-like character capable of learning language. They have been banned in the United States as a National Security risk, since, with their limited 40-word vocabulary, they can record and repeat classified information. Furbees hold reminiscent characteristics of a Star Wars’ Ewok. Native to the moon of Endor, by some fluke of genetic drift, sentient Ewoks learned the skills of forest survival. With sufficient primitive tool-building abilities, Ewoks destroyed the Imperial shield generators in Star Wars.

Ewoks evolved, in turn, from Wookies, giant intelligent, sophisticated, loyal and trusting hominid hairy creatures, who were enslaved as beasts of burden. Wookies tend to be short-tempered, given to berserker-like rage when provoked to anger. Despite this, they are generally gentle and tender, preferring to live in peace.

Rahbear held the characteristics of an evolved Ewok, a sentient being widely-regarded as the “Gardener of Eden”. I was eventually invited to have a glimpse of paradise known to this new Getae knight, the new Jedi master, wielding ideas that applied the mechanisms of the new light saber which, cutting through time, space and the curved rock walls at CERN, and generated data that have been used to understand how matter is formed.

Rahbear applied his intuitive wisdom to be of service to humanity, as an ally championing an ideal. He understood humans are not identical clones who need to work as machines, but are capable of being nurtured to create, share and appreciate joy, beauty and fulfillment in life. He addressed a wide range of feelings, and directed his psychological and spiritual training toward establishing a sense of peace, gratitude and appreciation within each day.

Rahbear mastered many aspects of life, avoiding the mathematically mean state and exceeding all normal and average expectations. He sought to obtain glimpses of happiness, where there is resonance at a sweet spot that can be found in each moment, doing what one loves to do in a manner that precludes control, abuse or oppression.

Rahbear helped me understand how ‘normal’ is defined within probabilities of a whole unit, between polar extremes. His translation of Aragon’s poem, “Il n’y a pas l’amour heureux” as “There is no love without sorrow” offered me hints about the relationship between polar extremes that extend to particles and antiparticles, what remains after a particle is removed. Both extremes are part of a whole movement, on the vibrating, twisting Mobius strip that makes up the Gordian knots within a theoretical teapot formed in the void.

I feel blessed to have encountered Rahbear. Rahbear transformed me, and I him. We were trained as each the other's pet. He offered me a way to unite the many raw, clownish aspects of the animal souls on my totem pole. As his pet, I was introduced to a world in which I learned to interpret some of the elements and signs of symmetry breaking in the field, by weak forces that create a spin which can give mass to the strange flavour and charm of a force carrier leading to the creation of new matter. Rahbear was the master manager of the sacred office force.

I will never be as fluent in the language of physics as one so prodigious as Robert - who brought his easy familiarity with the field into practise- in the way in which he interacted in the world. I do, however, comprehend the spirit of love and happiness that Rahbear shared with me, sometimes as master, sometimes student. I was a trained dancing bear, who witnessed the effect of being within the domain that my Rahbear established as a unified force. Rahbear connected to others. He shared his ideas, his theories, his poetry, and his love so unselfishly and openly that I find it difficult to describe the essence of him within the limitations of language.

Rahbear was my King of the Dancing Bears, free of chains and ready to use weak exchange interactions to create a strong force. He was the master of the moment. A master, called a freeman, has free particles that are connected with composite and coherent degrees of freedom. Rahbear was capable of describing how to rearrange the angular momentum and change the alignment of the spin between a particle and antiparticle, leading to self-recurring annihilation reactions that lead to new creation .

Rahbear was keen to have me understand the law of the lever. As his pet, I learned to focus on the weakest of forces that can alter chemistry and induce sequential mechanisms.The base sphere of the Atomium in Belgium, a model of a crystallized molecule of iron - named in honour of Robert and Francois Englert - hints at a concrete example of this force. Electroweak force interactions from within can create a self-recurring force that connects to other levels of magnitude. Weak interactions can cause Heme, an iron porphyrin that passes within red blood cells (that do not contain a nucleus), to alter spin and flow in a unique manner in each moment of light and life.

The Manager of the Sacred Office assumes a leadership role, interpreting signs to determine aspects of natural flow then applying knowledge and training to react to a silent message of a need they have perceived is required. Their actions neutralize sentiments, then make the present moment stand out. They can establishes a predictable chain of events to achieve a sustainable symbiotic balance. As an ally, the Chief Officer of Happiness offers a service that surpasses expectations. They establishes a state of harmony defined as happiness.They turn the gears of relational architecture along a fully-scalable, naturally-ordered reality through hyper-real models in orders of magnitude on multiple layers, consistent in the world of quantum physics.

I complete this treatise as a written testament of what remains within my ability to communicate, of the attachment that lives on when master and pet form a bond. Though I find it tempting to place Rahbear on a pedestal, so certain am I of his genius and respect of humanity and life, I will simply state a fact: Robert embodied and represented something few can emulate. He taught me about connection and unity in relationships. Being married to Rahbear, body, mind and soul, formed umami, an essence of deliciousness that marries flavours that go beyond each of the parts.

Rahbear shared the essence of a being the chief manager, of a sacred office. I continue to understand the depth of the relationship between pet and master, faithful and loyal companions who influence the alignment of the other. He was able to teach unique and remarkable lessons, spoken of in the Zen parable of the Ox. My pet, inscribed in my heart, the greatest gift described by the song Nature Boy, to love and be loved in return. Rahbear's deep attachments inspired an awareness that weak forces can lead to creating something new, happiness, that resonates in repeating harmonies through many levels.


About the Creator

Katherine D. Graham

My stories are intended to teach facts, supported by science as we know it. Science often reflects myths. Both can help survival in an ever-changing world.

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