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Startling Coffee Facts You Need To Know

Some of the world's most expensive coffee comes from the droppings of animals!

By joePublished about a year ago 3 min read
400 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide annualy

Coffee is the most popular drink worldwide, enjoyed by millions of people every day. It is not only a source of caffeine but also an essential part of many people's daily routine. From the history of coffee to its benefits and types, there are many interesting facts about coffee that you may not know. In this article, we will explore 25 coffee facts that you need to know.

Coffee was discovered in Ethiopia in the 11th century by a goat herder who noticed the energizing effects on his goats after they ate the coffee berries.

The word "coffee" comes from the Arabic word "qahwah," which means "wine of the bean."

The first coffeehouse opened in Istanbul in 1475.

The Dutch were the first Europeans to bring coffee to Europe in the late 16th century.

Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world after oil.

Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world, accounting for more than 40% of the world's coffee production.

The two most popular species of coffee are Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is considered to be of higher quality than Robusta.

Coffee is the world's most popular stimulant, with over 400 billion cups consumed annually.

Coffee beans are actually the seeds of the coffee plant.

There are two primary methods of processing coffee beans: the dry process and the wet process.

Coffee beans are roasted to bring out their unique flavors and aromas.

Farmers grinding the coffee beans

Dark roast coffee has less caffeine than light roast coffee, but it has a stronger flavor.

Coffee beans should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

A cup of coffee contains more antioxidants than a serving of blueberries.

Coffee can boost your metabolism and help you burn fat.

Drinking coffee before a workout can improve your performance.

The average American drinks 3.2 cups of coffee per day.

The most expensive coffee in the world is called Kopi Luwak, and it is made from coffee beans that have been eaten and excreted by a civet.

Another expensive coffee, black ivory, US$2,500 per kilogram.

Black Ivory Coffee is made in a remote region of northern Thailand with little help from machines, depending instead on elephants' natural digestion.

Only the best high-altitude Arabica cherries are chosen, and the majority are lost in the selection process.

One kilogram of finished cherries requires approximately 33 kilograms of raw cherries, which are cared for by hired high school students and elephant carers after the cherries have been consumed and digested by the elephants.

The availability of coffee cherries and Black Ivory's appetite are the two main determinants of their supply.

By consuming a cup of this unique brew, which is largely sold to Michelin-rated restaurants and five-star hotels, you may be contributing to the prosperity of rural areas and rural people.

Coffee can have a positive effect on your mental health, reducing the risk of depression and anxiety.

Caffeine can improve brain function, including memory, mood, and reaction time.

The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee can vary depending on the type of coffee and how it is prepared.

Decaffeinated coffee is not caffeine-free, as it still contains some caffeine.

Kopi Luwak found on the Indonesian islands of Java, Bali and Sumatra are made from the droppings of the Civet

Espresso is a type of coffee that is brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans.

Adding milk to your coffee can help reduce acidity and make it easier on your stomach.

Coffee can stain your teeth, but brushing and flossing regularly can help prevent discoloration.

In conclusion, coffee is more than just a beverage; it is a cultural icon and an essential part of many people's daily lives. Whether you prefer a strong espresso or a creamy latte, there is a type of coffee out there for everyone. From its discovery in Ethiopia to its global popularity, coffee has a rich and fascinating history. It is also packed with health benefits, including improved mental health, increased metabolism, and reduced risk of depression and anxiety. So, the next time you enjoy a cup of coffee, take a moment to appreciate all the incredible things that this beloved drink has to offer.

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