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New study sheds light on the top causes of hair loss for women and men - what can you do to prevent it?

For many, hair loss can be a source of frustration and insecurity. While there are various causes of hair loss, a recent study sheds light on the top causes of hair loss for women and men. The study also looks into the role that nutraceutical supplements may play in preventing hair loss. In this blog post, we will explore the causes of hair loss, what you can do to prevent it, and the potential benefits of nutraceutical supplements.

By Maria nour Published about a year ago 4 min read
New study sheds light on the top causes of hair loss for women and men - what can you do to prevent it?
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash


It's often difficult to know exactly what causes hair loss. What can be done to prevent

it? Are there any natural remedies? To answer these questions and more, I spoke with

Dr. Farshid Guiravani, a board-certified dermatologist at The Dermatology Group in

New York City. Read on to find out why he recommends nutricosmetics as an

important part of your overall health routine (and also how you can get your hands on

this magical ingredient).

The top causes of hair loss for men and women

Hair loss is a common condition, but it can be frustrating to know what the cause is

and how you can prevent it. There are many different types of hair loss that affect

both men and women, such as male pattern baldness (also known as androgenetic

alopecia), female pattern baldness (also known as genetic alopecia), traction

alopecia, telogen effluvium—scarring alopecia—and more.

The causes of most types of hair loss include genetics, aging, illness or injury to the

scalp area which results in inflammation or scarring of its follicles; medications such

as minoxidil (Rogaine); nutritional deficiencies; poor blood circulation around your

scalp area which may result in dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis; excessive styling

products applied too often onto your head over time like flat irons or curling rods

without using heat protection while doing them up so they won’t damage any

growing hairs on your head!

Can hair loss be prevented?

It is possible to prevent hair loss?

There are several things you can do to prevent hair loss, including:

Eat a healthy diet. If you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean protein sources like fish or chicken breast instead of processed foods that are high in saturated fats (like cookies), your body will produce less testosterone and estrogen. This means that it won't be as likely for your body to produce excess oil estrogen. This means that it won't be as likely for your body to produce excess oil around the scalp area causing dandruff or oily skin like acne breakouts around the face area where hairs grow out from under their roots on either side of your head making them appear thinner than usual when compared side by side before treatment begins so make sure not only does this happen but also keep checking yourself regularly throughout each day until after complete recovery has been achieved!

Nutricosmetics: the beauty secret you've been missing?

You've probably heard of vitamins, minerals and other ingredients being used in beauty products to help you look your best. But what about nutricosmetics? Nutricosmetics are a new form of beauty products that use vitamins and minerals to help you look your best. They can be found in pill form or as a liquid formula, which means they're easy to take on the go without having to worry about carrying around bulky bottles or bottles that break easily if dropped on the ground. NutriCosmetics also come in both men's and women's versions—so no matter how much hair loss is affecting either one of you (or both), there will always be something available! If you are experiencing hair loss, it could be due to any number of factors. If you are concerned about it, contact your doctor or dermatologist. In addition to potential medical remedies, there are also ways that you can boost your hair health from the inside out - by taking a form of nutricosmetics such as Kerahealth . If you are experiencing hair loss, it could be due to any number of factors. If you are concerned about it, contact your doctor or dermatologist. In addition to potential medical remedies, there are also ways that you can boost your hair health from the inside out - by taking a form of nutricosmetics such as Kerahealth .

Kerahealth is a natural supplement that works by boosting blood flow and circulation in the scalp. This helps promote healthier follicles and prevents them from falling out prematurely by increasing their production of keratinocytes (the cells that make up our hair).


Nutraceutical supplement is a solution that can help to regrow your hair. It contains the right ingredients and has been proven to work for many people. The company is based in the USA, which is known for having some of the strictest regulations in the world. This means that you can be sure that their products are safe and effective. There have been many positive reviews, so it’s worth trying out if You’re looking for a solution to your hair loss problems.


About the Creator

Maria nour


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