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Most feminist ancient civilizations

Well, for their time. You'd be surprised

By Dyllon RodillonPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
I do not own this picture, no copyright intended. I just think Marie Curie is a boss.

Let me start off by mentioning that I that grew up around some very strong, independent, and prideful women. I've always had immense respect for the women both in my family and in general because of this. It is also because of this upbringing that I've always found the patriarchy immensely confusing and even quite disturbing. These feelings became even worse; once I did a bit of research I realized it wasn't always this way at least in some civilizations. We took a very disturbing step back in the world with women's rights and just overall how women are treated in society.

Thankfully as a we're heading in the right direction, however we still have a long way to go so that true equality between the sexes, can truly come. So I figured why not highlight these ancient civilizations that were surprisingly very feminist. The ones that got it right, at least in this respect, long before the rest of the world did. That way we can learn from them, because as Churchill once wrote "Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”."

Spartan women

Yes, Sparta did have it's flaws. I'm not going to ignore that, especially with the treatment of their women. However they were leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of Greece. That has to count for something.

Spartan women were actually pretty famous/infamous depending on your view point back then for being the most free women in all of Greece. Only in Sparta were women intensely physically trained. Weakness is not a Spartan trait, you had to be strong regardless of your gender.

Spartan women could also own land, actually a reoccurring theme you'll see when I talk about the other women on this list. Anyways, they were also educated something we sadly still sorely lack and shun in some regions of the world today. For reasons I'll never be able to understand nor do I want to understand. Lastly a Spartan woman was free to fraternize freely with the men. Spartan women were apparently know for their wit on top of their natural beauty.

Egyptian women

So, Egyptian women could; own property, work freely, choose their partner freely and divorce freely. That alone is amazing, but wait there's more. Several powerful Pharaohs were women and there was an equal amount of female gods in ancient Egyptian culture. But wait yet again: there's still more. So not only were these women highly educated but a good amount of them were actually priests and some were even highly respected doctors! Honestly I was stunned reading most of this. Good job Egypt, just wow.

Seriously; this entire article could be about just ancient Egyptian women, maybe I should do a follow up. Please drop a heart if you'd love to see that follow up article.

Mayan women

Very similarly to the ancient Egyptian women, there's not much the women of ancient Maya didn't do. Sure their gender roles were very traditional in regards to child birthing and rearing, however those roles were treated with equal importance to the men. Also very similarly the women of the other societies on this list. Maya women participated in economic, governmental and farming activities. Lastly Mayan women could easily divorce.

Honorable Mention:

Norse women get an honorable mention due to having just about the same given rights of land ownership, marriage and divorce. I couldn't find too much information differing from these other societies to have an entire section for themselves outside of this honorable mention.

Before I forget no civilization was perfect, no civilization is perfect, and even today there are still massive hurdles in the way of women today to reach true gender equality. I acknowledge this and I accept that fact, women have it tough period. But I wanted to make this list to highlight some moments where we as humans did good, so hopefully we can be inspired to be better for future generations of women across the globe.

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About the Creator

Dyllon Rodillon

Jack of all trades, master of none.

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