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Magnificent, Mysterious, Magnets

Prepare to be mind blown

By shallon gregersonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

“Opposites will attract”, have you ever heard this saying? Did you know, 1+1= 2? Of course, but did you also know, that 2=0? I will explain at the end.

What does your mind picture, when you hear this three word statement,”Opposites will attract”?? Maybe you think of things, such as, negative and positive? Or maybe, a male animal attracting a female? The possibilities, really are endless!

What about magnets? Does anyone think of a magnet, when hearing “Opposites will attract”? Do you know how interesting magnets really are? What is a magnet? What are magnets used for? Why are magnets important anyway? I hope now, that I have your attention! Because you are about to read, just how magnificent, mysterious, and mind blowing, magnets are!

First, you must know what a magnet is. In order to understand the importance of them, we must know what they are. A magnet is a metal object, that has two poles (positive and negative, north and south, etc). Magnets create a magnetic field. The magnetic field, is invisible to our naked eye, but, the field is very powerful. In a magnet, the electrons are all over the place, meaning not stable. If you look at the periodic table of elements, there are only three elements that are magnetic. Iron(Fe), Colbalt(Co) and Nickel(Ni) are the three elements which can be attracted to a magnet. They are metals, and solids. There are seven types of magnets, magnets which are always magnetic and others that are only under certain circumstances.

Let’s start with the permanent magnets. Neodymium iron boron, Samarium cobalt, Alnico, and Ceramic or ferrite magnets. Then we have, Temporary Magnets, which are magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field. Electromagnets, which are created by running an electrical current through a coil with a metal core. And finally, Superconductors, which are made of wire coils of special metal alloys, and they are without a metal core.

So, what does all of this mean? How is it important to us humans? Well, we live on a planet, called Earth. We rotate around our sun. The sun is like a very powerful magnet. The Earth has the North Pole and South Pole. The Earths axis spins on a tilt, and this gives the seasons, the time, and everything. We are able to live on Earth because of gravity. Gravity uses the Earths magnetic field to keep everything from floating off into space. Magnets create vortexes. Magnets can be used in many things, such as in the science, medical, and every day things we use and see in our homes.

If you are a bit more curious then before, Nikola Tesla, who was one of, if not the most, incredible inventors of human history, studied magnets, and magnetism. The unit of measure called the Tesla, used to measure the magnetic field! Many of his inventions, were created using magnets.

Nikola Tesla, invented the magnifying transmitter, induction motor, and the wardenclyffe tower, this is only a couple of his patents. When he discovered the importance of magnets, he learned, to harness energy using the Earths magnetic field and poles. He called this Free Energy, and was shut down by the people who paid him to create the inventions. “You cannot make money, by using free energy”.... then how would anyone be rich? Or be more powerful and “above” their fellow human?

We have over complicated everything. Now, in the 2000’s, our brains are trained to over think, to over complicate...everything! Everything is simple! Magnets are natural to the Earth, to the Universe. A magnet, copper wire, a light bulb, and a couple metal tools, can create the energy needed to power a phone. Salt water and magnets can give light to a light bulb. Magnets are used in MRI machines, in computers, and navigation.

In our 3D, physical world, there is always going to be a duality. We cannot have positive without the negative, we cannot have up without down, we cannot have good without bad! This is all due to magnetism. So, 1 positive and 1 negative, equals 2, correct? So, at the beginning I stated 2=0. 0 is everything, and is also nothing at the same time. In the magnetism of the universe nothing is everything and vice versa! Without magnetism, the universe would not exist!


About the Creator

shallon gregerson

I conspire, create and love making my mind think

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