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Great Wall of China

Great Wall

By Son SimPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Great Wall of China
Photo by William Olivieri on Unsplash

In 220 BC, Qin Shi Huang integrated parts of the former buildings into a combined defense system from the north. Under the command of General Qi Jiguang, a team from southern China came and built one of the most vulnerable parts of the wall and added the original stone and earth barriers that had been built at the beginning of the Ming dynasty two centuries earlier.

The Great Wall of China, built between the 3rd century BC and the 17th century AD on the southern border of China, is the largest military defense project of successive Chinese emperors over 20,000 miles long. The first walls are believed to have been built during Emperor Qin's reign. who succeeded in uniting the parts of China in 221 BC.

The Great Wall section near Beijing, the Badaling section, and the Mutianyu section were built during the Ming Dynasty. Each country built its own walls to defend itself, but Emperor Qin, who succeeded in uniting some parts of China in about 221 BC, tried to connect the walls to defend himself against invaders from the north. Several walls were built in the 7th century BC [2], with selective divisions connected by Qin Shi Huang (220-206 BC), China's first emperor.

The overthrow of China's Great Wall at Shanhai Pass in 1644 by Manchu troops marked the end of Han's rule over Han China during China's last and last dynasty, the Qing Dynasty (1644a1911), and the end of wall construction and retention until the Badaling section was restored by the People's Republic of China. in 1957.

The Great Wall of China is made up of different provinces and kings in different places to protect the boundaries of different territories. Under the Han Dynasty, North Korea's Great Wall was China's Great Wall more than 8,000 miles [8,000 km] along the coast from Pyongyang in the east to the Jade gate in Yumenguan in the west. During the Qin dynasty (221 A207 BC), the first emperor included a wall and a section on the northern border of China.

Construction on what is now 13,000 feet [13,000 m] long went on for over two thousand years. The first lasted nearly four centuries until Qin Shi Huang, who in 221 BC became the first emperor of China, commissioned a decades-long project to consolidate and expand a series of fortifications and fortifications into a single obstacle. The earliest parts of the wall were constructed of layers of parched soil and local materials such as red palm trees from the Gobi Desert, wild poplar trunks from the Tarim Basin, and reeds from Gansu.

Although many early parts of the wall have been washed away over the centuries, the greatest legacy of China's Great Wall is dating back to the Ming dynasty (14th-17th centuries). The Chinese Ming Dynasty stretched 4,500 miles from Shanhaiguan Pass in the Bohai Sea to Jiayuguan Pass in the Gobi Desert.

Pian Tou Guan, Pianouguan) near Xinzhou, Shanxi Province Ming wall is divided into two parts: the outer wall (T: Wai Chang Cheng, s: Wai Chang Cheng, Wai Changcheng) from Inner Mongolia to the border between Shanxi and Provinces of Hebei and the Great Inner Wall (T: Nei Chang Cheng)

The wall is not just one wall, but a series of defenses and fortresses. The section you see in Beijing has old details. Compared to other walls on Earth, it runs in the same lines and not in scattered sections.

A clear wall winds through the western side of the Helen Mountains and reaches the rocky outcrops of the distant moon. The ocher-colored walls, guarded by local herdsmen by throwing stones at the ground, lacked waves and towers that marked the eastern part.

During the Ming dynasty, the ocher walls of the United States were built to demolish the earth's boundary with stones at the ends of the earth, and they still feel this way today.

China's Great Wall has never prevented invaders from entering China but has become a powerful symbol of Chinese civilization and lasting power. The origins of the Great Wall of China can be traced back to the 5th century BC but most of the wall walls go back hundreds of years when China was divided into a series of different empires, the so-called war. In 220 BC, China's first united dynasty of the Qin Dynasty ordered the removal of the first fortresses of each empire and the integration of the existing walls and the northern border of a single system comprising 10,000 Li (Li = a third (mile) to protect China from invasion from the north.

China's Great Wall, considered to be the world's most amazing site, has more than 2,000 years of history and stretches more than 3,000 miles from several northern provinces making it one of the world's most impressive ancient structures. Beijing is considered to be the main wall gate and several sections of the wall are found in Beijing cities including Badaling, Mutianyu, Jinshanling, Juyongguan, Gubeikou, and Jiankou. Despite the difficulty of finding an authoritative response to the precise length of the Great Wall, historians have not yet discovered all the details of it.

For example, in October 2002 a new 50-mile [80 km] section of the Great Wall of China was discovered in Northwest China. A few months earlier, Chinese archaeologists had uncovered a 2,000- year-old section of the Great Wall of China from the Han dynasty (206 BC) in August 2002.

The answer to the question of what is the Great Wall of China depends on how you decide to measure it and what parts make up it.

The walls of the fortress have fallen and are likely to be destroyed by the storms. This means that half the wall may disappear with the continuation of history. Most importantly, the current figure of 21,196 kilometers is not permanent.


About the Creator

Son Sim

Love writing poems, fiction stories and a lot more

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