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First Olympiad in Greece

First Olympiad in Greece

By Cs SapkotaPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
First Olympiad in Greece

The curtain fell on April 3 at the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens' first Olympic Games, where the winners were awarded and presented with medals and diplomas by King George I at first Olympic Games in Athens. While the international media welcomed the revival of the Games, Greek newspapers commented on the ignorance of the organizers and their decision not to take the games to the stadium.

As a gift to the Greeks and world culture, the Olympic Games are the largest and most important sporting event in the world, which promotes ethical values, cooperation, and solidarity and demonstrates the greatness of effort and energy. These games, which have been in history and have been counted for thousands of years as a center, are still alive today and show no signs of disappearing.

The Olympic Games have been held for hundreds of years in four different years since they were completed in the early Christian era. The games were revived in 1896 and held in the fourth year of the First and Second World Wars (1916-1940 and 1944).

In June 1894, the International Olympic Committee in Paris met for the first time in hopes of reviving the ancient games of the past thousand years. The first modern Olympic Games were held from April 6, 1896, to April 15, 1896, in Athens, Greece, at the Panathenaic Stadium. Athletes from 14 different countries of the world participated in the Games.

The International Olympic Committee chose Greece as the site of the first modern Olympic Games after Greece was chosen as the site of the first Olympic Games because that is where the ancient Games were founded thousands of years ago.

The ancient Olympic Games were a four-year-old festival held at the Olympic shrine of the Western Peloponnese in honor of Zeus, the supreme deity of the Greek religion. It was an important cultural event in Greece and they participated in 293 consecutive Olympics. Its last recorded festival was held in 393 AD under Emperor Theodosius I, although archaeological evidence suggests that the games were held before that date.

The first recorded mention of the ancient Olympic Games dates back to 776 BC when a chef named Coroebus won one event - a 192-meter-long Stade (the origin of the modern stadium) - and became the first Olympic champion. Historically, Heracles (Roman Hercules, son of Zeus and the mortal wife of Alcumenes) invented the games. It is believed that the games took place for many years in a row.

The revival began about 1500 years after Theodosius banned the modern Olympic Games, and in 1896 under the leadership and leadership of Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France, the first modern Olympic Games took place in Athens. On this occasion, the Hellenistic Panathenaic Stadium was reorganized to host the first Olympic Games in Athens. The first Greek to win the Games was Spyridon Louis, a water vendor who won the competition.

In 1896 the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens under the direction and direction of the French Baron Pierre de Coubertin, and although they took place in different countries every four years and were interrupted by two world wars. to be one of the largest sporting and recreational events in the world, generating billions of dollars and enjoying the wider participation of many countries. 280 male and female athletes from 12 countries participated in the opening ceremonies of today's Olympic Games. They took part in 43 competitions in athletics, track, and field, cycling, swimming, gymnastics, weightlifting, wrestling, fencing, shooting, and tennis.

The Olympics were not named after the event itself but were named after the Games. In 648 BC, Pankration, a combination of boxing and wrestling, began as an Olympic event. The first Olympic race was held at the Games of 1896 after Greek troops covered a distance of 25 miles in the year 490 BC to bring news of victory to the Persians in the Athenian race.

Sports events are also associated with the funeral customs of war heroes, such as Patroclus' games at Homer's Iliad. Particularly in Olympia Zeus is referred to in mythology as the originator of the games to celebrate his victory over Kronos, with some submissions claiming that the hero Pelops started the games in honor of Oenomao.

There is a pattern to these myths: the Greeks believe that the games have their roots in religion and that athletic competition is associated with the worship of the gods and that the revival of the games should bring peace and harmony and return to the origins of Greek life...

The Olympic Games were held as one of two important beliefs in ancient Greece, one as the ancient religious festival of Eleusinian mysteries. As a religious festival honoring Zeus, the father of all Greek gods and goddesses, the Games took place in Olympia, a rural area of the Western Peloponnese.

As evidence of the religious nature of the games in honor of Zeus, the most important deity of the ancient Greek deities, war was unquestionable. The festival dates back to the pre-Christian calendar of the Golden Age of Greece. The ancient Olympic Games were held every four years between August 6 and 19 September in a religious ceremony honoring the father of the Greek gods and goddesses Zeus.

Filled with blood, love, and extraordinary achievement in sports, these ancient games featured sports, social, and cultural aspects of the ancient Greek calendar. From boxing games to survival classes and points given to chariot races hidden in all corners, it is easy to see why the Games attracted the Greeks. The threat of attack was not far off, and the first Olympic Games took place every four years from 776 BC to at least 393 AD.

Looking back at the 2020 Olympics that began last month in the humble origins of Tokyo in the Olympic Valley, in the northwest corner of the Greek Peloponnese region, it is clear that this large Olympic game was the first of its kind 3,000 years ago. The Summer Games, with their various events, are the focus of today's Olympic Games.


About the Creator

Cs Sapkota

[email protected]


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