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An Overview of Amazon KDP for Smartphones

Kindle Direct publishing ( Did you know about it?)

By Lawrence EyongPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Important things you need to know about Amazon KDP

Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is a self-publishing platform that allows authors, writers, and content creators to publish and distribute their books, magazines, and comics in digital format on the Amazon Kindle store. With KDP, authors can reach millions of readers worldwide and earn royalties from their books.

The KDP platform is accessible on smartphones and tablets, making it convenient for authors to publish and manage their books from anywhere. The KDP app is available for both iOS and Android devices and can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play Store, respectively.

With the KDP app, authors can access all the essential tools for publishing and managing their books, including:

Book Content: Authors can upload their book content in various formats, including Microsoft Word, HTML, and PDF.

Cover Design: Authors can create or upload their book cover design directly from their smartphone.

Book Description: Authors can write an enticing description of their book, including key details such as the book's genre, length, and target audience.

Pricing and Royalties: Authors can set the price of their books and choose the royalty option that suits them best, including 35% or 70% of the book's list price.

Book Promotion: Authors can promote their books through Amazon's advertising platform and reach millions of potential readers.

Overall, Amazon KDP is a user-friendly platform that provides authors with the tools they need to self-publish and distribute their books to a global audience. The KDP app makes it easy for authors to publish and manage their books on the go, giving them more time to focus on their writing.

In conclusion, the KDP app is a must-have tool for all self-published authors and content creators. Whether you're a seasoned author or just starting out, KDP offers a simple and effective way to reach millions of readers and turn your writing into a successful career.


To access Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), you can follow these steps:

Go to the Amazon KDP website (

If you already have an Amazon account, log in using your existing credentials. If you don't have an Amazon account, you'll need to create one by clicking on the "Create an account" button.

Once you're logged in, click on the "Books" tab and then select "Kindle Direct Publishing."

From there, you'll be taken to the KDP Dashboard where you can manage your Kindle eBooks and paperbacks.

Note: To publish a book on KDP, you'll need to have a completed manuscript in a file format that KDP accepts (such as .doc, .docx, .rtf, .html, or .pdf). You'll also need a cover image for your book.

You do not need to be a pro writer, there is a ready made step by step blueprint to guide you here:


There is no guaranteed formula for success on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), but here are some steps that can help increase your chances of success:

Write a high-quality book: The quality of your book is the most important factor for success on KDP. Make sure your book is well-written, well-edited, and has a captivating cover design.

Choose the right category and keywords: When you publish your book on KDP, you'll need to choose the categories and keywords that best describe your book. Make sure to research the categories and keywords that are relevant to your book and have low competition.

Price your book competitively: Pricing your book too high or too low can affect its visibility and sales. Research the prices of similar books in your category and price your book competitively.

Promote your book: Even the best books need promotion to be successful. You can promote your book through social media, book review websites, and advertising. You can also use KDP's promotional tools, such as KDP Select and Amazon Marketing Services, to help reach a wider audience.

Keep your book updated: Regularly updating your book with new content and improvements can help keep it relevant and increase sales.

Seek feedback and reviews: Feedback and reviews from readers can help you improve your book and increase visibility. Encourage your readers to leave a review on Amazon after they've finished reading your book.

Remember, success on KDP takes time and patience. It's important to be consistent and persistent in your efforts to reach your goals.


About the Creator

Lawrence Eyong

I am an Architect/ Affiliate Marketer who loves Making money online as a side hustle.

I help people get started, making money in the online space, showing them how to work smart, rather than hard.

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