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A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later

Disappeared Plane

By Durga PrasadPublished 11 months ago 7 min read

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking. Welcome to Flight 914! Fasten your seat belts and obey the no smoking policy - we'll be leaving in 5 minutes. When we are at cruising altitude, you will be served refreshments. Our flight lasts 37 years. I wish you a good trip. What would you do if you went on vacation to another city and suddenly found yourself in a completely different country? I think the more adventurous types would even enjoy such a change of plans, but most of us would be confused. Anyway, I bet even the most reckless adventurers raise an eyebrow when told they've been flying for nearly half a century. On July 2, 1955, Pan American Flight 914 departed New York for Miami, Florida. It was a beautiful sunny day and the 57 passengers on board were impatiently waiting for the warm beaches and palm trees of Florida. The plane took off without a problem, but 3 hours later, when it should have landed at the destination airport, it was nowhere to be seen. The radars of the Miami air traffic control tower showed no approaching aircraft and no distress signals were received. When the controller contacted the tower in New York, they received a confusing response: Flight 914 had disappeared from radar in mid-air. Everything indicated the disappearance of the plane: after it disappeared from the radars, air traffic control could not reach the pilots by radio. The DC-4 simply vanished into thin air, leaving no trace of itself or its occupants. An investigation was immediately launched. The flight path took the plane over part of the Atlantic Ocean, and it seemed that the only explanation for its disappearance was that it had crashed somewhere along the way. Rescue teams were dispatched, the Coast Guard monitored the waters, but still no luck. Not a single piece of the missing plane was found. Scientists could only shrug their shoulders in amazement: 61 people (passengers and crew) only blinked at the huge flying machine.

Later, although the case was never solved, an official statement was made that the plane had crashed, killing everyone on board. But despite many understandable questions from sad relatives, no one could say what really happened to Flight 914. At least 37 years later... Change of scenery. It is now September 9, 1992, and we are in Caracas, Venezuela. It's a normal day for Juan de la Corte, an air traffic controller at the Caracas airport. He showed up for work, made a coffee, and sat down to admire the flights. He had made no comment on the flight when something strange happened. Seemingly out of nowhere, a new blip appeared on the radar. It was as if the plane had just popped out of nowhere or was hiding from radar and now decided to show up. In any case, it was strange to see it so close to a civilian airport, and de la Corte checked the reading several times, thinking it was a mistake. However, it was not; the readings were correct, and soon he and his colleagues saw it with their own eyes. In less than 10 minutes, the culprit appeared. At first, it looked like a normal plane to the air traffic controller, but as it got closer, They saw that it was actually very old—a DC-4 McDonnell Douglas airliner that still had propellers instead of modern turbines. Such machines continued to be used, but they were outdated and mostly replaced by more modern ones. But that wasn't even the beginning of the weirdness. The real confusion began when the pilot of the mysterious plane approached the tower and asked in English, "Where are we?" Juan de la Corte, who was in charge at the time, replied that they were approaching the Caracas airport and asked where the flight was going. There was a pause on the other side, and then the pilot replied, "We're on Pan Am flight 914 from New York to Miami, Florida, with a crew of four and 57 passengers." It grabbed the air handler completely out of control. What did a Pan Am flight do 1,100 miles from its destination? And how did it even get there? De la Corte quickly asked the pilot a few more questions, and what he heard next surprised him. The pilot said his flight was scheduled to land at Miami Airport on July 2, 1955, at 9:55 a.m. Now the tower had to be quiet. Before asking anything, nothing worse, the air traffic controller allowed the plane to land. De la Corte didn't know what to make of the pilot's words; maybe he thought he was going crazy, but it didn't matter because the mysterious plane was full of people. He had to make sure they landed safely and decided to ask questions. Ground units were immediately called to assist the aircraft and passengers, and it landed without incident. After relaxing a bit, Juan finally decided to ask about something that was bothering him. "Do you know today is May 21, 1992?" The next pause that followed told him it was a big mistake to say that. As the ground crew approached the plane, the pilot's confused voice came over the radio: "What are you talking about?" When de la Corte heard this, he knew he had to order a security check to board the plane and escort the passengers and crew. However, as he walked to the plane, the pilot did something that no one expected. Juan heard the panicked voice of the plane's captain say, "No! Stay away! We're leaving now!" And indeed, he restarted the engines and taxied the plane to the runway without waiting for clearance. Juan tried to stop him by radio, saying that he was creating a dangerous situation, but the pilot did not respond. He just drove onto the track, accelerated, and left. For a while, the plane was visible in the air, but soon it was just a blip on the radar, and then it disappeared again. Words cannot describe the shock that Juan de la Corte and his colleagues experienced in the control tower. They just saw an old plane appear out of nowhere; the pilot told them it was headed for Miami, and before they could do anything, it took off again only to disappear into thin air as if it were a collective hallucination. No trace of that plane has ever been found, and to this day, no one can explain what happened that morning in Caracas. Sniff sniff Smell it. It smells like fish. However, I must say that there is a lot of controversy about the credibility of this event. Back in 1985, a tabloid called the Weekly World News first reported the story, and yes, I said 1985—seven years before the most popular version appeared. Later, the same newspaper told the story twice, only with different details, and the future time-travelling plane was set to appear in 1992.

The photo of Caracas air traffic controller Juan de la Corte also differed from the 1985 original. So the story was largely exposed as false and became an urban legend. However, the legend lives on, with many sources retelling it in their own way. Some even say that the passengers on the plane finally returned home, and strangely, none of them looked a day older than they did 37 years ago, while everyone they knew aged at human speed. It is said that doctors examined the pilot, crew, and passengers but found nothing unusual; the people were healthy. However, this part seems far from credible, as there is no solid evidence of the 61 people returning from the decade-long flight. I mean, didn't we run out of snacks? One thing that continues to pop up on the internet and pique the interest of paranormal enthusiasts is a small pocket calendar that was somehow left on the runway at the Caracas airport when the infamous plane took off. The thing is, it's from 1955 and is said to be the only artefact of that strange encounter. There are still people who claim that the calendar is real, but again, there is no evidence that it exists. Well, who knows? Maybe it's just a tall tale, indeed an urban legend, or it could be a huge conspiracy to hide the fact that time travel is possible. I guess we'll never know. A blink of an eye. And what do you think? Was Flight 914 really missing for 37 years, or is it all just a hoax? Let me know in the comments! If you learned something new today, please like this video and share it with your friends. But hey! Don't fly away yet!


About the Creator

Durga Prasad

My "spare" time is spent creating for myself and writing for others.

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