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10 Sage Ancient Teachings From Shamanism

The Mysterious Wisdom of Shamanism

By Burak BayramPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

Who is the shaman? What is shamanism? Who can be a shaman?

They say that shamanism has genetic roots and it is clear from childhood who can be a shaman or not. Even after the signs from the gods are taken, the child does not have many options. She/He will either die, or go mad, or go beyond the limits of madness and become a shaman.

Shamans have special powers. Shamans can be defined as a priest, healers, or magicians. The most basic feature of the shaman is her/his ability to come into contact with spirits.

Thanks to this power, she/he can perform missions such as mystical disintegration (death and resurrection), sickness cure, and blessing. Of course, not everyone can perform this touch, it is argued that being able to achieve this power is carried by genetic codes.

Shamans are usually chosen among those who can easily go into a trance. It is usually chosen from among women. Even if a man becomes a shaman, the clothes he wears are women’s clothes. The clothing worn during the religious ritual is called regalia. This dress is filled with objects that are said to be strange and ethereal.

The most important condition for becoming a shaman is to be able to communicate with God and to have the ability to go into a trance during the ritual. Candidates who are considered to have these abilities and suitable for shamanism are determined. The key point here is this: The shaman is the candidate; the candidate chooses the shaman.

Training begins with the destruction of the candidate’s self. In this process, the shaman candidate is expected to cut off her/his relationship from worldly things. She/He is asked to renounce all that she/he knew and all that she/he had learned until that age before the training. Just like a dead man, she/he is expected to break all ties with his past and promise to obey the master shaman completely and unconditionally.

Shamanic training takes a very long time and during this period, the shaman candidate follows her/his master unconditionally. Conditions such as mental weakness, neglect, disruption or doubt that the candidate will experience in this process might cause the training process to be interrupted or terminated.

While many things about shamanism are already quite interesting and different, the trance state that shamans experience during rituals is an extremely intriguing situation.

There are dozens of teachings turned into a philosophy of life that shamans learned from their masters in this period of life-learning and training. They all have deep meanings and a truly eye-opening mindset. Based on my research on these shamanic teachings, I would like to mention about 10 shamanic philosophies that I want to share.

10 Ethereal Profound Lessons From Shamanism

Photo from 56th Parallel

Based on my research, I’d like to share these 10 ethereal philosophies of shamanism that I carefully chose. These 10 ethereal philosophies have a very deep meaning for understanding and attuning to your life that can cause enlightenment and clarification in your life. These teachings are generally about life, experiences and being at moment and etc.

1- Respect your body.

Take care and respect that body that is house to all your spiritual energy. Your body is your container and shamanism believes that container allows your soul to mature like a caterpillar’s shell; be a caterpillar until it turns into a butterfly and respect that.

2- There are no mistakes, only lessons.

Life doesn’t give you mistakes. Life gives you lessons, it’s up to you to learn and put these lessons into practice. Remember, your soul is learning and making choices. This is a very important choice. It’s a choice you make between good and evil. That’s why you have to learn from your mistakes.

3- You are a spirituality living in the form of materialism.

You are a spirit and energy. Even if you can’t see it in your perceptions, your inner voice will tell you it’s true. Trust yourself and your spiritual energy. Material forces are often the source of negative energy. You have to turn to the spiritual world and energy.

4- Life is a test.

When you understand the truth, you also realize that life is only a moment. When a baby is in the womb, the whole world is inside that womb. When (s)he is born, (s)he realizes that there is another world and that the mother’s womb is a temporary place. When you are alive, you can think that there is only this life. But this is also a temporary place. Life is a place where you will give your spiritual test. Never forget this.

5- The lesson repeats until you learn it.

If you say why this happens to me all the time, your purpose in this world is to learn that lesson according to shamanism as I mentioned in the 2nd state, life doesn’t give mistakes but lessons. Whenever you learn a lesson, you move on to a new lesson.

6- Life is a place of experience.

Do not question your destiny, be grateful and be content with what has been given to you. Because life is a place of learning. Our spiritual power is learning the lessons it needs to experience here.

7- Everything is your reflection.

Do you hate the habit of a friend? Bad news. You only see your reflection. You have the same habit, but it’s not in the open, maybe you pressed it in time and pushed it deep. But everything you truly love and hate is a reflection of your soul.

8- The best moment is now.

The best place is where you are right now. The best moment is now. Focus on the present and where you are. Because that’s the only real thing.

9- Whatever you think about, you put into your life.

Your thoughts become your life after a while, and once you realize it, you cannot change it. That’s why you have to manage your thoughts and draw them to the positive.

10- Answers will fool you.

When you ask about the meaning of life, each person will give you a different answer. But the meaning of life is what you see and what you believe in your heart. It is your birth purpose. You have to find your own answers. For this, you must begin your own inner journey and complete your spiritual energy cycle.

Final Words

Photo from 56th Parallel

Shamanism has a really profound background to understand and learn from. As we can see through this article, almost all of the states of shamanism are related to each other, and all based on the experiences to be gained and lessons should be learnt during life which is a temporary place.

Thank you for reading!


This story was originally published on Medium.


About the Creator

Burak Bayram

I write about every aspect of life.

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