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1 minute to see which vitamin you lack?

vitamin supplements

By Reynol BrennanPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
what vitamin are you missing

Vitamins are organic compounds needed for human nutrition and growth. If the body lacks vitamins, certain diseases will appear. But vitamin intake is not "the more the better", the key lies in moderation, excessive intake or lack of certain vitamins is not only useless but harmful to the body. Which vitamin is your body lacking? Supplement it now!

1. If you

sweat a lot on your head, children are prone to rickets and adults have osteomalacia.

You need vitamin D supplementation.

The role of vitamin D can promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in food and the calcification of bones. When it is deficient, it is easy to suffer from osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets, etc.

Deficiency Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets in children and rickets in adults. Symptoms include bone and joint pain, muscle wasting, insomnia, nervousness, and dementia diarrhea.

The main food sources are cod liver oil, egg yolk and milk.

2. If you

Dry eyes, excessive tears, blurred vision, dry and rough skin.

You need vitamin A supplementation.

The role of vitamin A:

It is related to vision, and can maintain the normal function of mucous membrane and regulate the condition of skin. Helps human growth and tissue repair, is very important for eye health, can resist bacteria to avoid infection, protect the health of epithelial tissue, and promote the development of bones and teeth.

Deficiency Symptoms:

Night talk syndrome, dry eyeballs, dry skin and itching.

The main food sources are carrots, green leafy vegetables, egg yolks and animal livers.

3. If you

Numb hands and feet, poor complexion, indigestion, suffering from polyneuritis and beriberi.

You need vitamin B1 supplementation.

The role of vitamin B1:

Strengthen the nervous system and ensure the normal activity of the heart. Promote the metabolism of carbohydrates, maintain the health of the nervous system, stabilize appetite, stimulate growth and maintain good muscle condition.

Deficiency Symptoms:

Depression, stomach upset, numb hands and feet, beriberi.

Main food sources:

Coarse grains, beans, peanuts, lean meat, animal offal and yeast, etc.

4. If you

Suffer from angular stomatitis, glossitis, cheilitis, ophthalmia, skin inflammation, secondary anemia.

You need vitamin B2 supplementation.

The role of Vitamin B2:

Also known as riboflavin, it participates in a wide range of metabolic processes in the body, maintains eyesight, prevents cataracts, and maintains the health of the oral cavity and digestive tract mucosa. Promote the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and help form antibodies and red blood cells to maintain cellular respiration.

Deficiency Symptoms:

Get angry, angular cheilitis, seborrheic dermatitis, conjunctivitis, ophthalmitis, corneal angiogenesis, etc.

Main food sources:

Egg yolk, river crab, eel, seaweed.

5. If you

Loss of appetite, poor memory, inability to concentrate, thin yellow hair, pale skin.

You need vitamin B12 supplementation.

The role of vitamin B12:

This is a vitamin that is almost not found in plant foods and is the vitamin most likely to be deficient in vegetarians.

Deficiency Symptoms:

It is an indispensable and important element of red blood cell production, and if it is seriously lacking, it will lead to pernicious anemia.

Main food sources:

Meat, dairy and animal offal, etc.

The human body needs very little vitamin B12, as long as the diet is normal, it will not be deficient.

6. If you

Epistaxis, bleeding gums, subcutaneous bruising, melena, menorrhagia, bleeding hemorrhoids, wounds and postoperative bleeding.

You need vitamin K supplements.

The role of vitamin K:

Closely related to blood coagulation. It has the functions of preventing neonatal hemorrhage disease, preventing internal bleeding and hemorrhoids, reducing massive bleeding during menstrual period, and promoting normal blood coagulation.

Deficiency Symptoms:

When vitamin K is deficient, it will prolong the clotting time and cause bleeding disorders.

Main food sources:

green vegetables.

7. If you

People who are prone to epistaxis, swollen gums, dry mouth, colds easily, and wounds that are not easy to heal.

You need vitamin C supplements.

The role of vitamin C:

One of the most needed vitamins by the human body, it has the effect of preventing and curing scurvy, so it is also called ascorbic acid. Its main function is to protect, regulate and promote the catalysis of the enzyme system. It is also a strong antioxidant, which can prevent peroxidation in the body and has a protective effect on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. It also plays an important role in preventing atherosclerosis and lowering cholesterol.

Deficiency Symptoms:


Main food sources:

Mainly found in fresh vegetables and fruits.

8. If you

Weakness of limbs, easy sweating, dry skin, split ends of hair, nervousness and dysmenorrhea.

You need vitamin E supplementation.

The role of Vitamin E:

Also known as tocopherol. It is a very strong antioxidant that can inhibit the oxidation of fatty acids, reduce the formation of lipofuscin (commonly known as age spots), and protect cells from free radical damage, so it has the effect of delaying aging.

Deficiency Symptoms:

Men do not produce sperm, female embryos and placenta atrophy cause miscarriage, hinder the pituitary gland from regulating ovarian estrogen secretion, and induce menopausal syndrome and premature ovarian failure.

Main food sources:

Vegetable oils and nuts.


About the Creator

Reynol Brennan

A small blogger who shares emotions, life, life insights, and short stories, and provides everyone with happiness, growth, and common sense of life.

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