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Why Universal Basic Income Could Solve Economic Disparity In The 21st Century.

UBI is the ultimate economic solvent of the 21st century.

By Kyle SmithPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 8 min read
Why Universal Basic Income Could Solve Economic Disparity In The 21st Century.
Photo by Sahand Hoseini on Unsplash

The War On Normal People is ahead of it‘s time.

By Michael Förtsch on Unsplash

Back in March of 2019, I borrowed one of the most important books from the library in my lifetime. Around the same time that then, presidential candidate and former business person Andrew Yang proposed a unique yet familiar idea about introducing a system of reform called Universal Basic Income or UBI to every American.

In Andrew Yang’s book, The War On Normal People, he discusses the economic disparity that could come in the next couple of years when automation compounds labor and how UBI(Universal Basic Income) Would fit the resolve for so many who are liable to be laid off from the factory and retail sector.Of course, this proposal isn’t new and has some of it’s earliest inceptions from Dr. Martin Luther King ,to the Carter Adminstration in the mid 70s.

Imagine if you will, that once your kids turn 18, they receive $1,000 every month, tax free, no strings attach. The idea in practice, has already been inacted in Alaskan;where citizens received $1,600 annually for simply remaining a resident(Because of the oil reserves the Alaskian government get a cut of, the governer at the time decided to distribute it to their citizens) in the state. The biggest problem in our nation at the moment is climate change, but so is the gap between the rich and poor that has grown each and every year. This issue, with hyper inflation will only result in the trends of tech giants becoming trillionaires later because of no longer needing to pay staff or other employees to do work that an autonomous machine could perform more efficiently.

Capitalism isn’t perfect

By Jon Tyson on Unsplash

It’s a safe bet to assume that over the last 201 years since the start of the industrial revolution, capitalism has been the standard of trade and barter Thus far politically and economically . You work for A wage or salary in exchange for income. Although capitalism is not perfect in any stretch, I believe the system itself could use a reboot as that Clovid-19 proved to us how fragile working conditions could be in the face of medical adversities.

More people are working from home now than ever in the last century due to Covid restrictions disrupting normal life and circumstances. During both the Trump and then soon after, Biden administrations, Stimulus checks were sent to almost every American citizen to help them on their feet during Much of COVID 19. This actionable objective goes to show that the government, when met against unusual conditions as an exception,can pay every person in America at least $1,000 Once A year.

Yet this amount wouldn’t completely replace a full paying position in an economy that faces hyper inflation. UBI could however,help people with practical expenses such as their car note , due rent, an unexpected repair, bill or utility.

Working at dead in jobs isn’t it

By Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Younger people are starting to navigate the joy of side hustles rather than working at regular conventional jobs that has structured schedules because millennials value experiences a lot more than their predecessors did. Before the pandemic, several companies have developed makeshift based offices and spaces designed for the millennial and their working needs and wants. To make it‘s work environment more appeasing and better suited for a newer generation. But because of the COVID-19 pandemic and its continuation, traditional workspaces may not be enough. And many people are opting to work from home.

Covid 19 has changed the workspace environment. Ever since August, thousands of low wage paying restaurants like McDonald’s are begging on their knees to fill spots of more employees because of a low labor force. Because Pandemic Unemployment Assistance ran out for most Americans shortly after September 4th of 2021, throughout the summer, the people that were affected by Covid 19 are reconsidering applying for lower wage jobs, gravitating towards additional hiring bonuses from some companies. It’s simply not enough to make up for the years of economic abuse everyday people face at jobs that underpaid their staff.

Retail is dying and slowly being replaced by machines

By Possessed Photography on Unsplash

The Retail sector is slowly dying out and being replaced by autonomous A.I machinery that can perform duties more effectively than human beings. In 2025, the great replacement of labor will cause millions of workers to be unemployed,costing thousands of jobs for several hard-working people in retail sector. This will majorly affect urban and some suburban/urban areas as well. For the thousands of people without a job because of high gas prices and a new recession, universal basic income would probably be a nice cushion for them to sustain their life.

If there isn’t a solution from neither governmental or corporate institutions for a new wave of basic income for all, the problem will only make matters worse by the year 2025, and weaken the economy globally In a way unlike anything we’ve ever seen previously since the 2020 COVID 19 pandemic.

Universal Basic Income Could help people who hate working at dead in jobs

For several of us including myself, working at a job just isn’t it. I don’t like the idea of having to wake up, commute to work, and be there for eight or 12 hours a day doing something I have no passion for. Even worse, are folks who have not completed college or don’t have a degree. They end up working at the lowest bottom of the totem pole type of jobs it doesn’t pay enough for them or their families. They end up living miserable existence is or just simply existing day in and day out. They are a continuation of a cog in the machine that tankers its way and spits out products or services for the masses.

Doing the same thing each and every day at a low paying job becomes redundant and can often caused people to quit and have mental breakdowns. For those who are sensitive to working redundant low wage jobs, UBI could fill in the gap and mentally sustain someone‘s overall well being by eliminating their dependence on minimum wage jobs for their livelihoods. When most of our needs are met without fully relying on entry level jobs, it balances out the need to work longer hours and provides better work and life balance.

You’ll also eliminate the Social Security fraud that’s been going on in United States for several years now. Well-meaning people who actually need Social Security, or opted out and unable to receive it while those who don’t need it, apply to it due to the fact that they are tired of working altogether. The system is definitely broken and UBI will definitely eliminate a lot of scarcity issues live in poor communities in work place disparities.

Universal Basic Income Could eliminate job discrimination issues and lower crime in Black & Latino neighborhoods.

There’s been peer reviews from Harvard school of business that indicated they are discrimination against blacks and Latinos or Asians when applying for certain high-level positions and offices or other retail stores. This causes several to resort to petty crimes that has causesd several legal repercussions in these minority communities.Black communities are among the most affected when it comes to economic disparity.

Universal basic income will help these communities stay afloat as well as reduce the crime rate. When people have money and can pay for the most essential necessities, then there’s less of a need to resort the petty crimes or death in order to produce a means to an end. Universal basic income of course will not replace or disparity in minority neighborhoods, but will reduce it to half and allow black folks to thrive with legal side hustles to make up for the income they’d otherwise been denied by racist hiring managers. The hood needs UBI but so does everyone else. It should be a right for all humans to have the essentials to sustaining a life in the 21st century.

Where Do We Go From Here?

By Pierre Borthiry on Unsplash

With new innovations such as BlockChain utilities,NFTs and crypto base bartering systems, it’s theoretically possible to implement Digital UBI and extend it‘s bartering system ubiquitously to all online and physical retailers. Start up companies are currently in talks with industry leaders on the future of crypto and it’s vital role in how it could help humanity manage the fourth industrial revolution of the 21st century.

These new forms of trade and barter will aide billions of people who will inevitably be replaced by an autonomous A.I workforce. Imagine receiving $1,000-3k every month in crypto without having to work for an 8 hour shift? How much more relief would that take off of you mentally? You’ll have more time to enjoy the things you love while optionally working at jobs that require more manual insite. The fourth industrial era nevertheless be challenging for people who are used to manual labor and manually working but after awhile, you’ll embrace it. You’ll love it and after you recieve $1200 a month, you’ll wonder why this system hasn’t existed in the first place. That’s when you’ll finally come to your senses that lots of disparity and economic scarcity could of simply been solved have this monetary aide been implemented years ago.

The real question for you would be this: What would you do with $1,000 a month?

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Kyle Smith

I’m an entrepreneur,up and coming manga artist, and an Apple tech guy.

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