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Why Me?

Part 7

By Tiawni SewardPublished 4 years ago 25 min read

He Showed Up

Kenda Pov

I have spent the last three days wondering who this person is that supposed to show up here soon. I have had so much going on, but yet I couldn’t stop wondering about him. Would he be the one I am really meant to be with, or just someone who will be an advisor in my court. How will I know which one I am supposed to choose out of the three that think I am their mate when I haven’t put my scent out there? I guess I will smell their scent to know who my mates are. It will give me time to get to know them as a person and then me. It will keep the mating bound at bay so we can know each other like humans. I think that would be best. I need to know them without the mating bound getting in the way so I can make the right choice for everyone. My people need me to be wise and honest and dependable. I will call on the Moon Goddess later to see what she can tell me about all three so-called mates. Get some help in how I know which one is the right one. Then on top of it all I have to worry about the war that Algonquin wants to start, because he wasn’t able to kill me and take my powers. He has a mate in the dark witches coven and they have two children that he thinks will rule. He has another think coming if he thinks I will stand for that. We don’t want to be set back to the dark ages, we all want to move forward. Then to top it all off you have everyone wanting to make me Queen and my pack the royal pack. When I set out to make a difference, I didn’t imagine this. This is way more than I thought I would be or become. I am just amazed at it all. I thank the Moon Goddess for it all and the people in my life that has helped make all of this come true. I need to get some training down with the warriors and anyone else you wanted to join today.

“Kenda are you in there?” Rami yelled.

“Yeah, I’m here in the office. Why are you yelling? Just get in here to talk before I head to the training field.” Kenda mind linked instead of yelling back.

“On my way, but yelling is good for the soul.” Rami mind link back with a laugh.

Then Rami walks into the office with a little smirk on her face. Had to wonder what she was up to and why that look on her face.

“So tell me what you are up too and why that look is on your face?” Kenda asked

“Oh, didn’t you hear we have a new guy in town looking for a job? He is so hot and all. I can’t tell what he is. He smells different. Not human but something and I can’t tell what it is. He is down at the tattoo shop asking about a job and wanted to know what pack territory he was in.” Rami explained.

“How do you know all this? Did you talk to him or did one girl in town tell you?” Kenda asked.

“One guy told me actually, and they were wondering if they should run him out of town since he didn’t ask to speak with you yet. Get a hold of Ryan at the tattoo shop he would try to keep him there for a bit or send him to the Cafe to grab a bite.” Rami added.

“Ok so it looks like I’m heading to the tattoo shop instead of training today. I will have to get a hold of Tony and get him to train. Then go check this dude out and find out what his plans are.” Kenda said.

“If we can, let’s keep him in town for a while. He might be just great eye candy for us girls.” Rami said laughing as she left to go to her office to see what she had on the books for today.

“Tony, I need you to go to the training field and start the training. I have some issues in town I need to deal with.” Kenda mind linked

“Sure thing. I was heading over that way anyway to get some training in with you, but I will get with you another day.” Tony replied through our link.

Heading to the tattoo shop that doesn’t have a true name yet is funny as hell. I haven’t figured out why Ryan hasn’t named the place yet, but he has a strange sense of humor. While I headed that way I have seen how the town came alive with all the activity going on now. It has grown so much in a short time. Even the humans that come here are enjoying themselves and some are regulars here now. I have even got to know a few of them by name and we have a few that have moved into town in apartments and working with us in our shops and stuff. It’s nice to see. They haven’t learned about us yet, but in time I am sure they will. I just hope they see that we are just the same even when we change. Some humans are mates to some in my pack and they are doing well. It is coming together nicely and I couldn’t be happier at how things are going. I have heard that the other packs that I have helped are even doing well and they are growing. So I guess what I saw that I could do passes and more is yet to come. Let me stop looking at my town and go see if I can find this new person in town. I like to meet new people that come looking for a job in my territory.

“Ryan, I am on my way to you now and I am not that far away. Plus, why didn’t you tell me someone came looking for a job? Instead, I have to hear about it from Rami. So you have some explaining to do.” Kenda said as she walked through the door, not given Ryan time to respond through the mind link.

“Kenda is so nice of you to stop by today. I see you heard the news that I had someone come in about a job. You just missed him. I sent him to the diner to get some food, and he is to be back here once he is done. But I didn’t have time to tell you because Rami was here when the guy came in looking for a job and wanted to tell you.” Ryan explained.

“Ok, I will head to the diner and see what this guy is up to. He didn’t ask to speak to the alpha or the mayor or anything. So, I need to see if he is human or supernatural. What vibe did you get off of him, Ryan?” Kenda asked.

“He didn’t smell human, but something else. I know he wasn’t a werewolf or a vampire. I’m just not sure what, but he seemed like a nice guy and all. He seemed like he wanted to stick around a while. Like he is looking for a home.” Ryan said.

“All right, I will talk with him and find out why he didn’t come to me and if he is on the up and up, you can give him that job if you want too.” Kenda said as she walked out to head to the diner. She just wondered why he didn’t follow protocol if he was a supernatural. If he was human, her people would have been able to tell and it wouldn’t have been such a big deal. There has to be a reason. She was pondering what the reasons could be when she reached the diner and could tell that something was off when everyone was quiet when she walked in. They looked at her and then to the back of the diner where the guy she was looking for was sitting eating his lunch. She shook her head at everyone to go back to doing what they were doing and let her handle this. They all went back to their own conversations and their lunch. She walked back to the gentleman sitting in the back.

“Good afternoon sir, I see you are new in town. Let me welcome the Moon Goddess. So what brings you to our small town?” Kenda asked.

“Thank you for that welcome, but I am not interested in talking to anyone right now. So if you can just leave me alone, that would be great. I don’t need you in my business and I’m here looking for work and a place to live. Now go away.” The man said

Kenda was getting a read on him as he talked and he was a hybrid and he was new to this. He hadn’t changed until late and he was confused about what was going on with him and it scared him. He didn’t know the rules because he wasn’t raised in the supernatural world. He was part werewolf and something magical. It was the magical part that was keeping his scent from being noticed if you didn’t know what magic smelled like. Kenda sat down at his table and looked at him.

“Don’t be rude to me, I am the Alpha of this territory and you will show me some respect. I know what you are and how you keep your scent at bay. So listen to me closely. You can’t live here if you will not join my pack. You can’t get a job here without my approval. You need to speak with me before anyone here will trust you to give you anything. Now the way you were talking to me doesn’t sit well in me giving you approval for anything. So, you want to talk to me now?” Kenda asked

“How do you know so much about me? I just found out I am a year ago and no one could help me. So how can you? With me being new to all of this, I don’t know all the rules. They raised me in a human orphanage. I’m sorry for how I behaved, I just didn’t want someone to pick a fight with me, it gets hard to control when I get mad. I need help and everywhere I have been most want to fight or just don’t want to give me a job or anything. So can you help me?” The man asked.

“First, tell me your name and then tell me about yourself. Then we can see what happens. Is that a deal?” Kenda asked.

“My name is Slaton. I’m twenty-three years old and they put me in a human orphanage when I was five. I don’t remember my parents or anything. They told me that some people found me in the woods and brought me to the sheriff in town and they called someone else then I was put in the orphanage and was there until I turned eighteen and I left. I thought I was human until a year ago when I got jumped by four guys and I changed somehow. I threw them without even touching them and I was standing on two legs but in fur and a long nose. Then I ran and have been drifting from here and there and not getting close to anyone. Then I had a dream of this place and figured I would try it out.” Slaton explained.

“Can you tell me about the dream?” Kenda asked.

“Why do you want to hear about that? It was just telling me to come here and be happy. That I will find what I am looking for. There was a lovely woman guiding me in the dream. Not much really.” Slaton said.

“See people that say they dream of this place usually need something or are looking for my help and protection. They seek me out because I give them a place to belong. I was trying to figure out if you were like the rest or if it was something more.” Kenda explained.

“I really don’t know why it brought me here, but she did and I hope that I will find whatever I am here to find that I didn’t know I was looking for.” Slaton responded with a shrug and looked at his watch and then looked back at Kenda.

“Come on, I will walk with you back to Ryan’s business. If you are looking for a job, Ryan is a good person to work for. I will also let him know you are good to work with and he can hire you and then introduce you to Cindy, She runs the apartments for unmated males. I will give you two days to join my pack or you can leave and I can tell you a few other packs that you would be welcome into.” Kenda told him as she got up and walked towards the door with him on her heels. They walked in silence to the tattoo shop. Neither one will break the silence between them until they reach the shop.

“Ryan we are back to talk with you.” Kenda spoke as she entered the tattoo shop.

“That’s great. When are you going to let me put some art on you? It’s good to see you again, Slaton.” Ryan replied to them both.

“I haven’t figured out what I want yet, and you didn’t tell me you knew his name,” Kenda responded to Ryan with a little smirk on her face

“Can you stop talking about me like I am not standing right here? I came to see if I can have that job with Ryan. I would like to stick around a little while to see this place.” Slaton asked.

“What did Kenda say to you about the job?” Ryan asked right back.

“I guess I still don’t completely understand why Kenda has a say. I don’t mean no harm Kenda I am just trying to understand. All the other places I have been to have had males as Alpha’s, but you tell me your Alpha and yet you’re a woman. I don’t understand.” Slaton explained

It was Ryan you spoke instead of Kenda to answer Slaton on this. Ryan was proud to have Kenda as his Alpha and wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Well, I will tell you this. Don’t disrespect her around anyone here in this town. We are all proud to have her as our Alpha. She has earned everyone’s trust here, and the council has chosen her spot as Alpha to become Queen of the supernaturals. She has fought her way to the top and proved she has what it takes to care for the ones she cares about and she has done this all without a mate and we all stand by her here. So if you want a job your loyalty has to be to her and we all have to trust that you have her back and ours. We are a family here, and we have many types of supernaturals here. She has helped us all get along and work together as a family. She is a fair Alpha and doesn’t rule with fear and force. Do you understand now?” Ryan asked with suspicion in his eyes.

“I see that she is loved and highly respected. She has given me two days to decide, and your speech has helped a little. I just need a job and a place to stay so I can get a feel for the place to give her an answer.” Slaton responded with a smile.

“Ryan it’s okay. Thank you for the lovely words. He can work for you temporarily until he decides and can take him to the unmated males apartments so he can get one please.” Kenda jumped into the conversation before it got out of hand.

“Sure Kenda, not a problem. You know a crown and a moon would look good on your right arm. Just saying.” Ryan added in just to see Kenda smile before she left without another word. Leaving both men looking after her and watching her as she walked out the door.


While everyone was doing their own thing in the pack. Some were at work and some on patrol. Doing what all good pack members should.

Pov Unknown

There was death coming for a few wolves that had been helping Kenda to become the royal pack. It was the start of the war to come. No one knew who or when death was coming, but it will fall on a few littles expecting to be touched by it all. It will come in fast and be quick when it takes them out. They won’t know what it is until the afterlife awakes them. There is no warning, there will be no clue, all that will be left in the body. You are wondering right now how I know this, how can I have all of this knowledge? That is a secret that you will have to learn. Don’t guess? It would not be used to figure me out. I am who I am and I do what I must. I come when I am called upon and do what I am told. I have no true master, but you must pay a high price. Most fear me and some try to defeat me. I am around because I help keep the balance of life. You can’t destroy me, but you can send me away until I am called upon once again. You all will learn who I am soon enough, now it’s time to just make my presence known.

Pov Councilwoman Lorgen

How I wish I was back in my twenties again. With my long black hair and my deep blue eyes, roses red lips. I may only be five foot two, but everyone knew I was good at being a chief’s daughter and could fight with the best of them. Now I am on the council, and my age has finally caught up with me. I am moving slower and I have grey in my once midnight black hair. I still can fight, but not like I used to. I feel that my time on this earth is ending. I just am not sure how or when. I just have this feeling that it will not be how I would like to go out. I must leave some information behind for Kenda because I feel that she is in great danger. I just hope I can get it to her before I meet my end.

Kenda Pov

I can’t believe this feeling that just woke me up. It’s not a good feeling. What am I supposed to do about how I feel right now? I know something is heading my way, I just am not sure what is coming. I need to talk with Tia to see if she can help me. I have to know what is coming my way. It feels like death is on the horizon. Laying back down, it takes a long time to fall back to sleep.

Waking up the next morning I call Tia for help, and once that is done. My phone rings, and it’s the council.

"Kenda we have some news to tell you. Set down for this." Council said on the other end of the phone.

“Why do you have to tell me and what is this about?” Kenda asked.

“This may come as a shock to you or it may not. We had a death on the council last night. It was Councilwoman Lorgen. I believe you guys were close so I wanted you to hear it from us before someone else told you.” Council informed her.

“NO, that can’t be. She was going to come here next week to talk with me about something. Do we know how she died?” Kenda asked with sadness in her voice.

“We are not sure at this time about her death. Do you know what she wanted to talk to you about? Maybe we can help.” Council asked.

“When you find out about her death I want to know. She never said what she wanted to talk to me about. I wish I knew now so maybe all of this would make sense to me.” Responded Kenda.

“We will get back to you once we know more. We are truly sorry about all of this Kenda.” Council said as they hung the phone.

What is going on. She was in good health. Why would she have died, there has to be more to all of this. I will need to talk with Tia and her mother to see if they can tell me if there is anything coming my way. I will get to the bottom of this.

“Alpha Kenda, we have a problem on the south side border. Can you come quick” Patrol guard asked.

“Yes I will be right there.” Kenda responded to her guard.

With so much on my mind and now we are having problems on our south border. I know there is more going on here then we all know. I just don’t know what it is just yet. How much more can I take before I break. That is starting to become a very good question at this point.When I arrived at the south border, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I could tell that death was here. There were dead animals all over the place. What I found to be the most disturbing thing was the four dead rogue wolves at my border. I also didn’t smell anything that could have caused all of this. So now I am wondering what may have caused all of this.

“Did any of you see anything?” Kenda asked

“Alpha we saw nothing , except the bodies falling from the sky. To land just like this. We didn’t see what dropped them or anything.” The first guard proclaimed.

“They fell from the sky and you didn’t see what dropped them. Ok then I must find out what this is. What could have done this. Keep your eyes open, I am sure this was just the beginning of it all.” Kenda told them all.

Walking back to the pack house I got this feeling that I was being watched. I had a feeling that my step father was behind this somehow. I just need to find out how. I ran to the pack house as fast as I could to make a few calls. I needed to get some answers on what this could be. Once I made it back I called the Elite pack to talk with Alpha Elijah.

“Alpha Elijah, We have a problem here and I am not sure what is the cause of it. It is death. But it has no smell. It dropped the bodies from the sky and no one saw anything. What could do such a thing?” Alpha Kenda asked.

“I will be right there. If it is what I think it is then we all are in trouble.” Alpha Elijah said.

“Thank you Alpha Elijah. I will wait till you arrive here so we can talk about this matter.” Replied Alpha Kenda.

I had to call for a pack meeting so I can inform the pack we may be under some kind of an attack. I just can’t tell them from what. How do I inform my pack that something is killing all around us and may try to take us down as well. I will call just the high ranking packing members first and then once we know more I will tell the others. So I called all my high ranking wolves to my office. It took them no time at all to show up in my office with all kinds of questions. I looked at all of them to see if they were ready for what I am about to say.

“I have a lot to talk to you all about and it’s not going to be easy to hear. Some of you might have already heard about the south border. We had a lot of death over there. Bodies were found all over the border. There were rogues and other animals. The thing is that no one saw anything that could have done it. It also didn’t leave any kind of smell behind. I have Alpha Elijah coming over here to help us. He thinks he may know what it is. Do any of you have any questions?” Alpha Kenda announced the situation to her high ranking wolves.

“Could your step father be involved in this?” Tony asked.

“I thought that too. But I think he would attack us directly.” replied Kenda.

“Have you called the witches to see if they may know anything about this?” Toby asked.

“Yes, I have put in a call to the coven to see if they can help or if they have any information on this matter.” Kenda responded

They all sat in silence waiting for Alpha Elijah to get there to help. Then I got the word that he was waiting at the gate. I informed the guards to let him pass so he could come to the pack house. It didn’t take long from there for Alpha Elijah to be at my office.

“Welcome Alpha Elijah.” Kenda said as she walked to him and hugged him.

“Thank you. Now tell me everything that has happened and I will need to see any of the bodies that were found as well as the place where you found them.” Alpha Elijah informed them all

“Ok we can go now to the bodies, they were being held for you. Once we are done there I will take you to the place where they were found. Can you give me any information about what you think could have done this and do you think my stepfather is involved?” Kenda asked with pleading eyes.

“My dear, I don’t want to alarm you about all of this, but if I am right then I will tell you this. Someone had to have called to be awoke and is now its master for a while anyway. I just hope that I am wrong.” Alpha Elijah responded

“That doesn’t sound comforting at all. You know I only recall one story of pure evil when I was younger and I didn’t think it was really true. But you seem to think that it is. So if you're right then you must know what it is and I hope you know how we can stop it.” Kenda went on to say then stopped because of the look on Alpha Elijah’s face.

I couldn’t describe the look that was on his face. It was like he just saw a ghost or something. He looked scared all at the same time, I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

“Alpha Elijah are you okay? You seem to be in another place right now.” Kenda asked

“This is worse than I thought. It is a dragon that I thought was gone a long time ago. He was known as Death, but his name was Drago. He was like a brother to me at one time. He got mixed up with a black coven,because one of them had him convinced that she was his mate and tricked him and turned his soul evil. I thought the white coven was able to kill him but it looks like they were only able to make him sleep for a long time. Someone has brought him back to do their bidding and he will want his revenge on me as well.” Alpha Elijah told them

“Why would he want revenge on you Sir?” Tony asked

“I gave my help to the white coven to find him and put him down. He will see that as betrayal.” Alpha Elijah explained

“Can you tell us what he looks like? Does he have any weakness? How did the white coven defeat him the first time?” Toby asked what everyone else was thinking.

“It won’t be that easy this time around. He will have come up with away to protect himself this time. We were able to put a deep sleep spell on him but at a cost to one of the white witches. They had to give up their life to save the world from him. It won’t be like that this time. But first we will need to find who woke him up.”

“Where should we start? I have a call into the white coven already to see if they have any information on this matter. We will need to keep everyone safe and we will need to find the person who woke him fast.” Kenda was telling everyone what needed to happen all the while wondering how she was going to be able to keep everyone she cared about safe from the Dragon known as Death.

To be continued………..


About the Creator

Tiawni Seward

She is a single mother of a 16 year old girl. She started writing when her older three children were small. Now she tells stories to her grandchildren and youngest daughter. She has one book that she self-published on Amazon.

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