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When the Creatures Invaded

Humanity Didn’t Know What To Expect

By Sabrina LaRoccoPublished 3 years ago 16 min read
When the Creatures Invaded
Photo by Samuel Scrimshaw on Unsplash

I’ve been sitting alone in this room for hours. The only thing that stands out is my heart-shaped locket on the table. I’m trying not to to look at it, but there’s nothing else to look at in this room ! The walls are all gray, this chair is steel, the floor is also metallic, and my clothes are just as gray as everything else. Im sick of this color! Still, I don’t dare look at the necklace. I know the creatures are watching, and I don’t want to draw attention to myself. The creatures can see EVERYTHING, physical and invisible, and they don’t need cameras or eyeballs to do it. I doubt they’re interested in the “physical” anyways. They use their invisible power far more often. The creatures have a powerful piece of technology that makes all human weaponry seem primitive in comparison. At our facility, we call this technology, EMR, electromagnetic radiation, based on a theory that a group of college students came up with.

The students developed, and shared, their theory with everyone in the facility, room by room. They explained that the EMR technology probably uses electromagnetic radiation to alter energetic frequencies in order to observe, calculate, and manipulate any form of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum, invisible and physical. The Universe, and everything in it, is made off energy, and humans can only see a sliver of this spectrum, physical forms of energy, with our naked eye, the visibility spectrum. The visibility spectrum is only a sliver of the entire spectrum. The vast majority of energy in the Universe is invisible to our naked eye like X-rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared, etc. What we can see is only a sliver of what is.

With EMR, the creatures can observe, calculate, and manipulate all forms of energy, at will. This includes, but is not limited to, raising one’s body temperature, or the environment’s temperature, dangerously high, causing a person, or group of people, to be burned alive seemingly by the air around them. The creatures also electrically stun people which causes temporary paralysis that usually lasts 1-3 days, but sometimes can last well over a week. A few people starved to death after being paralyzed for too long after being stunned on an empty stomach. Stunning is still relatively new at our facility. The creatures started stunning people about a month ago after a mob of people in our facility devised an escape plan that ended up killing 3 creatures. They almost succeeded in their escape too, until temperatures rose, and the mob was burned to nothingness. After that incident, the creatures began stunning to prevent people from fighting back or trying to escape. They even stunned people BEFORE they did anything wrong. The students theorize that since the creatures have access to all energetic forms, they can view our bodies electrical activity, which occurs within us and around us. The EMR uses that data to calculate a person’s next move. This would be groundbreaking technology, if it wasn’t completely flawed. The technology misinterprets all bursts of emotion as a person’s attempt to escape or fight back. Most people are stunned mistakenly. The students summed up their theory by saying, “The creatures can see beyond us, physically, they see us electrically.”

At this very moment, the creatures are probably measuring my heart rate, monitoring my body temperature, calculating the frequencies in my nervous system, or whatever it is that they do! Maybe they can read all my thoughts word for word. Maybe they can even see my memory frame by frame, I don’t know what to expect from these creatures, or their technology. That’s why I can’t look at the necklace! if I evoke any response within myself, then who knows what they’ll do. Burn me? Stun me? No one knew what to expect from them. We, humans, couldn’t fathom a technology like EMR, let alone defend ourselves against it. We were powerless against the invasion.

The invasion was 3 months ago, although, Im not entirely sure. I haven’t seen a calendar since the day of the invasion which was April 4th. I was at home with my little sister, Marie, and our mom, Susan, when all the screens in our house lit up at once. Cell phones, tablets, TVs,, they all showed the same footage on their screen. A reptilian creature appeared and gave a short message: All humans have 12 hours to seek shelter at the nearest high school, hospital, or prison facility. All else will be burned. After the transmission ended, a timer appeared on all the screens, counting down from 12 hours. I wanted it to be a joke so bad, but then I heard the sirens. Within an hour, tanks were rolling down the street. Suddenly, I knew this was more serious than anything we’ve ever experienced. The tanks played a recorded message, on a loop, over the loudspeaker: This is a credible threat, seek shelter at your nearest high school, hospital, or prison. All available help will be at these facilities.

Me and my mom debated what to do for hours. We had 3 choices: stay here and possibly die, seek shelter at one of the facilities, or stand near the facility and see what happens. This was a sickening decision to make. If it wasn’t for Marie, I would stay home and risk death rather than walk into such danger and uncertainty just because an alien told me to! Marie is 7 years old though, and I can’t risk death for her. The thought of anything bad happening to her makes my stomach turn. I fought off the nausea to stay focused, for me and my family, for then and now. We chose to seek shelter at the nearest facility, which was a high school about a mile from our house. We figured this option had the highest chance of survival, and we were right. Actually, this was our only chance at survival. Everyone else who stayed home or waited outside the facility, died a painful death. As soon as the 12 hours were up, thousands of people died outside our facility, right in front of our very eyes. They were burned alive by a seemingly invisible force, the air around them.

There are 5-10,000 people at our facility, in this high school. Each classroom holds about 20 families in them. It was complete pandemonium for the first few weeks as we all got situated, but eventually, we all found our place. Military and police officers met in a group everyday to work on a plan. They even addressed the facility twice a day with a speech in the morning and a at night. They were good people, but we all knew the truth. They didn’t know what to do, what to expect. None of us did. Two weeks later, the creatures gave us a message over the school’s PA system, “All belongings must be placed outside in front of the facility. Any one with a belonging will be burned.” Most people obliged, including a handful officers who gave up their weapons. They lived. The officers who didn’t give up their weapons, died in battle.

Me, mom, and Marie gathered our belongings and put them in a pile. We took one last look. After we put our stuff outside, it will surely be burned. We took one long moment to cherish our belongings for the last time. It wasn’t much on the surface, but these were our last pieces of home that we had left. That pile of clothes, pictures, notebooks, blankets, books, scrap books, and a few of Marie’s toys was the last of us. Then we will have nothing left but our own selfs. Suddenly, I would do anything to keep our stuff, at least one item. My heart has hardly any hope left! What would my life become without our stuff? I didn’t see a light at the end of this tunnel, so I made a choice.

While mom and Marie took our belongings outside, I stayed back to save our spot. Our spot is a small section in the middle of classroom 303, which can includes 3 cots and only a few inches of space between them. We were living like sardines. I didn’t tell my family about the necklace. It was well-worth the risk in my mind. I wanted them to enjoy the perks of being able to hold the necklace, especially on a hard day, but I couldn’t risk their lives. I hid my necklace so well! Our cots are made of this thin metal material and the legs are hollow. I unscrewed one of the screws on the cot’s leg and put my necklace in the screw hole. I had to bend up my locket to fit in the tiny screw hole, but luckily, it only looks looks like gold so it was easy to bend. I twisted the screw back in and only took my necklace out on rarest occasion. My heart-shaped locket has a foot prints on the outside, and when you open the locket, there’s an engraving on the inside that says, “When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.” This necklace has always symbolized protection to me and has always helped me feel connected to God,. This has been a helpful tool in keeping me grounded, especially moments where I feel weak or overwhelmed. I feel a little piece of love whenever I hold the necklace and take-in it’s energy from better days. I imagine I’ll be needing any piece of love I can get nowadays. In that moment, it was well worth the risk. Now, I’m not so sure.

Two weeks after they burned our belongings, the creatures arrived in person, and it was a terrifying sight to see. Marie, and all the other children, screamed at the top of their lungs in utter fear. It broke our hearts to see thousands of children scream, all at once, for half of a second before being stunned, all at once. They were paralyzed for 3 days. Seeing them like that was worse than hearing their screams. 500-1,000 creatures arrived in army-like fashion in groups of 20 and surrounded the facility. The officers who kept their weapons tried to put up a fight. They even managed to kill 10 creatures before being burned to a crisp. We honor our fallen comrades for their bravery, but the creatures didn’t even seem to notice their fallen comrades. The creatures didn’t even react to their deaths; they left their dead on the ground and didn’t look back.

The creatures entered the facility, scanned each room with some type of device, and left. I was frozen with fear as they scanned our room. They didn’t find anything, Thank God. I breathed the biggest breath of relief I’ve ever breathed. The creatures scattered clothes around the facility, gray pants, gray shirts, gray socks. They put food and water throughout the facility, although there’s never enough for all of us . Months have gone by, and we are still as uncertain as ever.

A creature is coming now. I hear it’s heavy footsteps getting closer to the door. I have no idea what to expect. They found my necklace this morning, and I thought they would’ve killed me right away. I definitely didn’t expect them to bring me anywhere alive. I can’t tell if the creatures are mad or if I’m in trouble. They’re emotionless creatures. They have no body language, no facial expressions, no tone in their voice, not a single sign that would help me figure out what they’re thinking or how they’re feeling. A 7 foot tall male reptilian entered the room. I‘ve never been this close to one of them. They don’t wear any clothes, they’re just covered head-to-toe in leathery, dark green scales. Their hands and feet are scaly and swollen, and instead of fingernails, they have claws. I’ve never seen the movie Godzilla, but this is what I imagine Godzilla looks like. Aside from the creature’s physical appearance, their intelligence is similar to humans.

They are technologically advanced, purposeful planners, organized, and even speak language. However, something is different. Something is missing in them, and I cant fully explain it. They don’t seem to have any emotions of their own and they certainly don’t understand human emotion, let alone care about them.

The creature wastes no time as he enters the room and says, “You are here to provide information about the technology on the table.” I looked at my necklace on the table and almost laughed. I said, “This?! This is a piece of jewelry. It’s not technology.” The reptile replied in a robotic voice, “10 hours ago, our monitors observed you touch this technology and activate an internal physiological response that affected your immediate surroundings. This created an unknown energy form. We seek information regarding this technology and the unknown energy form.” Activated a response? An unknown energy form? What?! “This is only metallic material!” I said, “There’s not even any electricity inside this necklace! It’s just a tiny piece of steel, no different than a nail.” I fought back tears as I tried to explain myself, “It doesn’t do anything at all, I swear! I just wear it around my neck, like a piece of clothing. It just makes me feel good when I hold it.”

The reptile said, “After touching this piece of technology, the electromagnetic frequencies within you, and 3 feet of space around you, were altered into an unknown form of energy. What is this technology and what is the energy form?” They’re not even listening to me.

I remember closing my eyes, meditating on the necklace , and letting myself drift into a brief moment of happiness before the creatures barged in. They knocked over the dividers in the room and caught me red-handed. The unknown energy form that they’re referring to, is most likely that brief moment of happiness, my emotional response to the necklace. That unknown energy form is love. I always knew love was real, I just didn’t know how real it really was, it’s own energy form, just like everything else in the Universe. We just can’t see it with our naked eye, just like most of the Universe. Amazing. The creatures think my necklace is the power source for love? That’s laughable! Emotions, like Love, are powered from within us, and their energy emits outwards from that source. There is no technology at work here. My necklace is merely an optional tool in the love-activating process. Emotions, like Love, are completely alien to these creatures, all they can see is an unknown response on their monitors.

I decided to put on a show. If they want me to touch the necklace and activate a love-response, then I’ll touch the necklace and activate a love response so they can see it again. Then, hopefully, they will leave me alone. I said, “I can’t explain. Let me show you.” I picked up the necklace, still shaking from all that’s happened. I knew I wasn’t calm yet, and I would need to be calm for this to work. The creature only gave me a few seconds before he said, “no response”. I’m going to have to calm down in order to activate the response. This is extremely difficult while a creature is staring at me, and I know more are watching beyond the walls. I tried a second time, closed my eyes, and silence my mind before the creature’s loud voice, snapped me out of it. “No response.” Okay, I have to refocus my energy like I did earlier. I let myself drift into my memory as I remembered how I got this necklace. On the inside of the necklace there is a quote from a poem, “When you saw only one set of footsteps it was then that I carried you.” A week before I found this necklace, I found the poem on a park stone while I was on vacation. I was so touched by the poem I prayed by the stone for over an hour, which was not typical of me. A few days later, I saw the poem again. This time, the poem was posted on my friends front door. A few days later, I found the necklace. It was in a box of Marie’s dress up jewelry. When I found it, I couldn’t believe the synchronicity that revolved around the poem. All in one week! I bawled my eyes out. It was the first moment I truly believed in God. A euphoric moment, unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced.

I snapped out of it at the sound of the creatures snarling as he said, “Response recorded.” The creature grabbed my hand, and the necklace dropped onto the table. The creature quickly picked it up, clenched it in his fists, and stared at it for a brief moment before saying, “no response.” The creature turned back to me and with the necklace in front of my face and said “This technology caused a reaction within you, and that reaction produced a powerful, unknown form of energy. Explain the process for duplication purposes. Immediately.” How do I answer that? The process was a mixture of reminiscing, meditation, balanced breathing, etc., but this is my personal way of activating a love-response. Every one is different. Every person activates the love within them in their own ways. I can’t even imagine how a creature would do it. They’re not like us.

I tried to explain, “the energy form is love, it’s like an emotion, but it’s not technological. The power source is within each of us and in the connections we make between us and others, like myself and the necklace. I can teach you how to activate your own power source, but it will take some time to develop.” The creature responded, “Explain the development process and the necessary criteria that will be needed to sustain an efficient power source for the energy form.” These creatures don’t get it. They’re not even trying to get it. Love is powerful, but not in an electrical, technologically way like they’re perceiving it. Surely if these creatures learn to love, it would be a game changer, but that seems like a brick wall in this moment. I said, “It will takes 3 months to develop, through little exercises every day. I can teach you. Love is an emotion, it’s energy cannot be activated technologically. Even if you do manage to do that, it’s power is not technological, you can only use that power on yourself and those around you, and it is not forceful. It is positive. There’s no ultimate purpose you can achieve with this energy form. It is only good.” The creature didn’t respond for a minute. He just stared at me in silence. All of a sudden, another creature opened the door and said, “Human is being euthanized, please bring the body and the technology to Test room 1 where further examinations will be conducted”. These idiots! They’re going to kill me and literally look inside me?! That’s senseless! That’s like smashing a TV and looking for a TV show in the broken pieces. They don’t understand! The creature turned to me, emotionally baron, as he said, “You are being euthanized and transferred to Test room 1 for further examination.”


About the Creator

Sabrina LaRocco

Spirituality 🌬

Science ⚛️

Psychology 🧠

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